Friday, October 29, 2004

This editorial by The New Yorker says it all. It is all there. I don't have to write about this anymore after reading this well written piece. What may come up here will be the election after-effects; the vote counting, the voting problems, intimidation and thinly veiled dishonesty. I was living in West Palm Beach in 2000. There were so many problems in so many counties for so many different reasons. Had all the people who had intended to vote for Gore had their votes counted, then it would not have gone to the Supreme Court. Gore would have won and history would have been different. But this is the line of probability we ride, not that other.

The neocons still think they are in power. It has shifted. I can feel it and the Bush campaign can feel it too. Yes I am originally from Massachusetts and yes I am astounded, relieved and awed by the Red Sox victory the other night. What does the Red Sox have to do with this? The neocons have been clawing their way to power and knocking anyone out of their way for years now. This zero sum mentality started with the secrecy surrounding the nuclear bomb and this fear and secrecy is now palpable in the Patriot Act. The communists were the Other then and now it is the terrorists. The way in which you view the world will to a certain degree dictate your options. The bleak fear mongering of Dick Cheney, for example, has colored our world as a sort of alternate version of what it could be. Yes there are dangers out there in the form of the hunted terrorists, but past their immediate and future dangers what have we let ourselves become? This is identity. Are we going to live in this alternate universe which, dark around the edges, forces us to think in zero sum, black and white, good and evil terms? Or will we work out another way for ourselves that involves much more light?

The Red Sox won, and better than any celestial sign it sort of elbowed me in the ribs to remind me that anything is possible. If you are not from New England then you'll have to believe me when I say that if the Red Sox can win a World Series then anything can happen. We needn't keep in this direction. Vote the bums out. Refute the neocon bullies and their dark, simple mentality of fear and empire. I don't want to live in that world anymore. If like them you are fixated on the other, then look at it this way: Will you allow them to dictate what kind of world you make? They don't make your world, you do. We all make our common world and I don't want any more of what has passed as the status quo. This is no way to live. Bring some light to your corner of the world. Share it with friends and send it further out. Y'all have a great weekend. Aum Peace Peace Peace.
I woke up to a world where the Red Sox won the world series. Anything is possible. I hope that would include me doing well on the test last night. I missed the series because of this and I've developed a nasty tension headache usually reserved for the most stressful times in my life. I hope that studying the next sections on the nervous system will not be done in futility. We'll find out next week how we did. Gotta go to work.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Mr. Dr. Instructor just told us tonight that we no longer have the weekend to study the chapter on cells and the chapters on the muscles and how they work because he thinks it would be all right to have the exam on this Thursday instead. And you know that we are all looking at each other in almost* disbelief ("maybe someone else heard him differently or can make sense of why he would do such a thing"). I don't think he should be playing so fast and loose with the (printed) schedule. Maybe he is trying to thin the class. And I did so well on the last one too. Damn.

*I've learned that almost anything can happen in his class.
This is why this election will be so close.


Saturday, October 23, 2004

It is no secret where I stand, but Ted Rall gives us ten reasons why we need to vote Bush out. Here they are. And the Republicans will be challenging voters on election day. It seems they assume that most of the recently registered Democratic voters are illegitimate.

Friday, October 22, 2004

I don't have time to type anything about the Supreme Court, but here is a link to This is important. And as always the rude pundit is amusing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Congratulations Red Sox. When I was home in the summer, all of New England was geared up for this season. And now I know why. It was worth it in a sense just to have knocked off the Yankees. Woo hoo.

"By suffering a 10-3 pummeling at the hands of the Red Sox in American League Championship Series Game 7, the Yankees recorded arguably the most humiliating loss in their charmed existence, while providing their hated rivals their finest hour in generations."

Generations. This is not an exaggeration.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Let me put a few things down here so that I can flesh them out later. One is that there is no functioning left. Shitheads like Hannity and Limbaugh talk of the left but there is none, not in respect to this election anyways. Two, we should vote Bush in for another four years because I would love to see the republicans go into civil war. Other than the stark assuredness of more dead American soldiers this would be highly amusing and that election would galvanize anyone to the left of the religious right. (sort of the way Somoza galvanized the whole of Nicaragua). Right before we run Bush out on a rail he'll start shelling the blue cities and states. Just a few thoughts, but not as thought provoking as this.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Do you have some time? Read this.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

As a straight link and I did this today blog I've made it on a select list. I'll try to write more now, especially since someone left a comment here yesterday or this morning saying my blog "sux" and something about no writing. This thing started out as a journal and as a way my family at home can read about what I am doing. Also, all these political links won't get sent out as political e-mail to said family, something I'm sure they are happy about. It will continue to be an I did this sort of recount because, really, how could I write like this?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ha ha. Dave says:
"Seriously, if you vote for Bush and he wins, we're going to blame you for what happens in the next four years."

Monday, October 11, 2004

Not much to report other than trying to keep up with the class reading and deciding that I'll try to find another apartment this coming month. That means I will be paying the month to month price for rent. The weather this week will be good but chilly in the AM. I get to ride my bike this week. Y'all have a good one.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Go and read these letters from the war zone.

Read the rude pundit.

I'm too busy to post much else. I did really well in the Issaquah Salmon Days race, I still haven't found a new place to live and I have a test tomorrow evening on tissues, membranes and related things. I'm having a very difficult time getting myself to study. This is not the course to do this in.

Friday, October 01, 2004