Wednesday, January 30, 2002

It seems that there are some kitties loose in Britain. Also there is an article about a long lasting energy source. I love this site. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
-William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
I'm back again.
Here is a blog written by Tom Tomorrow. He writes a political comic strip.
It is not life as usual yet and now I am here (not quite) alone. We are trying to figure out how to get the car back on the road. Unfortunately we have to deal with lawers, or better, Becca has to.
I get to go to the Y tomorrow. Abby will pick me up after her work. I'll have to learn how to wake up early once I again enter the traditional workforce.
It is like I have been moving in extreme slow motion this last year and a half. I have wanted to move out west for a while but have not been able to get there. Thankfully I did not get there earlier because I would not have been able to take care of my mother as I have, did. I am thankful.

Friday, January 25, 2002

Here are some quotes for today. Take care. one,two,three,four,five.

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

I was re-reading what I had written earlier and our trip to New Hampshire did not work out as planned. We are all back in Massachusetts tonight but Mom is in the hospital with an impacted hip fracture and the dog and I are at home. Dr. Hayer told us that this is the least invasive surgery for this type of break and that the prognosis for her bone healing is good. He could not, however, say what her mobility might be. He will put in a screw and a few pins to hold it all together. Blood flow to the bone will be a factor in her recovery down the road. Maybe the doctor can tell us more once he gets in there. Mom is glad to be home in this area and we are very glad to have Dr. Hayer at the helm. We wish both Mom and the doctor angelic protection and godspeed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Monday, January 21, 2002

Funny as hell !
Montague has been placed on the National Register Historic Places. There is a very succinct article in the Union-News this morning. The Recorder has an article on the erosion control project on Meadow Road because it has drawn the concern of the town Conservation Commission. Nothing on the Register laurel.

Sunday, January 20, 2002

It looks as though Mom and I will be going to Twin Mountain, Cow Hampshire on Tuesday. Judy and Jerry came down from that great state today and took us out to eat in Bernardston. We went to the Fall River Inn. Raves all the way around. Y'all gotta go. Joan called today and gave me directions to Twin Mountain. We'll leave Tuesday morning and stop at Crescent Lake for a visit there too. I have to speak to Judy and Jeannie about next month. We can nail down that trip after Mom and I come back from Joan and Art's.

Saturday, January 19, 2002

I had just thought that those reports after September 11th were true. It seems that they were the product of spinsters. Here are some clarifications of those myths.
Here is some history on the Enron implosion a la and Tom Tomorrow.
Here are a whole slew of Enron political cartoons, and don't forget
Oliphant and this.

Friday, January 18, 2002

Daniel Schorr weighs in on "The real Enron scandal |", and Peter Grier explores a "reluctant US empire".
Here is a graphic that appears in the Greenfield Recorder today. The article covers a forum held at Holyoke Community College yesterday. The forum dealt with the need to unite eastern and western Massachusetts. We all know that there are two economies, but we over here see it more as two states. The forum highlighted the divide in participatory terms, saying that there is not enough representation of western Mass in the decisionmaking that is done in Boston. So it is our fault? Maybe so. Historically, Shay's Rebellion, the attempt to divert some of the Connecticut River and the siphoning of funds for the Big Dig from capital improvements in western Mass have all contributed to the second class feeling here in this part of the state. Maybe the feeling isn't so bad as I make it sound but it is a valid criticism none the less. An armory won't have to be taken over in order for us to be heard. Just don't stop fixing our bridges.

Thursday, January 17, 2002

"here he comes", byTom Toles --The Buffalo News
They want to drill where? by Vice Admiral James E. Service, U.S. Navy (ret.),
I never liked this day.
What's in it for US empire-builders?

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Y'all won't like this
Someone just won a lot of money.
Maybe I should switch from scratch tickets.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

I just learned how to add those alerts that pop up and "bing"
Enron vs. Whitewater. slate
Here are some more pictures of the bridge. They are better than the first one. three-more-pics.
Mom says that it would be nice not to be here, meaning that she would like to go for a drive. I'm running out of ideas so I would like some new ones in the comment ("thoughts?") section. No more Shady Glen unless I drive in and park. It is kind of a dreary, cold day. Swimming helps. I'd be running if my foot wasn't out of commission. Right now Mom is telling the rotten dog to eat the food. The dog eats more than she does.
Here is a picture of what was the bridge. You may need to log onto msn's .net empire. :)
Jesse now has a car. It is a '92 Mustang LX five speed with hatch and sun roof. Woo hoo. I don't have a picture of it but it may look like these cars. She'll be on the road at the end of the month if the road test goes well. Elissa is already menacing the roadways down on the Cape. I think that Capt. Ed will be in the chaperone seat for the mustang dates. We need pics of the car.

Monday, January 14, 2002

"Every war has its Catch-22s. Today's paradox is this: How can a society based on freedom protect itself by sacrificing liberties? But how can it protect itself without such sacrifices?" Freedom Fighters of the Digital World

"Steven Aftergood, of Secrecy News, reports that a bill was introduced in the House of Representatives on October 2nd by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) that would ban chemtrails and mind control weapons in space. Among the weapons that would be banned by the new measure are “psychotronic” devices that are “directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of ... mood management, or mind control.” Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

Sunday, January 13, 2002

how much are you worth?

Saturday, January 12, 2002

Here is a link for the foreman grill.
Is the Enron affair that bad? "even worse".
Have you ever had a mouse problem?
Keep track of the time here.
Have you ever used this word in a sentence?
Good afternoon. Abby took Mom shopping today. She needs some new slacks. I don't mind shopping for groceries or appliances but I would rather not shop for cosmetics or clothes. I'm just not that much help. I, on the other hand, could use some help with clothes and tips on dressing. I usually have to borrow someones girlfriend or wife.

I used the Forman grill Mom and I got for Christmas. It works well. I was able to grill some zuchinni, yellow squash, eggplant and shitake mushrooms. I advise against cooking shitake like this. They turn rubbery like octopus. I chopped up one part Italian parsley, 1/2 part oregano, <1/2 part thyme and maybe more than one part basil (make sense?), all fresh. Add chopped garlic (maybe shallots too) and enough olive oil to make it swim. This can be brushed on the vegetables after they are seasoned with kosher salt and black pepper. Portabella mushrooms are first scraped of their gills, seasoned with s&p and then marinated in balsamic vinegarette. (I don't like my balsamic vinegarette to be too sweet for this). I should have gotten the portabellas. Maybe asparagas will be next. They are simply sprayed with olive oil, seasoned with s&p and then usually baked or broiled for a few minutes. They can also be cooked on a flat-top grill. Roll them around so they are evenly cooked. When they start to have wrinkles, take them out/off. Be careful in trying them because they heat up fast. There should be a little crunch in the bite. Al dente - "to the teeth". Thanks for the grill Dodie!

Bob and Cindy clued me in on how to use my mother's phone for touch tone menus even though it is set up for pulse with the phone company. It is embarrassingly as simple as moving the switch from pulse to tone after the phone company makes the connection. I don't know why I hadn't thought that problem out. It was a revelation which made a problem vanish.

Friday, January 11, 2002

A plan for the Montague Center Fire District headquarters building was unveiled yesterday at the present fire house in Montague Center. The new building is being proposed for construction on Old Sunderland Road. The Recorder carries an article on page 3 of today's newspaper. Also there is an article on the "long awaited Greenfield Road construction". The Conservation Commission and Guilford Rail are at odds over the source of sediment in a local pond. The bridge there was removed in 1999 after rail work from 1998 had destabilized an abutment. Gotta go push the dog into the river...

Thursday, January 10, 2002

I just added a go back "button" at the bottom and a "~" before the comments button. This can go on and on.
Mom and I went shopping for a blender and an outdoor thermometer. We got good prices at Ames. Mom had remembered that she didn't care for the store when we drove over to it but she was fine.

I also got some other things done, like calling my insurance company and cancelling my motorcycle coverage. I called my cell phone provider and reduced my minutes plan from 500 to 250 because I rarely use the minutes. They had a new promotion so I increased my weekend minutes from 2000 to 3500. If I had better reception in my present town then I might actually use some of them. I also called a doctor to find out about the status of a report. ...gonna get back to me... Tomorrow I bring the car to the garage so that Ralph can change the oil. I was thinking of bringing the dog and then pushing her into the river on the way back. Mom says no. I'll have to take a long walk because the bridge is out. In the 40's tomorrow. hmmm.

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

Freedom theme:

Here is more on the freedom watch from the Christian Science Monitor.
Here is a discussion of our severely limited Freedom of Information.
It looks like I've found my next book when it comes out Books | Muzzling Moore
Richard Cohen thinks that "by reducing the cost of war to almost nil, we may have once again set the stage for yet more terrorism and bloodshed."

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

There, it is late enough. I neatened up my links and centered the blog title. Not bad for not knowing this language. Too tired to think of much more. I got a calvin and hobbes book today at stop and shop. Pretty cool. I have a witch book to read too. I guess that my neighbor is going to try to go to school tomorrow (today).

Monday, January 07, 2002

It is snowing like hell and I'm trying to decide whether to drive in this stuff. I spent eight years in Florida but I had lived with this for many more. It is snowing and the construction guys are still working on the bridge. Maybe they quit at three. Here are some bridge links.
Mom wants to go shopping for a big calendar today, and I'll get her to eat somewhere. I just wanted to add another journalist/commentary link concerning the present political atmosphere before i forget about it. When Partisan PR Passes for News (

Sunday, January 06, 2002

Abby, Collin and I were walking on their land in Northfield and we went by their impressive pile of stumps. No website said anything about a subterranean threat of fire. Here are some links concerning stumps:
Extension Note 52 - Page 2
This Old House: Ask TOH
What to do with Stumps?
Stump Disposal Systems Inc.

If you ever wanted to know How to diaper a monkey , or How to Drive in France , what goes into pet food or why the visitors like our cows , just surf these informative sites, thanks to Daypop Top 40 Links.
Here is an interesting article explaining the present Bush phenomenon. slate opinion I would have thought that it was due more to his arrogance. Oh well.

Here is an update on the bridge: It is gone. We now have to go over Beaver's bridge, over Greenfield Road and then carefully pull out onto Turners Falls Road, while watching for cars (coming from three directions). map

Saturday, January 05, 2002

I think that html and xml will have to be learned from the beginning
how to
I just tried something else.
Mom wants to go to Wilson's again. We'll bring the make-up stuff with us because I'm of little help in there. area merchants Wilson's doesn't have a web site that I am aware of but I found this partnership website with Umass.
now, did it work this time?
I just tried to add a comment section. Proof will be in the post.
this site was a snap, I hope. comment link

Friday, January 04, 2002

I rode this bike up from Florida. It took me about five days. Too bad it is cold now shadow
mattampash Montague MA
Becca just came home with Mom and then went next door to feed Erica. Erica just had her adnoids (sp?) out. Becca then brought over some clam chowder for Mom. She may have eaten most of it before feeding the rest to the dog. This is the first posting of this blog. I have written versions of these words twice already before inadvertedly losing it. Maybe third time is a charm.

Mattampash is the area around a local river as named by the Native Americans. War with the Mohawks and the settlers of the plantation period broke the local Indians by the late 1770's.

I think that I'll head to the Y to get some exercise. I'm glad to get back into a pool.