Bender has left the building.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I have much more packing to do, but the important thing for me is that I've started. I have the trailer so I'll be able to haul a bunch of stuff out of here tomorrow. I can do more car trips next week before resuming the trailer moves next weekend. I have to be out of here by the 31st, so New Year's Eve I'll spend in Sammamish (I always thought it was Issaquah). I've been looking for a house needing roomates on Craig's List and more recently on Windows Live Expo. I want to stay in Bellevue because I'm optimistic about getting accepted to school for next year. Please tell me that you are optimistic for me too.
As for the holidays I've lined up a Christmas Eve party in Mill Creek with some runner friends and I'm treating myself to some steelhead fishing for Christmas Day. I thought that was very nice of myself. Thanks self. I can't feel guilty about not moving on Christmas, so I thought I'd really enjoy the day out on the river, and I will. Depending on what happens up there I may head down to Orting to see Jesse and family. Well, thanks for tuning in. I hope your holidays are very enjoyable and your new year stellar.
Monday, December 18, 2006
"December 18, 2006 -- A Sun-Pluto conjunction on your birthday means it is time for a change - and the bigger the change the better. Whatever it is you have been dreaming of doing now is the time to take it to the next level. Don't look back a year from now and wish you had been more adventurous. Your life is here, now."
What I'd like is to find a new apartment. I'm working on the rest of it.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
This was taken on Mercer Island today. I got a few hours of work today, and almost more importantly, some gas. We worked on our big property on Mercer Island, clearing limbs from walks and streets. There are more trees down like this onto buildings there. I saw a few cars wrecked similarly. I'll get more overtime work tomorrow too working at the same place. I guess I can get ready to move when it is dark and I'll make my money during the daylight. I hope all of you fellow denizens of Western Washington are well and warm. I hope you have gasoline too. I hope to fill up in Mukilteo tomorrow. Y'all take care.
Friday, December 15, 2006
This was a typical sight throughout Bellevue today. Yesterday's wind storm knocked out power to most of the eastside and Seattle. I was lucky to have today off so I was spared from most of the driving hell. I did go out to look for an open coffee shop. I didn't find any so I went home with my one purchase from Fred Meyers and then set up my camp stove to heat water for my french press. That really tasted good.
I took my new camera phone with me on my run today and this is one of the pictues I took. The downed trees I saw were on SE 16th St. and 168th Ave SE near Weowna Park in Bellevue. The damage is covered by the Seattle Times here and Komo 4 here.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
"When you watch Baker in motion, don't think he's working for you. He's working for the Bush family, and more broadly, the Republican Party, Corporate America and the defense industry."
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Enough of the profanity. Some people just suck though. Here is my latest catch. This guy put up a great fight. I headed up to the river after work yesterday and as you can see I was rewarded for it. He cleared the water twice jumping. It took me a few minutes to get him to shore to see whether I could keep him or not. He didn't like the idea of heading toward the rocks so he tried to run a few times. This time I kept the drag loose so he wouldn't break my line, but I also had to be careful he didn't get himself behind any rocks he could rub the jig and line against. I made this jig. You can see it above his head. I measured him at 31 inches. I need a bigger cutting board and sink, and a sharper knife with more like him.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
This is a better picture by far. The other pic came from my cameraphone. I like that I can send it directly from the river, but the quality is lacking. I lost the jig and float I got it on after I left that hole. I'm meeting Bob and Eric up there tomorrow and I'm very tempted to go swimming for it. This fish kind of surprised me because up until now all that I had gotten had been snags. This snag moved. And then I was thinking, holy shit - it worked. It had always been the other guy who would pull one out of there. As I was walking out of there I was still a little surprised to have it in tow. Very cool.
It is very good too. Half of it is cooked. I marinated it with basil, garlic, lemon juice, salt & pepper and some store brand red wine vinaigrette. Oh yeah, there is olive oil in there too. Cous cous and some stir fry vegetables rounded out my meal. I could eat like this every day. I guess all that cooking I did stuck some. I need to learn the art if filleting better though. Y'all have a great week.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Here is the Peace Pagoda,
This order of Buddhism is dedicated to peace. I was idealistic, yes, but I still think that working for peace with peace is a much more rational way to approach that realization rather than the fearmongering and senseless war we find ourselves in right now. 'make sense? Here is a quote I particularly like from Seth and Jane Roberts, in Susan Watkins' "Conversations with Seth, Book one" pp230-232:
"But when all the young men refuse to kill for the sake of peace, and when all the women forbid their men to kill for the sake of peace, and when you realize that no peace will come through killing, and that the end does not justify the means, and when you grow full and light with thoughts of peace, then there will be an end to war! But as long as any men go to war for the sake of peace, there will be war. And as long as any woman teaches her sons how to go to war because of love of peace, there will be war.
"You make your world. When you populate your world with ideas of peace, then peace will grow. When you think thoughts of aggression, you attract aggression and you draw it out from others in daily contact, and on the part of nations.
"When you do not understand yourselves, you project what you do not understand upon others - upon your friends and associates - and then you become afraid of what you do not understand, not understanding that it is your own fear. And you do the same thing as a nation with other nations. There is no way to ensure peace but for every man, every man, to lay down his arms."
"And there is no other way to have peace but to believe in peace"
Friday, September 08, 2006
"I remember thinking that one might easily write a book with two very different versions of how the world would respond to this attack on the West.
"One version would describe people coming to their senses about the ravages of war and the need to see the world as an interconnected whole. In this scenario, the endless photos of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center towers would propel Irish Catholics and Protestants and Central African Hutus and Tutsis and other historical enemies to realize they could live together and resolve their conflicts without slaughtering each other."
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Bob and I climbed to Camp Muir on Mt. Rainier last week. I wanted to post a bigger picture than this but the next size on Flickr is way too big. This is a few pictures put together. It was cool up there in the 60's, with some wind. I think we were slower getting up there than last year. There is more snow in the Muir Snowfield but hazards still exist. Avoid the blue spots. You can hear water running underneath and the footing is poor. I have more pics to assemble.
I got my CPR certificate yesterday. Tomorrow I'll get stuck with more needles, hopefully finishing off my vaccination routine. The Nursing Assistant Certified course will start the 9th of October. More small steps.
Writing of "small steps," I'm going to try out my leg this afternoon. I am hopeful after last week's climb that I'm ready to start running again. Wish me luck. I need luck with the steelhead too. I might have had some bites yesterday, it's hard to tell. One of the CPR instructors was telling me about his steelhead experiences. He echoed the sentiments of others, that the first steelhead fight will be memorable. Without exception, this is what I've been hearing. 'hope so.
Y'all have a splendid day.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Tomorrow Bob and I will be climbing Mount Rainier. This is our annual hike to Camp Muir. I don't have to run the day before this time (see "current regimen" above) in order to give myself a handicap. I'm not even packed yet. This should be fun.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Here is another shot of Mount St. Helens, as taken by my sister. We would have had to have paid a fee if we had wanted to get any further. They were happy with what they were seeing. It is really quite a sight.
After a school related meeting this morning and then some domestic laundry duties, I'll head back out to the river for some steelhead fishing. This is the hole I'm working on in Index. No bites yet. Y'all have a great week.
Monday, July 31, 2006
After some fishing in Sultan with Eric this morning, I drove down the road to the Wallace River Hatchery. Here are a load of Salmon; Kings I think. Correct me if I'm wrong. I ordered my steelhead pole, reel and line this morning. I figured that all that money spent (uh, credit card) on the car's transmission, without anything other than my freedom of movement to show for it, I would order something for my renewed hobby. Eric landed some small salmon and took one home. I didn't get anything. I think that river will be closed now for a month. My next task will be to get this place cleaned up for the arrivals of Jeannie and Jesse. They won't be staying here but they give me a good incentive straighten this place out. Two relatives in the same week - from all the way across the country. Who'll be next?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I went back to the Wooden Boats Festival a few weeks back. I like the position of these two ships together. I have more pictures of fishing and the festival (different days). Here is a quick update: I have a cold, the transmission in the car is being rebuilt, work is taking all the energy out of me, I'm still not running and it seems that I'm not getting anywhere either. I have new seed beads though. I wish I had more time for that. Lee got the first string. Happy birthday. Y'all have a great rest of the week. Time for bed.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy Independence Day. Go here and listen to this reading. Listen to the grievances and think about our present predicament. Remember what Ben Franklin said, "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Don't let tyranny pull up a chair and make itself at home. Throw the bums out.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
I took a ride up to the North Cascades yesterday. This picture is from Darrington on Rte. 530. From the map this must be Whitehorse Mtn. It was a long trip, so by the time I got this far my hands were getting cold. I didn't get back in time to have one of Dad's cigars for Father's day.
He's been gone for seven years now. I was in Florida pretty much wasting my time. Some day I'll fugure out the significance of my time there. I learned how to cook, among other skills. I just might have over-extended my stay. I was supposed to be out here in Washington a few years earlier. This may sound like nonsense, but I was to meet an asian woman and have a kid. That didn't happen. That was a probable self. The girl would be about seven or eight now. I dreamt of her once. Beautiful.
If I had gone out west at that time then I might not have gone home to take care of Mom. Wow, Mom followed two years later. Was that five years ago now? I gotta get going myself. Landscaping aint cutting it (um, no pun intended).
I don't expect Dad's cigars to be any good by now, and not that they were in the first place. Dad preferred cheap ones. He doesn't have a cigar or pipe, but here he is with Mom, Jonathan and the three girls, before Chris and I were thought of. Thanks for the picture Scott.
A little slice of time.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
This may not sound like news, but for me getting this done, for some reason, is a sort of breakthrough. I repaired my chaps today. The snaps on the left leg were all broken. For the longest time I had to use duct tape to keep the leather from flapping around and then unzipping as I rode. This was driving me crazy. I was good as long as the duct tape held. I replaced the snaps on the left leg and used some rivets to secure the zippers on both sides. I see a metaphor in here but I don't really want to address it. The chaps are whole again. I went to a craft store in Issaquah and found most of the supplies I needed, and then a few thumps with a hammer and I was back in business. Woo hoo. I'll take my victories where I can get 'em.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Here is my apartment as blue:
It really turned the outside red. Pretty cool I think.
Here is a picture of the bike in front of the Wenatchee River just outside of Leavenworth. The rest of the ride was sort of wet so I didn't get many more pictures than this. I got onto 522 and kept going on 2 after I couldn't find the road I was looking for. I figured I was on the bike for about six hours. I went through three mountain passes and realized that I never want to live in Cle Elum; visiting there is just fine. I had a probable me bleed-through during the trip. It was very odd. I liked what my probable self was doing.
A few days ago I took my bicycle down off this hill and across the I90 bridge over to Seattle proper. The tunnel opens to the Philosophical Promenade. Nietzsche is quoted there:
It is kind odd to see Nietzsche and Plato over there. I was disappointed to not find Socrates. He was top shelf. Here is to an examined life. Cheers.
Aum Peace Peace Peace
Thursday, June 01, 2006
leavenworth 5-31-06
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
"The only error, Nixonites and their broad base of supporters determined, was getting caught. And so the difference between then and now is that this administration is even more secretive, using the War on Terror to claim preemptive legitimacy and secrecy over every action, no matter how absurd the supposed justification seems. They intend to circumvent the mistakes of the past. They don't intend to give any institution -- the Congress, the FISA court, the press -- the slightest hint of sunlight through which the new but familiar, ever-expanding 'programs' can be illuminated."
Read the rest.
Monday, May 15, 2006
I took the bike out for a ride yesterday and headed out towards Mt Rainier. I found out that 410, as it heads into the park, is closed, so I went up to the Crystal Mountain Ski Resort. This is what you see as you turn around to head back down the road. There is still some snow up there.
Today I returned to the Squak Nursery to get some plants for my deck. It proved to be a little expensive but I think will be rewarding once they take off and grow. The bugs should be happy too because I got some of their favorites, petunias and impatiens. I also picked up some plants for my empty bonzai planter. The miniature juniper is the right size now. I don't admit to knowing what to do with it if it survives. We have had beautiful weather here in the Seattle area. New England has been pretty wet. Even my brother up in New Hampshire is affected. Western Massachusetts seems to have been spared the worst of it.
I tried out my leg today and I think I can inch my way back into running, fingers crossed. I don't know what I'll be able to do next weekend though. I may pace some friends for their run.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I just clicked over to The Seattle Times and found this picture on their webcam. Pretty cool. Here is the link if you want to see what it looks like in your time-frame. You can go to this page and click on the picture. The javascript will pop it up for you.
I have to write this way down here so that it won't crowd the picture below.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Maybe this is where the motorcycle thing started. I remember wanting one for graduation. My mother laughed. I didn't really think about motorcycles after that until about 2000. Before that I identified more with bicycles even more than cars. If I could get by without a car right now I'd do it. This is a picture of me in front of my brother and his BSA. I'm told that my other brother and I used to run around saying, "BSA, BSA, BSA!" when Jonathan would show up with his motorcycle. If this picture was indeed taken in '66 or so then this was before he left for the service. Do I look 3 years old there? I don't remember much of the bike other than that. It was sacrificed to pay my parents' bills while he was in VietNam. One other thing I remember is my father thinking he could give me a ride on it or another, and of both of us falling. Any family members out there who remember better can correct me on this. I think I'm on my way to the city on my motorcyle right now in search of a book. Ciao.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Even though I knew there was a threat of rain, I took the bike out for a ride today. I looked on the radar and I thought it was clear a bit north because the rain seemed to be more to the south of I90. It turned out that there was a convergence zone up into Lake Stevens and Granite Falls. I got wet. This is a picture of the main drag through Granite Falls. I still haven't seen the falls there. I'm told they are very close to town. The wind was somethin' wicked today. It was no fun on the faster, less sheltered roadways.
Monday, May 01, 2006
These aren't the best pictures. I think they show the limitations of my relatively old camera. I went to the arboretum today after I cleaned up the motorcycle. The bike is shiny now and the arboretum is close to being in full bloom. The fruit trees are mostly past, the rhodies are colorful and the azaleas are getting ready. I also cleaned up the pots and plants on my deck this afternoon. I had to do something with myself since my leg won't let me run. This bites. I hope y'all had a great weekend. Mine ends tonight.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
I have been listening to this album lately. When I bought it I hardly played it. I guess I dated myself there. It is actually a CD. Do people "play" CDs, or do they rip the songs and then load them onto a portable ipod-type players? Holy crap, it is 12 years old. Where does the time go, while I toil away until I eventualy die? Two people lately have tried to convince me to leave the landscaping grind for better pastures. My sister wants me to seek out a lumber yard and a few running friends think I'd do well at a rental car place. The boss says he's putting in for a dollar raise. El cheapo won't go for that. Same old shit about me not running a larger crew, la la la... I worked for two today. I even sacrificed two of my own properties so that I could pick up an old folks apartment place for another crew. Randy couldn't get to it yesterday. It is a constant game of catch-up. There is never enough time and the pay bites. "Are you ready?"
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
My track workout this evening was fast. We were supposed to do mile repeats at a little slower than our 10k pace, but I wanted to run faster, so I picked a few guys who are a little faster than I am and then tried to stay with them. I did it. I even came through the last lap faster than the fast guy. I was very pleased that my body came through for me; a very nice sign. Our team did well at the Mt. Si Relay. We placed second in the Men's Masters division. It is the only time I have seen a second.
I'm having the fat kitty as a roomate next week. Lee will be down in California and I'm hoping little Nicky will be on his best behavior. I'm back on the motorcycle for the commute. I need to get myself started out the door a little earlier though since everything about riding a bike takes more time than simply getting in a car and going. How about not needing to go to work? I'll have to work on that project. May you all not have to go to work either.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Here is today's horoscope:
November 22 - December 20
You are likely aware of your writing abilities, dear Sagittarius, but you may not realize just how talented you are. It would be worthwhile for you to consider devoting more time to honing your craft. You can't expect to improve much when your writing time is scattered in between other obligations. You need large blocks of uninterrupted time in order to really produce something of value. Why not give it a try, even if just for a week or so, to see what you are capable of."
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I guess this doesn't work in internet explorer. The colored stuff is supposed to blink.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Many years ago I was involved, as these people still are, in the active resistance to the deployment of the Trident nuclear submarines. It is heartening to see these people still at work. I was arrested twice (three times?) in Groton and New London CT. in the late 80s. On one side of the river the submarines are built, and on the other they are commissioned into the Navy. I still believe these systems are bad, wrong - however you want to put it. The warheads are MIRV'ed (multiple independent re-entry vehicles), which are then multiplied by the number of missiles, making the amount of damage done by one Trident submarine apocalyptic. To plan the deaths of so many sentient beings is just wrong. That was one of the arguments back in the 80s when there still was a Soviet Union. Today it just seems stupid.
I'm starting to understand now that this is a symptom of our fear. I'd like to get behind that and shed some light on this phenomenon. I've read that the human species is now on the brink of deciding whether we will continue to exist. I hope we will. I found this excerpt at the end of Susan Watkins' book, Conversations with Seth book one, particularly instructive:
Amen, lay down your arms. I'd say if we can imagine our way out of this then we are indeed capable of doing just that. As self explanatory and as obvious as it seems, this needs to be looked at singularly. Imagine a world where we aren't at continual war, where instead of fear we greet our neighbors with compassion and support. This isn't pie in the sky, hippy-dippy nonsense. This is what amounts to the continued existence of our species. Y'all have a great week."...when all the young men refuse to kill for the sake of peace, and when all the women forbid their men to kill for the sake of peace, and when you realize that no peace will come through killing, and that the end does not justify the means, and when you grow full and light with thoughts of peace, then there will be an end to war! But as long as any men go to war for the sake of peace, there will be war. And as long as any woman teaches her sons how to go to war because of love of peace, there will be war.
"You make your world. When you populate your world with ideas of peace, then peace will grow. When you think thoughts of aggression, you attract aggression and you draw it out from others in daily contact, and on the part of nations.
"When you do not understand yourselves you project what you do not understand upon others-upon your friends and associates-and then you become afraid of what you do not understand, not understanding it is your own fear. And you do the same thing as a nation with other nations. There is no way to ensure peace but for every man, every man, to lay down his arms."
-pp. 230-231
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
I guess it's the school first. I think the interview last Wednesday went well. It had to go better than last year's. I asked friends and family for help in the interview world and used their knowledge to answer the questions correctly, as opposed to me being perfectly shoot-myself-in-the-foot honest. I have to qualify that statement because what I know now will influence how I will act in those situations they inquired about. So, in a way I'm being honest. I've adapted. I knew not to show my worst side - the side which won't get me hired. Alternately, what they got to see is my best side. I emphasized my strengths. So, I think it went well. Am I in the running? I sure hope so. My grades are good and the only part I think I might have been lacking in was the math portion. I could have spent some more time studying that. The whole learn, adjust, adapt, qualify, correlate and execute process I liken to what I call verbal alchemy. "Who goes there?" Kind of prescient since I am already in (or near) the Emerald City.
I returned to the water yesterday. For 4.75 American I put in an hour workout at the Bellevue Aquatic Center not a mile from my place. I did surprisingly well for not being in the water for a while. With swimming, you really have to put a lot of time in the water, consistently, and you have to work hard. I found myself actually in control of my stroke and swim at times. Cool.
As for running I joined the ESR marathon folks for a 12 miler between the U Village and the Ballard locks and back Saturday, and then for today's fun I ran up Tiger Mountain. What a bitch. That thing is never easy. I took a minute off from the same run of May's from last year. My time now is 38:47. I started from the main parking lot and ascended up West Tiger 3. With some more long runs I think I'll be ready for this year's Capital City Marathon. I want Boston.
We've started out four-tens now so I have Mondays off again. I really like this. I have to make four lunches, commute four times and I also have more time to get things done. I have a couple of new places on Capital Hill and they will need some attention. Everything is growing so it will be flat out go! go! go! until I get rescued from this green treadmill. Look what I found on Capital Hill last week. Pretty damn funny. I didn't do this. Someone is walking around and posting these in appropriate spots. I just took the picture. Ha ha ha.
Y'all have a great week. I think I'll find out about school in a week and a half. My hopes are not up as they were last year. I'm much more level headed about this this time around. Imagine that. Cheers.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I used some of that time yesterday to sift through and shred unnecessary receipts and credit card offers. This is a major coup. All that crap had been sitting on my counter for as long as I have been here. I even found a rebate sort of check in there. I think it is still good. Nicky was interested in the shredding, maybe because he is good at it himself. I gave him back to Lee this morning after breakfast at Ihop. I think he enjoyed his stay here. But don't take this to mean that I want to be given a cat or kitten. No no. This place is too small and those monsters wake you up at 2:30 in the morning. This one also enjoyed drinking from my water cup and knocking down my ficus tree.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Update: I ran a 20:14 (my time) 20:24 (gun time). I was that close to breaking 20 minutes. They had potato chips, sausage and, of course, beer at the end. I didn't go to the track workout on Wednesday, so this passed as that.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
"You each possess in miniature all properties of the universe as you concieve of it at this present time . . . so what seems to you or to your scientists [to occur] outside of you, occurs within you, and now."
-Jane Roberts as Seth in Conversations with Seth, by Susan Watkins, pg.69
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Here is my new roommate. Nicky will be here for a week. Not much going on if I'm writing about a cat. No running today. All the moving parts are moving and well, thank you very much. I don't feel anything untoward from my knee. Yay! I spent all day behind a 21. That, and the 38 miles in the last three days is enough to merit a break. Speed work tomorrow. Cheers.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Yesterday some of us from the ESR group did about eleven miles at the Mercer Slough. I hope my knee lets me run tomorrow. If it does, then it'll only be for a relatively short distance. I entered the Mercer Island Rotary Half Marathon and the St. Patrick's Day Dash for the month of March. You'd think I'd be losing weight with all of these miles, but think again. I'd love to lose just five pounds. I think it'd make a significant difference. I'm gonna try to get some sleep now. Y'all enjoy your week.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"The King's henchman have sounded the death knell for Presidential accountability. Just a few weeks ago, Republicans from Specter to Hagel to Snowe were calling for a congressional inquiry into the domestic spying program. On the eve of a Senate Intelligence Committee vote to determine whether such an inquiry should take place, the Washington Post reports that a "full court press" by the administration has swayed many Republicans against such an investigation:
Republican Senate DeWine says he will introduce a bill sanctioning the program, explicitly exempting it from the requirements of FISA. Both Hagel and Snowe are said to be in favor of the bill. So suddenly, Republicans are comfortable with the President breaking the law? Where was the bill in the 90s condoning Oval Office blow jobs and Presidential perjury? Oh, that's right. The lawlessness of a President is exempted only when that President wears a 10-gallon hat and calls himself a "conservative."
Good lord, our Founding Fathers must be shaking their heads in shame at the mindfuck that is about to occur in Congress."
Monday, February 13, 2006
"At cellular levels the world exists with a kind of social interchange, in which the birth and death of cells are known to all others, and in which the death of a frog and a star gain equal weight. But at your level of activity your thoughts, feelings, and intents, however private, form part of the inner environment of communication. This inner environment is as pertinent and vital to the species' well-being as is the physical one. It represents the psychic, mass bank of potential, even as the planet provides a physical bank of potential. When there is an earthquake in another area of the world, the land mass in your own country is in one way or another affected. When there are psychic earthquakes in other areas of the world, then you are also affected, and usually to the same degree."
Jane Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. pg.38
Anyways. We are all connected, and to a degree you can't imagine. That's why we are supposed to be good to one another. It sounds cliche, but we are all One; an ever expanding, spiraling, and changing being. Can you feel the pull of those distant planets and stars? How about the cries from those in Pakistan or India or Sumatra? Y'all have a great day.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
On the way back I snapped some pictures of the city,
and of the home of the Seahawks who are to play in the Superbowl in a little over an hour from now.
Here is a neighborhood cat. I think it is very happy, as are the rest of us, that the sun has finally come out. I think it has been raining, until yesterday, since mid December. Enough is enough.
The 520 bridge was closed yesterday due to high winds and water going over the floating bridge. All of our properties should be a mess this coming week. In another attempt to leave the landscaping behind, I picked up this year's applications for school. I don't have much to show between last year and this, but I've been told all around that I should apply anyways. I plan on making concrete moves toward this direction this year.
I'm on my way to a friend's to see the game now. Go Hawks!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Physically the running is catching up to my legs. I'll take tomorrow off from exercise and I'll get some laundry done. Wednesday will be the track workout and I'd like to get back into a pool on Friday. The Saturday run is at Bothell Landing and then the maniacs run on Sunday. Maybe this week I can ramp up the miles. I've got to do some better listening too. You know, that still, small voice. Peace.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Saturday I went to Benaroya Hall, almost at the last minute, and watched Bob Newhart do a standup comedy act. He did a few of his signature talking on the phone routines and he insulted the Germans, the Irish and the Japanese, if I remember right. What I found amusing on top of his jokes, was that I got the distinct impression he was up there firstly making himself laugh. We were of a secondary importance. He let us in on what he finds amusing. You can tell this because right before he started telling his jokes, he would start to laugh to himself. I think going was worth the money.
Work is going well. I'm doing my properties every other week, so that leaves more time to get something done on every visit. This means I only have about from two to five stops a day. Not bad.
I'm running again. The IT-band is still sort of there, but it isn't bad enough to stop me. I'm also stretching it. I think the next race will be either the Mercer Island Half Marathon or the St. Patrick's Day Dash down on the waterfront (literally on the viaduct). I hope to be in marathon shape for The Capital City Marathon in May.
I can feel things going on behind the scenes. As usual there is nothing solid. But there is hope. Only if I need to know. This may make sense at some time.
I have more pictures to post. They are already at Flickr. As I linked to before, here is a slideshow. Y'all have a great rest of the week. Go Seahawks!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I ran a little better yesterday than I had on the second of January. I brought my 10k time down to 44:30 or so; still a bit slow. It barely rained on us. The trip back to the Eastside area park and rides was a wet drive. Almost unbelievably the sun is now out. Right outside my window I have a lot of evergreen type trees, so from here it looks almost warm out there. My screen says it is 40 degrees though. It isn't spring yet.
Many of us went up in a rental van. It made for an easy trip, for me anyways. Two of our runners brought their half marathon times down to 2:08 personal records. Many others were not so successful. All in all a good time was had by all. I even got to meet the woman who told me two years ago to join Eastside Runners. She lives on Bainbridge and hasn't been running because of a car accident and injury and a car break-in. So, she really does exist! I never saw her after that initial meeting and I thought to wonder if she was real. She is. Thanks Holly.