Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Go to Joe's steelhead fishing club website. These fish are big.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

Here are some ideas for yoga on the road.

David Horsey of the Seattle Post Intelligencer shares his thoughts on the Sturgis motorcycle rally.

...and speaking of yoga, Tracy brought me to a different stayle of yoga than I had been accustomed to. It is called Bikram Yoga. And if you thought that yoga such as Kripalu was hard .... The room is heated to over 100 steamy degrees and we are led through a regimen of yoga moves that truly taxes our stamina and willpower. Water replenishes our system after we have withstood the purifying aspect of this practice. And afterward I felt good but like I had really done a workout.

On a lighter note, look at the size of this zuchinni I picked from the garden yesterday.

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Well I've made my decision and I'm not going home for Mike and Wendy's wedding in September. Sorry. I need to concentrate on the Northwest I think. I took a ride out to Fall City to take pictures of the Fall City Firearms and Rose shop for Bob. Guns make him all warm and fuzzy inside. Go guns.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

This Canadian is pissed.
Scott wanted to see what the water area of Tara's park looks like. She enjoys the water.

I went into Seattle looking for Pioneer Square the other day. Here is the fixed and renovated Pergola smashed by a truck driver months ago.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

More pictures for Mark:
Here is Tara wading out of the water after lying down and walking around. It has been hot out here lately.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

On the Let It Happen on Purpose Theory :"Whether they had specific knowledge beforehand, or merely decided to let some attack happen somewhere, the final results were the same. The Taliban were routed and replaced by an interim government headed by a man named Harmid Karzai. Karzai was recently elected President of Afghanistan in his own right, legitimizing the Afghanistan government. Soon after this, Karzai announced the impending construction of a pipeline that would exploit Turkmenistan's natural gas reserves He named Unocal as the lead company for the project. Before becoming President, Karzai was an advisor to Unocal.

"For LIHOP Theorists, the evidence is clear. The Bush administration got the pipeline it wanted. Along the way, they used the horrors of 9/11 to place themselves above reproach. In the patriotic fervor that resulted from the attacks, both the press and the Democratic opposition were bracketed by the administration-espoused idea that any questions or criticism were tantamount to treason."

Monday, August 12, 2002

Here are some more pictures of Rainier which might give you an idea of its size. I took this one from the town of Enumclaw. Here is a switchback parking lot, and here is the mountain with some trees and a beautiful sky.

Sunday, August 11, 2002

I rode over 230 miles on the bike today. Here is a pasted picture of Mt. Rainier and the surrounding skyline.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Not the best quality picture, but here is a sunset among the development tonight.
My (I'm not sure about the dog) excitement now includes bringing the dog to the Marymoore dog park. She found a friend to play with today (I was surprised) and she actually got into the water to cool off. There is an espresso vendor there on the weekends in a converted delivery van. I'm spending my retirement money on her for her grooming and food. She had steelhead (sea)trout last night that Joe helped catch. We went walking around in downtown Issaquah today with no solid leads for an apartment. Tara was balking at walking any further. If Tara could have, she would have spoken like Dad. I didn't have to drag her after she figured out we were walking back.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

I have found a public access show here in King County, Washington which defies explanation. Behold the jerkbeast.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

No I don't have a job and I'm still sleeping in the garage. The only people who don't seem bothered by this are Joe, Tracy and myself. Joe and I looked at an unlikely garage apartment today. Unlikely because I'll be unlikely to take it. Very nice neighborhood though. The house actually has grounds, and a neighborhood association. Grrrrrrrr.

I took Bucky to a dog park within Marymoor Park two days ago and today. She got to walk around without a leash and she actually wasn't nasty to the other dogs. Here is Bucky and her charges. Also at Marymoor is a public garden. Here is Tracy and her rooster friend.

On an aside, I am told that people drive from afar to go to this donut shop. I, of all people, was asked directions to it today.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Tracy has a lead on an aprtment for me. I am told that it is in the quieter side of Covington-Kent.

Sunday, August 04, 2002

I took a late evening ride out to Snoqualmie Falls and took in some scenery. I pasted together some pictures of the falls and one of the sunset.

Friday, August 02, 2002

The dog and I took a ride out through Tacoma etc.. out to Bainbridge Island to find Pete. We surprised his wife at home and surprised Pete at work. He thought that he had himself hidden far away from Chestnut Hill. I was able to take in some scenery on the way back from the ferry. I didn't have time to drive back around because Joe and I were to go to a Mariners game against the Indians. When we got there they were losing. They then rallied back to beat the Indians 10 to 6. What a great game! There is a Krispy Kreme donut shop at the bottom of the hill. It afforded a very good end to an evening.
Here are some nice pictures of the stadium and some action on the field.