Saturday, June 29, 2002

Since it is such a beautiful Saturday I think I will take the canoe out onto the Connecticut. I now have a trailer. Here and here are two more pictures. We still have to get the rest of Mom and Dad's stuff out of the house. I'll finish taking and editing the pictures of the contents, so if you are family, and you are reading this now, you'll get some pictures in the mail soon. (I hope). Abby and Collin will be moving their stuff in the 5th and 6th. Maybe then I can take my final trip because I'll be without my regular bed. Decisions, decisions. Have a nice weekend. Who wants some more stuff?

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Monday, June 24, 2002

I wonder whether my link feedback is still working?
The phone is fixed. Thanks to the Verizon repairman-of-little-words. It is nice to be able to use the phone again and check my e-mail from my place. I'm planning one last trip before I leave. Uncle Ed doesn't think that I'll go. Some folks didn't think I'd leave UMass or the hotel either. Oh well, bye bye. I'll take a three day or four day bike trip through Northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine and then down to the Cape before I go home to pack. I'm really leaving Ed.
My phone is still out. The car's AC will be looked at again on Wednesday. Tomorrow a hitch will be put on the car and then I'll go down the road to pick up the very expensive trailer. I went for the covered aluminum variety.

Monday, June 17, 2002

Sunday, June 16, 2002

Richard Cohen says of Ashcroft: "In his tenacity, his conviction that he is in sole possession of the truth and his compulsive need to hog the spotlight, he reminds me of J. Edgar himself.

"Clean Air Act rule changes proposed by the Bush administration Thursday would gut efforts to clean up pollution from power plants and other industries while rewarding some of the president's largest campaign contributors, angry environmentalists and health advocates charged. ...Eric Schaeffer, the former EPA enforcement chief who resigned on Feb. 28 to protest the Clear Skies Initiative, said he was told Thursday that clients of a friend who works in an energy law firm were 'dancing in the street' over the Thursday's announcement."

Jim Hoagland compares Bush to LBJ in this article.

And Ellen Goodman finds "an anxious respite in a season of war".

Thursday, June 13, 2002

So, should I go to Ellington, Connecticut to Limberger Trailers, get a trailer there or get a v-nosed Renegade in Belchertown, Massachusetts? I'm going back to Orchard Hill Farm Equipment & Tractor Sales tomorrow to see that 5+ by 9. Decisions, decisions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Adam and I rode to Lake George for the Americade bike rally. I still haven't found a trailer for my move yet. The light ones are very expensive. U Haul might be an option. I'm still not sure. The whole thing is driving me crazy.

Friday, June 07, 2002

This sounds fascinating.
He said what?
Molly Ivins says, "To fail to take action in the face of a recognized threat is not only incredibly stupid, but also legally actionable. Misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance can all be alleged, reckless, irresponsible conduct, failure of duty ... a litany of charges."

Thursday, June 06, 2002

Michael Moore's book has been on the bestseller list for weeks and have you heard about it?
Here, again, are some "Right Wing Myths Exposed"
This is an interesting website. You'll have to see for yourself.
I don't usually agree with this guy, but Steve Chapman has some very relevant and timely views on the dearth of information for the public.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

The dog wanted to go for a walk today so I made her go into town. John wants me to take pictures of old, small New England houses. Mom and Dad, and the first five children used to live here on Main Street until they bought the homestead in skunk hollow. We went to see Dave today and I took some pictures of him with his new paint ball gun and with his cast. He found out today or yesterday that he'll have to be in the cast for a few more weeks because his bones aren't healing well enough. Write to Dave.

Monday, June 03, 2002

Collin and I rode up Mt. Graylock yesterday. Here is the view from the top looking west southwest. And here is another view of our dead-end.

Sunday, June 02, 2002

I enjoyed this article this morning about the effect that Mitzi, the author's Mazda, has on his 'car talk'.

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Susan Reimer, of the Baltomore Sun, comments on the state of our "one-big-happy-political-family thing in this recent article.