Thursday, December 30, 2004

Read Dave's "Three things."
My horoscope today:

"SagittariusNovember 21 - December 20Be polite and try your best not to impose on other people today, dear Sagittarius. It is important for you to behave well in all circumstances. You will find that people may feel as if they have been cheated, and though you may not be the source of their discontent, you may be feeling the consequences. Keep other people's issues separated from your own, and try not to let their discomfort bleed over into your world."

Well, it bled alright. Maybe it would have been better if I had read this at the beginning of the day rather than at the end. I didn't have a good day. On the bright side I got to yell at my boss. I was told this morning that one of my properties was not in acceptable shape and that the owners (who own many more) had decided that they would go with a new landscaping company. My defense was that I only get a little bit of time there every week and that this amount of time is not sufficient to do a good enough job. He didn't like this explanation and he then started lecturing me on future pay rates in future jobs and about how I could use this whole mess in life and that my now poor attitude was not helpful. It stopped right there. "Don't lecture me about life," I told him. I'm way too old for that. I could have had a much better day. I also don't think there was sufficient warning concerning this property. I thought I was doing my best with what I had to work with, really. Cheap m***********s all.

So now I have this tension headache that's starting to wrap itself around the left side of my neck and I have a limited number of therapies at hand. Maybe some day I'll have a job that I can excel at and be adequately compensated for. Yeah, fat chance, but I can hope.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004



Tuesday night at whirlyball.

Monday, December 27, 2004

seattle skyline 2
I was on top of a building today in the U-District. What a nice Seattle winter day.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

I finally went through the pile of bills and took care of them. The wood doors circa 1968 are cleaned and de-odorized. This problem seems to be a theme for me. The prior occupants must have smoked quite a bit. I used a TSP or TSP-like product to clean them and then I applied Odor-X from Turtle Wax. That stuff works. My bureau is put back together and now it is holding my clothes, rather than having them strewn on the floor. I was able to run the last three days and I even cooked tonight. Now I have food for the week. I hope you all have a nice one. (a four-day week for me)
This sounds like a good idea.
See why the gingerbread man smiles.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

With this new hard drive, I can download files from the net directly to the new drive. Once I get my act in gear I'll further back up the music and pictures to discs and then delete them and their gigabyte hogging space. This may seem a trifle thing in general, but for me it'll be a major coup. So I guess I'm stealing a U2 song. Sorry Bono. I wouldn't mind seeing them again. They came through Massachusetts in '84 and played a great concert. Wow, I'm getting old. Another coup would be to more wisely use my post work time for the coming week. It is really too dark to run then. We just had the shortest day of the year, and up here where the aurora borealis (*spelling is now corrected) can sometimes be seen, it seems especially short. and wet.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I found this the other day:

"Now, my words will not , I hope, be used to begin a new dogma. My dogma is the freedom of the individual. My dogma is the sacreligious one - that each of you is a good individual. There is nothing wrong with your emotions, or feelings, or being. When you know yourself then you are joyfully - joyfully - responsive, and, being joyfully responsive, you can carry your society to the furthest reaches of its creativity."

- Jane Roberts and Seth, The Unknown Reality, Volume Two, appendix 18, pg.740.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I gave up on the Buffalo external hard drive and returned it to Fry's for an Acomdata external hard drive. I missed out on the very good sale price for the Buffalo but if I couldn't get the thing to work then the sale price is a moot point. I now have 150 (160 advertised) gigabytes of space. My computer holds 11Gb. I can get my pictures and music off this machine and free up some very needed working space. I didn't have much time left.

I have two weeks until school starts again. The second course is with the same Dr. Phd. instructor. We'll know what to expect. As for now I'm enjoying not having to rush back to the apartment and then off to class. I'll need to start thinking about applying to the radiation program soon.

Have any of you ever heard of Whirlyball? We went there for the company Christmas party instead of bowling this year. In the world of Whirlyball, the players sit in these quasi-bumper cars and try as a team to thow a large wiffle ball through a backboard with a haijailai-type "paddle". There is a yellow team and a red team. I'm going there after work to watch Bob play. He had so much fun he joined the league. Edmonds holds the National Championship. (to be fair, by looking on the wall I think they hold them all as far back as '90)

Oh yeah, I know what else I was going to do. This past weekend I had tentatively planned on making Mom's donuts. Maybe that can be a Christmas Eve project. I need buttermilk, milk and eggs. I'll see whether I can re-create my version of them.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I could hardly believe it when I went online to check my final grade. I got an A-. I didn't even get an A- for the introductory biology course I took in the spring. That means for this instructor, I had anywhere from a 90 to a 95 percent. Considering that I came from behind with a 70 on the first test, I think I did pretty well.

And all you Seatowners (borrowing Sonya's saying), how did you like that sun today? For the first time in months I had to fish out my shades.

Monday, December 13, 2004

The weather is doing the crazy big, big rain thing again. This morning I thought I could just work through it for a while. I ended up being wet throughout the day. It usually doesn't rain this hard. I got a 95 on the special senses test (sight, hearing, taste and equilibrium). There were many answers I knew for the final on sight tonight but the nervous system still threw me. Overall I think I did well. Can we have a let-up with the rain now? My boots need a day to somewhat dry out.
The final test is tonight. I've gone over the previous tests four or more times. Now, it is either I know it or I don't. Peace.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

vulcan nomad 1600

vulcan nomad 1600
Originally uploaded by nthaniel.

I ended up going to the motorcycle show anyways. Here is the bike I wish Honda would make. I sat on their 1300 and it seemed perfect for me. Mmmm ... bikes.

Apartment deck

Apartment deck

My new apartment deck, posted directly from my camera phone.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I just signed up for the Flickr photo service. This is a picture from the summer when Bob and I climbed up to Camp Muir. I can finally post my own pictures to this site. Cool. Here is a link to the picture.

We had the last chapter test tonight and I think that I did well. I didn't have to guess on many at all, and I was able to fill in all the extra credit questions. Now we have the final cumulative test on Monday... and that is it. How many days has it rained lately? I think the answer would be "every".

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I have two more tests left; Thursday and Monday. It was bad enough that I had the race a week and a half ago before a test and all the moving stuff also, but this coming weekend there is the motorcycle show.

... mmust ... study....

Damn. Bright, shiny, new motorcycles.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Ok, I'm back online. I have my new Qwest phone service and all my stuff is in the apartment. Whew. What a weekend. I bettered my half marathon time by a little and I got an 84 on the test Monday. We got to cut open a cow's eye on Tuesday. Don't underestimate the toughness of the sclera. It looks as though I am pretty much where I need to be in the course. I hope so because I'm signed up for the second course in the series for next quarter. It will be so much easier now that I live so close to school. And everyone is so happy that I have a focus. How many people are so concerned out there? It makes me wonder how I seem from the outside. Just a thought. Oh yeah, now I can google what Mt. St. Helens is doing, (you can see here) because that is currently a popular question in New England, and I can look for a Red Sox World Series hat. It still seems strange to type that. I want this one too.

The Space Needle has its hat on, just as Poets Seat Tower I'm sure has it's own. Is there a Christmas tree in the Connecticut River this year, or am I going back too many years? Later.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

I just checked the weather radar and it looks as though the latest shower has passed. I'm going to hook up the trailer this morning and take it with me to the Saturday morning run. After Larry's I'll unload it at the new apartment. I can't get the new hard drive CD to install the driver I need to run the thing. I need to spend time with customer support. Tomorrow is the race. I think that I am better prepared than last year. I'm still studying for the test Monday. I have to take these three tasks sort if in bites. I hope that the bite tomorrow is faster than 1:35:00.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Here is a belated Thanksgiving message and another about the day after.

Not quite like Santa, Shiva has been to my house.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving. I used up the whole morning drinking coffee and going through the newspaper. I finally got a lot of sleep. That always helps. I think that tomorrow morning, extremely early, I'm going to brave the crowds at Fry's in order to buy an external hard drive for the computer. They are running a one day sale on a 160GB drive station. The rest of the week will include moving to Bellevue, studying for the test Monday and running the half marathon on Sunday. I found out Thursday that Bally's has a pool. I get to use a free 10 day trial membership for moving into the apartment complex. The lure of finally getting back into the water may outweigh my thrifty impulses. My Thanksgiving includes me finishing off the pumpkin pie I bought last night and later I'll have some cranberry sauce. I'm thankful that I have my school, recreation-and-more options open for me. I wish you all the best.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Go and read this (I know it sounds incongruous) comic strip about cancer.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Read this and tell me whether Colin Powell is smoking crack, or drinking heavily, or whatever.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I found out last night that the questions on the comprehensive final exam will come from the questions from the previous exams. Now I know how to study for it.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Not much news this morning other than about me fretting over the test tonight and how I was able to run on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I also got the bathroom and kitchen cleaned in preparation for my move in two weeks. I need a 3.0 in this course and I'm not exactly straight about what the midbrain, medulla and and the rest of the stuff in the brain stem does. And it looks as though today will be a wet one and I have a lot of properties to do. I hope that all of this works out some day.

Friday, November 12, 2004

This asshole thinks that he and his buddies can "restore morality to the population."

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Today I signed the new lease and then went directly into the office here at Archstone and signed the notice to vacate, or whatever they call it. I could bring up all the bullshit about their defective carpet and their (in my opinion) less than honest manager but I think that I covered that ground well enough last year. I've just found out that we don't work the day after Thanksgiving and that is my get the key day, the apartment is ready day and now I have to move in day. I feel tired already. I have a little more time to move but I also need time to study for the test the coming week. I'll figure it all out.

To get to the new place I tried taking 405 from 520 to SE 8th to Lake Hills Connector but it took too long. 405 was backed up. They look like they are finishing up with their construction on 405 but I don't think the traffic will ever flow any better through Bellevue.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

This will probably be one of my last words on this election. It appears that the vote might have been hacked. Not that I work on stuff like this, it is just that it doesn't need my attention like the time leading up to the election did. I have other things right now to pay attention to. If this is indeed true then there is a cancer out there that needs to be excised.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Paul Krugman:

"I don't hope for more and worse scandals and failures during Mr. Bush's second term, but I do expect them. The resurgence of Al Qaeda, the debacle in Iraq, the explosion of the budget deficit and the failure to create jobs weren't things that just happened to occur on Mr. Bush's watch. They were the consequences of bad policies made by people who let ideology trump reality."

Jane Smiley:

"The Republicans have sold their souls for power. Must everyone?"

Ellen Goodman:
"John F. Kerry was a Vietnam vet and the Swift-boat veterans wounded him anyway. John F. Kerry came out against gay marriage and got tarred with it anyway. He shot a goose and the NRA hated him anyway. He said life begins at conception and the Catholic Church came after him anyway. He could barely utter the L word and he got tagged as a "Massachusetts liberal." He won the debates and it didn't matter."

Ted Rall:
"A dictator had put himself up for 'reelection' and declared war on gays and pregnant teenagers. An Administration whose principals built concentration camps, lied us into two wars and fleeced the treasury to further enrich themselves and their campaign contributors is getting four more years rather than the forty to life they deserve. Florida 2000 became Ohio 2004, complete with its own Katherine Harris, discarded voter registrations and Jim Crow-style assaults on blacks. Most of all, the whole thing stunk."
The training run this morning from Seward Park took us on a twenty mile route, covering most of the Seattle marathon (minus the portion running through downtown). My previous furthest distance was fifteen miles. I held up all right but the last mile was hard on the soles of my feet. I should be ready for the half marathon at the end of the month.

After my application gets approved I'll be set to move into my new apartment in Bellevue at the end of the month. It will be a busy time because I think we have a test around that time and as I wrote above, that is the half marathon weekend. It isn't as nice as where I live now but I need a change and I need to be closer to school. There is no fitness center and I'll have to find another place for my trailer. Even though the apartment was under repair the agent showed it to me and right away I knew it would do. I look forward to settling in. No more long lines on 520 going into Redmond anymore. Woo hoo.

Wouldn't it be nice to be a writer, thus avoiding traffic, living anywhere and getting up in the morning only when your body wants to? That would be my version of the American dream. A house would be nice but to not have to get up at a vertain time for someone else would be absolute heaven.
A little bit of home. I can listen to streaming UMass radio on my computer. Saturday and Sunday mornings they play Polka. I know that Polka gets a bad rap but it is fun to listen to. Mom, when she remembered, liked to listen to the shows on the weekend mornings.

I have apartment news when I have more time to type. Right now I'm headed to Seward Park for a training run. Dzien dobry.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Tom Tomorrow's morning thoughts. Here is Boing Boing's concession thoughts. Good night.

Oh, and I almost forgot, that thing I wrote a few days ago about being good to each other, it still holds. I don't mean just nice. I mean good. Nice is polite. Good is what we really are.
What can I say? As Red Dirt Girl wrote, after everything and all the lies he still gets elected. I think that John Kerry would have made a good president, a real president, but the right wing in this country has many believing that liberals steal babies and knock over old women. Why don't we just open up the national treasury to his buddies now? The ballot didn't show that part.

Friday, October 29, 2004

This editorial by The New Yorker says it all. It is all there. I don't have to write about this anymore after reading this well written piece. What may come up here will be the election after-effects; the vote counting, the voting problems, intimidation and thinly veiled dishonesty. I was living in West Palm Beach in 2000. There were so many problems in so many counties for so many different reasons. Had all the people who had intended to vote for Gore had their votes counted, then it would not have gone to the Supreme Court. Gore would have won and history would have been different. But this is the line of probability we ride, not that other.

The neocons still think they are in power. It has shifted. I can feel it and the Bush campaign can feel it too. Yes I am originally from Massachusetts and yes I am astounded, relieved and awed by the Red Sox victory the other night. What does the Red Sox have to do with this? The neocons have been clawing their way to power and knocking anyone out of their way for years now. This zero sum mentality started with the secrecy surrounding the nuclear bomb and this fear and secrecy is now palpable in the Patriot Act. The communists were the Other then and now it is the terrorists. The way in which you view the world will to a certain degree dictate your options. The bleak fear mongering of Dick Cheney, for example, has colored our world as a sort of alternate version of what it could be. Yes there are dangers out there in the form of the hunted terrorists, but past their immediate and future dangers what have we let ourselves become? This is identity. Are we going to live in this alternate universe which, dark around the edges, forces us to think in zero sum, black and white, good and evil terms? Or will we work out another way for ourselves that involves much more light?

The Red Sox won, and better than any celestial sign it sort of elbowed me in the ribs to remind me that anything is possible. If you are not from New England then you'll have to believe me when I say that if the Red Sox can win a World Series then anything can happen. We needn't keep in this direction. Vote the bums out. Refute the neocon bullies and their dark, simple mentality of fear and empire. I don't want to live in that world anymore. If like them you are fixated on the other, then look at it this way: Will you allow them to dictate what kind of world you make? They don't make your world, you do. We all make our common world and I don't want any more of what has passed as the status quo. This is no way to live. Bring some light to your corner of the world. Share it with friends and send it further out. Y'all have a great weekend. Aum Peace Peace Peace.
I woke up to a world where the Red Sox won the world series. Anything is possible. I hope that would include me doing well on the test last night. I missed the series because of this and I've developed a nasty tension headache usually reserved for the most stressful times in my life. I hope that studying the next sections on the nervous system will not be done in futility. We'll find out next week how we did. Gotta go to work.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Mr. Dr. Instructor just told us tonight that we no longer have the weekend to study the chapter on cells and the chapters on the muscles and how they work because he thinks it would be all right to have the exam on this Thursday instead. And you know that we are all looking at each other in almost* disbelief ("maybe someone else heard him differently or can make sense of why he would do such a thing"). I don't think he should be playing so fast and loose with the (printed) schedule. Maybe he is trying to thin the class. And I did so well on the last one too. Damn.

*I've learned that almost anything can happen in his class.
This is why this election will be so close.


Saturday, October 23, 2004

It is no secret where I stand, but Ted Rall gives us ten reasons why we need to vote Bush out. Here they are. And the Republicans will be challenging voters on election day. It seems they assume that most of the recently registered Democratic voters are illegitimate.

Friday, October 22, 2004

I don't have time to type anything about the Supreme Court, but here is a link to This is important. And as always the rude pundit is amusing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Congratulations Red Sox. When I was home in the summer, all of New England was geared up for this season. And now I know why. It was worth it in a sense just to have knocked off the Yankees. Woo hoo.

"By suffering a 10-3 pummeling at the hands of the Red Sox in American League Championship Series Game 7, the Yankees recorded arguably the most humiliating loss in their charmed existence, while providing their hated rivals their finest hour in generations."

Generations. This is not an exaggeration.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Let me put a few things down here so that I can flesh them out later. One is that there is no functioning left. Shitheads like Hannity and Limbaugh talk of the left but there is none, not in respect to this election anyways. Two, we should vote Bush in for another four years because I would love to see the republicans go into civil war. Other than the stark assuredness of more dead American soldiers this would be highly amusing and that election would galvanize anyone to the left of the religious right. (sort of the way Somoza galvanized the whole of Nicaragua). Right before we run Bush out on a rail he'll start shelling the blue cities and states. Just a few thoughts, but not as thought provoking as this.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Do you have some time? Read this.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

As a straight link and I did this today blog I've made it on a select list. I'll try to write more now, especially since someone left a comment here yesterday or this morning saying my blog "sux" and something about no writing. This thing started out as a journal and as a way my family at home can read about what I am doing. Also, all these political links won't get sent out as political e-mail to said family, something I'm sure they are happy about. It will continue to be an I did this sort of recount because, really, how could I write like this?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ha ha. Dave says:
"Seriously, if you vote for Bush and he wins, we're going to blame you for what happens in the next four years."

Monday, October 11, 2004

Not much to report other than trying to keep up with the class reading and deciding that I'll try to find another apartment this coming month. That means I will be paying the month to month price for rent. The weather this week will be good but chilly in the AM. I get to ride my bike this week. Y'all have a good one.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Go and read these letters from the war zone.

Read the rude pundit.

I'm too busy to post much else. I did really well in the Issaquah Salmon Days race, I still haven't found a new place to live and I have a test tomorrow evening on tissues, membranes and related things. I'm having a very difficult time getting myself to study. This is not the course to do this in.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Way to go Jimmy: Still Seeking a Fair Florida Vote (
"It is unconscionable to perpetuate fraudulent or biased electoral practices in any nation. It is especially objectionable among us Americans, who have prided
ourselves on setting a global example for pure democracy. With reforms unlikely at this late stage of the election, perhaps the only recourse will be to focus maximum public scrutiny on the suspicious process in Florida."

Monday, September 27, 2004

New things start at the same time for me lately. I started this landscaping lead job the same day I started school in the spring. Today I started my 8 hour days, on a single route, the same day as I start class again. I was late getting there because: 1.) 148th in Bellevue is a different animal at 5pm than it is at 7:20pm, 2.) There was an accident on said street right before the college, and 3.) I guess I didn't leave early enough. I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed because literally I am not,(only one lecture so far, and an introductory one at that) but the whole thing can seem to be so much. I won't even touch upon the age difference other than to say it isn't like the rest of my day when I'm raking out beds, spraying for weeds and picking up leaves. I have a little more control over my work day now and since the owner isn't going to pay a parking ticket I incurred with his truck while I was doing my job for him, I'm going to make sure that I have plenty of energy for school. (I had parked there all the time, honest)

Sunday, September 26, 2004

I was able to get ahold of John and Scott today. I found John in Sarasota and Scott and Chrissie were in their condo in the Hypoluxo area. Scott's "category 5" roof tarps held up to the punishment of hurricane Jeanne. John's fence was damaged but he was told that his house is secure. That is good because he lives where the bottom part of the eye-wall came through. The Palm Beach Post's website must have been knocked out because I can't link to their site. Try this link later on.

Today I thought it would be a good idea to run up Tiger Mountain. I can't say that I ran the whole way, not by any means. It took me 42 minutes to get to the top. Many times roughly past half way I had to completely stop to catch my breath. Later on my legs joined my heart and lungs in their very loud complaint. What a workout. Coming down was kind of fun, and fast.

I have to go to work tomorrow. While the rest of them are working 4 - 10 hour days I'll be working some combination of 5 days so that I can go to class. School starts tomorrow. It should be interesting.

Does anyone know of any cheap apartments in Bellevue?
In The Seattle Times Today: "Arrival of nice cars seen as a bad omen by Maine islanders." This is an article about Peaks Island, Maine. It seems that the yuppies have found the island. As the article points out, they are the only ones who can consistently afford the ferry fee.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

This site follows the presidential election polls: Current Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I ran the Fremont Oktoberfest almost 5k race this morning in I think a best time for myself. Of course then came beer. They give you a little cup so you can try the different brews in the beer garden, but I don't think that the entry admission makes it worth it. Just my opinion.

Tomorrow is my last Monday off because we will be going to a 5 day, 8 hour work week instead of the 4 - 10's we work now. School starts the next week and I'll have to start the 5 - 8's for that. What I haven't done is find a new apartment yet. I need to get that nailed down before the 10th of October, then I'll be able to concentrate on the class. That is most important.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Good bye Johnny. I saw the Ramones at UMass with Tim a number of years ago. I can remember the sound of the drum sticks hitting together for the "one! two! three! four!"

Sunday, September 12, 2004

I ran 15 miles this morning/afternoon and it kicked my ass. I felt much better after the race a week ago than I did after my run today. Some of the people I run with think that I'll be able to run a marathon in a few months. To me there is a big difference between 13 and 26 miles. For me it happens at about mile 10. For mile 9 today I ran a 7:33 and must have used up most of what I had left. I got back ok and felt pretty good until the endorphins wore off an hour or so later. It is fun to see what the body can do.

Here is Dave on Seattle and why this city kicks his ass. He doesn't think too much of the present administration and here is why.

Garrison Keillor isn't happy with the Bush camp either. The Rebublican Party has changed since it was the "party of Lincoln and Liberty" he explains. This isn't just another election but what is the issue is that "[t]he Union is what needs defending this year".

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I figured that one more post would push the post from Sunday, August the 8th off of this page. Still work and no new apartment. I'll have to go to month to month unless I make some sort of other decision before the end of tomorrow. ...And tomorrow is almost here. Y'all have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Monday, September 06, 2004

The Issaquah Salmon Days Rotary Run is next.

John called me from Virginia for some weather information. He fled Florida for Philadelphia to attend a wedding and to get away from Frances. Presently what is left of the storm is soaking northern Florida, much of Georgia and some of South Carolina. Being a contractor this will keep him busy for a while.
It's official. I ran a 1:37:22 this morning for the half marathon. I ran a 1:44 last year. This year I ran 47th and in an older category. I don't know where this puts me overall (199). I'm happy I ran a good race. The pace turned out to be a 7:26. I ran some of them as fast as 7:04 to 7:09 and 7:13, so maybe there is still room for improvement. Running with the Eastside Runners has helped push me along. The Seattle Half Marathon is next I guess.
The Super Jock and Jill race is this morning. Wish me well. I had an entry typed up in here until I lost it yesterday. I had written about my failed attempt to get a good picture of the Space Needle for Evan. Bumbershoot is this weekend so traffic and parking were difficult. The weather isn't what I had hoped for this morning. Clouds until the end of the race would be optimal. What we are going to have is sunshine but the temps will stay in the 70's. Y'all have a great day off.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Here is a source for government documents:

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I've been looking in the online classifieds and I have a few leads in the Bellevue area. I'm thinking Bellevue because of school at the end of next month. It is also close to 405 thus the commute to the new shop at the end of 405 in Mukilteo.

No running tonight. I ran with the Monday night Eastside Runners at Redmond Towncenter and it was supposed to be an easy run. The route took us down to the Sammamish trail and then up the powerlines to the high school and then a bone-jarring down the hill back to the start. And they went fast. I lost sight of the leaders but kept my eye on one of them long enough to follow the (unknown to me) course. I'll take tomorrow off too.

My nephew Evan is now in a rehabilitation hospital in Boston, pretty much pain-free, learning to function with with his new challenges. When Elissa was sick all those years ago I spearheaded an effort to get the family a computer, and now Evan has his own. I knew that e-mail would be instrumental in keeping everyone abreast of the latest news, as it has in this latest emergency. Evan has his own e-mail now and he can IM his friends. Good. Take care y'all.

Aum Peace Peace Peace.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I wasn't sure how I would do, but I was able to complete a 14 mile run today. It took me just under 2 hours. Now I know that I can again do the race in Woodinville on the 6th. I'll try to add another mile on next week's big run. Not much other news than that. Peace.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

From a blog that was linked in my referral list:

"Perhaps Kerry should just stand up and say, in effect: listen, this is the kind of people we are up against. Such people are unworthy of holding power in America. A vote for them is a vote for a country run by lies, propaganda, and character assassination. If that's what you want, then vote for them. But if you want a fair, decent and honest government that tells you the truth and lets you make up your minds on the basis of the facts, and if you want fair, clean, respectful and sane political campaigns in which the facts are laid out plainly for your consideration, then vote for us."

We had a nice run past Bill's house this morning. I broke away from the pack to pursue the leader, and to my surprise I caught him. Maybe I'm ready to race. I ended up doing a 47 min (more or less) 6.2. And The Eastside Runners' summer picnic was held today north of Redmond on Cottage Lake. The rain may have dissuaded a few from attending. Between the two events I registered for the Super Jock and Jill Half Marathon to be run in Woodinville in two weeks. I wasn't aware that it was coming up so soon. I'm going to try for a long run tomorrow and maybe put my apartment back together, even though I'll be looking to move. Wish me success.
Just the apartment itself and its location might not be enough. I was told that I should consider moving, even though at face value it may not seem the best thing. I was finishing Jane Roberts and Seth's The Unknown Reality, Volume One, and ran into this on the last page in the epilogue:

"It is obvious that when you move from one place to another you make an alteration in space - but you alter time as well, and you set into motion a certain psychological impetus that reaches out to affect everyone you know...Such messages are often encountered in the dream state. Empty houses are psychic [underlined] vacancies that yearn to be filled. When you move, you move into another portion of your selfhood."

-pg. 259, from the 742nd session, April 16th, 1975.
So, what might happen in New York for the RNC? Ted Rall has an idea,
"Anti-Republican sentiment is rising to a fever pitch here as the dog days tick down to the dreaded affair. A poll cited by the local ABC affiliate shows 83 percent of New Yorkers don't want their city to host the RNC. And many of them are planning to do something about it."

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Monday, August 16, 2004

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I entered the temple and there they were. Dressed in saffron robes, sitting on either side of the great hall I could feel they were more than friends. They lend a quiet stability I forget about. Their life there has made them tough and I am humbled by their work. They are a true part of a thousand points of light. Thank you. Aum, Peace, Peace, Peace.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Sunday, August 08, 2004

I'm sitting at "home" now with a sunburnt face and a sore body. Bob finally talked me into climbing a portion of Mt. Rainier. It took us four and a half hours to climb from Paradise to Camp Muir. We had to trudge up a 4,600 ft. elevation gain which ran through a particularly long snowfield. ... Not ... easy. It is best to bring something you can slide down on. We think we did all right but poor Bob has to go to work tomorrow.

I put home in quotations because Archstone is raising my rent and I haven't started to look for an alternative in earnest. I'd like to live in Issaquah but that would make my commute even harder. I don't want to live in Bellevue even though it is closer to school. I like the eastside so anything across Lake Washington is sort of out of the question. Lee seems to think that my place is just right. Tracy is supposed to visit next week but I'm not sure what will transpire and the apartment still hasn't been put back together. She had looked here for our bump last year but I usually don't add that sort of personal stuff. I think we are bumpy again, so Tracy, do what you think you have to do. I'm past being concerned about the outcome or much of anything else.

I think I got some good shots of the Muir Snowfield and the scenery up there. Y'all have a great week.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I've joined the Eastside Runners. We ran last Saturday in Bellevue and yesterday on Mercer Island. Maybe I'll get to one of the Monday night runs in Redmond too. It is strange but good to be out among other people for a change. How does that sound to the family back at home? I'm actually out in public! I can't act like a yankee for ever.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Monday, July 19, 2004

I just found this on Dave Winer's site.  I also found out this evening that I can download Bushisms as ringtones for my phone.  I don't really want him on my phone.
Do you remember what Sunday was like?
So what should I do today?  Joe says to take the bike up Rt. 2 and over the Cascades to Leavenworth to see the Icicle Creek fire.  I could use another run today, and the apartment needs an overhaul.  My modest deck needs more potted flowers too.
The Captain saga is over.  Lee had been gone for more than a week so her cat, Captain, thought he'd find another neighborhood to hang out in.  I went out looking for him after someone called saying they had him but that he had then gotten away.  He did the same thing to another neighbor the following day.  Lee found him the day after she returned.  He looks a little bedraggled and he might not be happy about now being kept in.  Lee now has two new friends in Captain's adopted neighborhood. 
Do you remember the picture of the flag draped caskets on the plane coming back from Iraq?
"Before this, I had blind faith about my government,' she said. 'But I don't believe in this war. I believe in our troops, but I don't believe in the reasons for being there."

Monday, July 12, 2004

I got a B+ in the biology course. I went over to assessment and they need a transcript with the name of the college on it. UMass didn't put their name on it. I also picked up a practice test in math. I think I can remember all that stuff. For radiation therapy, the courses have to be done by spring term but I have to apply to the program by a certain date in February. That gives me another term to get anything else done I might need.

When I was ready to leave the school my bike was not. I had to push the heavy thing up a hill and jump start it. After a few minutes it was normal...until I came to the end of 520 near Avondale Road. There it quit. I had to leave it, walk back to the apartment to get my car and trailer and then haul it home. It started when I needed to get it into the trailer, so I'm hoping it is only a loose battery cable. If it starts tomorrow morning will it get me all the way to the shop?

I finished Ben Sherman's book, Medic!. I used to read these sorts of Vietnam books and I enjoyed this one immensely. The only problem was that it wasn't long enough. It reads fast. It puts you as well as any other book I've read -boots on the ground- within his story. I'm glad I never had my boots on the ground there. I was 5 when my brother went there and then returned and 10 when the U.S. pulled out. If you like this sort of story, go and read it.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

I spoke with Elissa on the phone today and she filled me in on Evan's condition. His kidney began working again, so now he has two . His liver was damaged but they are hopeful that it will be able to mend itself. And to my surprise the doctors aren't 100% sure he will be paralyzed. He has a 10% chance of walking. They don't know yet and he is still sleeping. I'll just be glad to hear his voice again.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I got a phone call this morning from Edju and he told me that the night before my nephew on the Cape was in a bad motorcycle accident. I learned later in the day that he has lost a kidney and that he is paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors induced a coma to keep him still and he'll probably be kept sleeping for a couple more days. After hearing this I rode my bike to work anyways. I tried to be extra careful. God speed Evan. I can't express how much this sucks.

To all you motorcyclists out there, be careful.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

After work today I went to The University Bookstore in the U-district for a book reading. Ben Sherman didn't do a reading but he did something better. He gave us the story behind his story. It has taken him over twenty years to present us with his book, "Medic!". You'll have to wonder how he got the picture on his book, how many editors he went through and all of the serendipity and strange chance that went into the whole long process. I love writers' stories. The only Steven King book I've read is his on writing, aptly titled, "On Writing". I mentioned to Mr. Sherman that I would too like to write something someday. He urged me to not throw anything out and to keep at the task. The perseverence he showed in working on his book was tremendous. And the story behind the story was much better than just a reading. He was concerned that we were there for just a reading. Not to worry. You had the "crowd" in your hands.

I need some sleep now. It is my turn to deliver Lee to the airport, and I have to get going wicked early, hey.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

One week of work after my trip. Needless to say I am tired. I need to shop for groceries, go to the bank, swing by Tully's for some coffee and also make my way to the Wooden Boats Festival down on Lake Union when the weather clears. We're socked in right now. I had perfect weather at home so I can't complain about a little drizzle and fog here. Joey Jo Jo says it is the onshore flow.

What I can comment on is how much I appreciate all those at home and here who made my little vacation so pleasant. Thank you Lee for tending my plant and providing the important drop-off and pick-up at the airport. Thank you Becca and Abby for your generous hospitality that went beyond family ties. Mark, Annie and Clara came through in a big way with the use of Clara's car. Thank you Tracy for your company and your use of transportation to Boothbay Harbor. I knew you'd like the resort. And Ron and Jess, thank you for your generous hospitality at the resort. You went above and beyond what I hadn't even expected. It was great to see the rest of you, of course. Please don't feel slighted if I don't acknowledge you in this entry. Time now to figure out the school thing and to join the running club. I still need new shoes. I'm still searching for a girl too...

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Hi. I've been here in the northeast for almost a week now. I'll post pictures of Maine and Montague later. It is nice not working, of course. The new picture phone is fun. When I get back I'll have to figure out how I'll get my studies started again and how I'm going to test out of math. I don't want to get the equivalent of Sonya's sweatervest guy. Like I wrote a while ago, no more being lazy. It will be nice to get back to the bike too. Later...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I had a big entry typed up but before I could post it my computer froze up. Work was terrible last week so if there is anyone out there who knows of a job which would match me then I'd be eternally grateful. I typed out my long story that ended with me getting a new phone. It's an Audiovox 8900. I can take pictures with it and it holds a myriad of other functions. After today there are three more days until Massachusetts. Y'all have a great one.

Friday, June 11, 2004

I like this woman's site. She's a cook. "god speed your soul, you black emperor."

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Well, the class is over. I don't want to make a guess so I'll find out how I did when Jeff mails me back the scantron.

On the work front, I now have more properties with even less time to get them done. Pain in the ass doesn't approach what it is like. I'll be home for a week so maybe then they'll get an earfull of just what an impossible task my routes have become. Friday's isn't bad but I end up heading back to neglected properties then. Aaaargh.

Monday, June 07, 2004

How is it that I can go for a run three days in a row, for about 17 or 18 miles all together and still be heavier today, Monday, than I was on Friday after work? That's just not right.
"Nigritude Ultramarine"
"Worried White House aides paint a portrait of a man on the edge, increasingly wary of those who disagree with him and paranoid of a public that no longer trusts his policies in Iraq or at home."

Saturday, June 05, 2004

"The walls haven't collapsed around George W. Bush, but the pillars are buckling, the floorboards are rattling, the inspectors are probing, and it doesn't look good."
I went back to this blog to a year ago and read this timely quote from Jane Roberts and Seth:

"The great emotion of love has been thus far poorly used, yet it represents even the biological impetus of your being. Your religions in a large measure have taught you to hate yourselves and physical existence. They have told you to love God, but rarely taught you to experience the gods in yourselves."

I wish I had more time to read this sort of stuff.
As soon as I get a chance, I'm going to redesign this blog template and upgrade my account to a paid one so that I can post my own pictures. I'll just have to learn the code better now. I want to put some northwest trees and hills as a top border, change the font and increase the font size. With a change to a northwest motif I wonder whether I should leave mattampash to the northeast, along with the river rocks at the top of this page? I picked this blog template because it sort of correlated with the Pocumtuck and Norwottuck name for the area I grew up in. We lived about 100 yards from the Sawmill River. The mouth of the Sawmill empties into the Connecticut River near Mattampash Island, though no one calls it by that name. I can't use the name Sammamish even though it sounds similar. I don't have anything to do with that town. What to do, what to do?

Thursday, June 03, 2004

My theme lately is: n-o-t e-n-o-u-g-h t-i-m-e. Why is this happening now? I don't get it.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I'm sort of all set to go home on the 18th. "sort of" because I got the time off and I have e-tickets. I still have the last test next Thursday and then I'll feel like I'm getting there, or anywhere. I haven't set an itinerary yet, but I'd like to go to Maine to see Ron and Jess at the Resort, and then there is the whole Deerfield Massacre shindig. Abby would like to go to Monica and Jane's new restaurant in Newport. There is always the option of doing little and drinking What to do? One thing I can get done will be to mow the cemetery where I already have a spot for myself. Creepy or not?

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Read this from This Modern World:

"Meanwhile, the Red Cross gave the Army a detailed catalog of sexual and physical abuse at Abu Gharib -- last November 6th.

As far as I can tell, you had to read both the NY Times and the LA Times to get both stories and see the dates line up. But now we know: six months before the world recoiled in horror, the Pentagon absolutely knew what was going on. All of it. And nothing changed."

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Ha ha ha, go read this Sylvia comic strip.
I was on my way here to write that I should go for a bike ride while it isn't raining and on the way I signed up for a Gmail account.

Friday, May 28, 2004

I'm registered for the fall Anatomy & Physiology class and I booked a flight home for the last week in June. -A pretty productive computer session. Last week I purchased an external CD burner. I can make mixed-cd's again! Now I need to clean the apartment, thus increasing my chances that an introduced girl would find the place acceptable.

In other news, it looks like Edju will be able to keep his index finger. (fingers crossed) He almost destroyed them (index and thumb) on a table saw at work this last Monday. Maybe the prayers worked. It is good to get news such as this out quickly because all of our intents together, I believe, can help. This is also where a large family comes in handy. Good luck and godspeed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Monkeys! "We taped off a side kitchen, drove the van up to the door, let the monkeys into the kitchen and went in to sit down ourselves. A monkey fell asleep on my shoulder, and my family kept knocking on the door, but I was so tired, I just let them knock."

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Who the hell is looking for murders in Montague Center? I just got a link feedback for this query. We just took our 3rd of 4 exams in the biology class. At work I'm still working hard at trying to get my properties up to speed. I thought the dead leaves were a problem when I started but now everything is growing. Did you know that there are slow and fast growing shrubs? You do now. It is really hard to keep up when you visit the propery once a week and for a limited time. I'm busting my ass trying to keep up. ON top of that There are a bunch of QFC's that were added to my list. Thanks for the song Janet, on c89.5.

"Why would someone capable of being smart choose to be stupid?"

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Thomas Friedman finally sees what the president and his pack are up to.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

I got the bike back and the valves were off a bit. It sounds a lot better. I guess I had to get it done. Gas out here is over $2.24 a gallon and Lee told me that in L.A. she has seen it over $3.00. I'll be riding the bike as much as I can. Hey, I passed the spray test I took in Olympia last Tuesday. One test was on weeds and ornamentals and the other one was on laws and safety. So now I can spray all sorts of chemicals on the properties. I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing, but I get a raise. I need it with the price of gas and my motorcycle tune-up bill. After my biology course is over I can take a long trip and go camping with the bike. Maybe I'll go out to the peninsula.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Check out this horoscope. I'm not sure about the angst but...
November 21 - December 20
If you have been kicking around the idea of writing a novel or taking up oil painting, then today is the day to begin. There is no time, and no reason, for excuses. You have just as much talent as anyone else, why not use it for a change? You might find it helpful to join a writing group or sign up for a one-day painting workshop, if only to help you get started and stay motivated. Join a support group for struggling artists. They'll all understand your angst.
I don't know why it is now center justified but in bold type.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I just found this amusing and informative blog.
I might start putting more stock into astrology if today's horoscope pans out:

November 21 - December 20
You can expect to reap the benefits from your recent training or studies, dear Sagittarius. You have taken a huge leap in ability, especially where your technological skills are concerned. As a result, you can expect to receive either a promotion or an increase in pay. It is the very least your bosses can do to reward you for all your hard efforts of late. If you continue at this pace you will soon be running the company!

Hey, they added the capability for me to add a quote that looks like a quote (almost). Thanks Blogger. Why doesn't it justify to the left also?
I took my spray license and ornamental weed tests this morning in Olympia. Now I can study for the chapter quiz tonight in chromosomes, genetics and observable patterns of inheritance. Next week we have another exam and this Thursday we have a lab quiz. It seems as if they are one after the other. I won't have the television to distract me because I think it died, and there isn't anyone here I am aware of who will give me another free one. This one was Mom and Dad's. I can't get it to register any channels. It only registers "A/V" where the channel is supposed to be and I can't get it to do otherwise. On a brighter note I think I passed the tests this morning. I can't be completely sure until the results come back. I need the raise. Take care.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Go to Google and type in "weapons of mass destruction" and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky."

Sunday, May 09, 2004

David Broder writes of the Rummy take on the prison mess that,

"[t]his is a true McNamara moment for Rumsfeld, an echo of the technocratic body-count mind-set that blinded Robert McNamara to the realities of Vietnam when he was running the Pentagon."

Here is an analysis and comparison of our polarized and divided nation.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

"The electorate is very clearly polarized," Damn straight we're polarized. And we are going to throw the power grabbing, lying thiefs out of there too. Is that polarized enough for you?
I was too late in looking into seeing Southern Culture on the Skids while they were here in Seattle. They are playing tonight at the Tractor Tavern and it is sold out. I should have seen them at the Paramount, but I was way too tired yesterday. I guess I'll have to wait another year. Crap. I need to study for the spray license anyways. That test is on Tuesday in Olympia.

I added another mile onto my run and was able to do the eight miles in OK time. I can't run during the week because of class so these weekend runs are important if I want to stay in any sort of running shape. My shoes, on the other hand, are shot. I figured that I could put off buying new ones by not running as far and not running as often, and so far it has worked. Krispy Kremes are ruining my running dividend. Mmmm...donuts.

Friday, May 07, 2004

It looks like going home is going to cost me over 350 dollars US. I got an 88 on the last test. I really didn't know how I did until he handed the test back. How are you all doing out there?

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Can the whole class say, "eat shit in november cause your all out"? I can't wait until November.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Tom Tomorrow: "Truly bizarre that the Bush campaign keeps trying to make Kerry's military record an issue."

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I feel like an insurgent in my biology class. There is no way that by chance occurrences through the millennia that the cell miosis and mitosis came about and repeats itself on its own shedule to the exact degree that it does and we became one of the end products. Don't call me a creationist either. We give our greater selves far too little credit.

"He [Darwin] spent his last years proving it, and yet it has no real validity. It has a validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form. Form does not evolve consciousness. It is according to when you come into the picture, and what what you choose to observe ... Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe....
"Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of Biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities....
"...In actuality, life bursts apart in all directions as consciousness does. There is no steady stream of progress."

- Jane Roberts and Seth, "The 'Unknown' Reality", Volume Two, Appendix 12, pp.662-663
From Slate, "[T]he Department of Energy is spending an astonishing $6.5 billion on nuclear weapons this year, and President Bush is requesting $6.8 billion more for next year and a total of $30 billion over the following four years."

Monday, April 26, 2004

It is going to be 20 degrees above average today. I have more studying for the quiz on Tuesday and next week Tuesday we have the second of our four tests. A portion of the family is on their way to the Scott and Chrissie marriage cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale today. I hope that they all have a great time. If I weren't taking this class and for the first time in my life actually working for something then I'd be there too. Some sunset cocktails among family and friends sounds very therapeutic. Na zdrowie!
Check out this mosaic. Here is the original source.
Alan Blevins of writes, "It seemed that every time I saw, heard, or read something about Kerry, his doucheness factor increased. It wasn't until I did just a little research on my own that it became clear that all of these occurrences could be explained as lies, deception, media excess, or simply poor campaigning strategy. It is beyond vital that we all overlook these minor blemishes and unpleasantries, and unite in electing John Kerry to be the next president of the United States of America."

Sunday, April 25, 2004

From today's paper:

Here is a more datailed look at the women behind last week's Seattle Times' Sunday front page photo.

There will be a series about dementia in this week's upcoming papers.

The Bush team is holding firm on staying the course. For assorted reasond they have to. And this course is leading them into a possible great mess. "While public perceptions sustain support for the war despite mounting casualties, experts warn the support could collapse if the public stops agreeing with Bush on these points."

The tea pot is calling the kettle black. "The campaign to portray Kerry as culturally out of touch because of his privileged youth and current wealth is replete with ironies. Bush, a son of one of America's most successful political dynasties, and Vice President Dick Cheney are both multimillionaires. Republicans, on policy grounds, have no objection to vacation houses or inherited wealth; Bush has led an effort to eliminate the estate tax, paid mostly by the wealthy."

Also in The Seattle Times today, "NASA tells staff not to talk about chilling film" It says, "It's just another attempt to play down anything that might lead to the conclusion that something must be done' about global warming, one federal climate scientist said."

Friday, April 23, 2004

They happen in threes, right? Our applicator guy (fertilizer, herbicide...) had a heart attack last week. I was told he'd be back to work in a few weeks. Jeff had two 21" Honda mowers and a blower stolen from his trailer yesterday while working up in Everett. And today while driving back on I5 I saw Lucio and looking around and scratching his head while a woman who had rear-ended him traded their information. We are supposed to be moving to the new shop in Mukilteo the first week in May. That process should be interesting.
Is polling the crack cocaine of political journalists?
Here is a local article in the Seattle Times about the woman who took the pictures of the flag shrouded coffins.

Monday, April 19, 2004

I found this on the banner ad at the top of this page. It is another source for news and analysis about the presidential campaigns. I only just looked at it. I don't know whether it has a slant.
Happy birthday Chris. He is 39 today. We all get older. And I got to talk with Katie on the phone. She sounded excited that I might be home for the last weekend in June. At least I think I'll be home. If any of the older kids are reading this, THE YOUNGEST CHILD IN THE FAMILY IS ALMOST FORTY! How does that make you feel? Ha ha ha. I'd like to be home for the Deerfield Massacre commemoration. We are related to one of the redeemed captives born in Canada. So we are related to the canadian contingent, who'll be present. It is sort of a 300 year family reunion.

In other news I got the second best grade on my biology test in my class, a 92. I thought it was easy, but the way the teacher talked I began to wonder. My quiz grades bring my average down but I can do something about that. So my old time intensive study methods paid off. Whew. I'm almost looking forward to cramming glycolysis, the krebs cycle, electron transfer phosphorylation and the pyruvates, ADP and ATP and all the rest into my head. So I can do it. That is a small relief.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

"It's hardly a surprise when a politican gives evasive answers at a press conference. It's just that Bush is so terrible at it--he has maybe eighteen pre-programmed sound bites ready to go, and if none of them are applicable to the question, he just starts sputtering like a computer on the original Star Trek, after Captain Kirk has just irrefutably pointed out the illogic of its basic programming."
The paper says that "Rove rues 'Mission Accomplished' banner". It's more lies from the propaganda spinmeister.
In the Seattle Times today: "Powell thought Cheney and his allies — his chief aide, Lewis 'Scooter' Libby; Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith; and what Powell called Feith's 'Gestapo' office — had established what amounted to a separate government."
"When training dogs, you're like a cheerleader; with cats, it's like doing yoga," she said. "You learn a lesson in patience."

Thursday, April 15, 2004

You know the April 15th 11 o'clock evening news reports from the local United States Post Office? Well, the newscasters weren't there, but I was. I dropped off my tax return by 10:20pm.

Monday, April 12, 2004

I did bomb it. Test is tomorrow. Maybe a redemption.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

I think that I bombed on my first quiz. I'm a social sciences person and this chemistry and cellular science is killing me. I have to really study this weekend for the first test on Tuesday. I like my new routes at work but wish I had more time for studies. I think that I used to work 11 hours in the Physical Sciences Library and maybe an 8 hour shift for Servicemaster up in Griswoldville. During the school-breaks I would work with Lew delivering beer. I guess that is a long time ago now. Y'all have a great weekend. I'll be studying. No tulips this year.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Here is my horoscope for today:
November 21 - December 20
Your hard work is finally paying off, dear Sagittarius. A phone call may come to you bringing good news. You should be filled with a new sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and high hopes. Any work will be more of a pleasure than a drag, because you have something to look forward to. Changes are definitely in the wind for you, so be prepared for just about anything!"

It sounds good to me. What else is going on? I either have to buy powerpoint or go to the computer lab for the class notes. The next class I have to take is not offered at night in the summer quarter, so I either have to get another job or I have to take it in the fall quarter. In the political arena there are almost too many articles to link here.

Krauthammer thinks that Clarke's apology is disingenuous. No one else will do it. Typical of a right wing apologist.
Karen Hughes is back.
"Bush insiders slam lack of discussion"
The Bush team is playing hardball politics.
Clarke says: "the reason I am strident in my criticism of the president of the United States is because by invading Iraq ... the president of the United States has greatly undermined the war on terrorism."
They were told about airplanes.
Karl Rove has his own problems. How is this different from the Republican thuggery during the 2000 recount in Dade County?

There. Plenty of links.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Monday, March 29, 2004

Quick recap of the weekend: Lay in the sun, ride the bike, went to Seattle with Lee for shopping and dinner, smoked cigars and drank beer. I got to drive the BMW. It is warm today. First class is tonight and the first day of the new route is tomorrow. This week we are also starting our 10-hour, 4-day week. The best to you all.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Richard Clarke's "Game, set, and match."
William Saletan: "It's funny, in retrospect, that Bush ran for president as a uniter. To unite a country, you have to acknowledge and reconcile differences. Bush doesn't work toward unity; he assumes it. He doesn't reconcile differences; he denies them."

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Tom Tomorrow: "They're either incompetent or liars--actually, they're probably both. And the only reason we're still having this discussion is due to the fact that a lot of people just can't bring themselves to admit they were hoodwinked."

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

This may sound naive, especially from a political science student, but I wish that all of the people everywhere would just stop shooting each other and blowing each other up. Maybe if everyones' memories were not so long. This current state is so wrong. It doesn't have to be this way. Ditto for subjugation, theft by systemic inequalities and by outright war.

Monday, March 22, 2004

You all have probably heard of Richard Clarke recently. He has been the White House terrorism advisor for four administrations. I thought that what he had to say here in this CBS piece and in his book was very pertinent: "So what did we do after 9/11? We invade an oil-rich and occupy an oil-rich Arab country which was doing nothing to threaten us. In other words, we stepped right into bin Laden's propaganda. And the result of that is that al Qaeda and organizations like it, offshoots of it, second-generation al Qaeda have been greatly strengthened." This is from the New York Times.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Bad news. I lost my hat today. It was a Cheney Brothers cap I got from a purchasing agent at the hotel. I had to pester him for weeks for that cap. This really bites. I went for a ride today, starting at Tully's, through Woodinville and up Route 9 to 92 and over to Granite Falls. From Granite Falls I was trying to take the back way to Monroe. It didn't work, so I went via Route 2. I lost my stinkin' hat. Shit shit shit. Maybe Amy can get me another one. She works at Tommy Bahama's in West Palm Beach. I'm almost gone long enough to want to visit. Almost. There is the tour of me losing my cap. Shit.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Sunday, March 14, 2004

At any other race you get apples, oranges, bananas and water in what they call the recovery area. For the St Patrick's Day race here you get twinkies, cookies and beer. Woo hoo. For the meateaters they had some bratwurst. The race was a pisser. For a 10K you can't just run all out, but for 3 1/2 miles I did (pretty much). I was surprised that even this short race could be so demanding. I was glad to see the finish line. So I had some beer, chatted with some people and then went home for a nap. I was told that I had to join the Eastside Runners Club. The little sleep helped, and since I was still in the Irish spirit and it wasn't raining, I took the bike for a ride and picked up some Guinness. Woo hoo. It's on sale at Fred Meyer. All this and St. Patrick's Day isn't even here yet. My pace was about 6 1/2 minute miles.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

One more day. It is hard on my attitude when I consider my pay. I understand RDG's excitement. I was told today that I might be working a single-man route next month. It will have to come with a raise. In more important news, I registered for the biology class at BCC. After all these years I'll be going to class again. In less important news, I'll be running the short St. Patrick's Day road race from the Space Needle area to Safeco Field via the Alaska Way Viaduct. I hope we don't have an earthquake. Y'all have a great day.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Here is E.J. Dionne's ode to John Edwards, "Edwards talked everywhere about "two Americas," one for the privileged, and one for the rest of us. Most political types said it was one of the best stump speeches they had ever heard."

Sunday, March 07, 2004

I don't know whether you are back yet Lee, but I made donuts yesterday.
I took the bike to the arboretum today. The rhododendrons are for the most part not in bloom, but the fruit trees are. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I'm registered for the St. Patrick's Day race in Seattle. It is a short one and looks to be more fun than anything else. I read that "The St Patrick's Day Dash donates a portion of your race entry to the City of Hope Cancer Research Center." I think most of the races I have run out here benefit the cancer fight. This one is the most expensive per mile, but there is beer at the other end. And now for a training run....

Friday, March 05, 2004

Tom Tomorrow: "It's the damndest thing, how people who think I am a traitor for expressing insufficient enthusiasm for George Bush's various little wars have absolutely no problem watching their neighbors slide into poverty and despair because someone somewhere is willing to do their job for one-tenth the cost. Patriotism really is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?"

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Greenspan, John Edwards, Karl Marx and Social Security. Any idiot knows that there are the haves and the have-nots.

Ha, ha, ha.

I did this search and found the strip I was looking for. I love that strip.

The Dean campaign.

While working at Group Health on Capital Hill today, I was amazed by the amount of people smoking around the buildings. Addiction I guess. Even though addicted why the hell can't they refrain from throwing down their cigarette butts?

Sunday, February 29, 2004

It took so long to get this thing going that I've nearly forgotten what I was going to write. I found my college transcript. I took eight courses after I had graduated when I was working at the university. What I am struck by though is how these grades on one level are important but on another level they make completely no difference whatsoever. Along with the transcript I have kept a myriad of cards and letters from family and friends. I'm not looking forward to the dreams which will come of this. All the other stuff in the containers are important to me. I'm not sure with the prerequisite requirements for the program I am looking at that I have a chance. Clumsy sentence I know. Do I go in another direction? I don't know whether I have cold feet from doing something new or that some portion of myself is telling me that this is not my way. This is a particularly difficult place. Confounding mortal coil. Good night.

Friday, February 27, 2004

This week wiped me out. I thought the aftermath of being sort of sick was over but I had to get some more pseudo safeway theraflu (lemon). This stuff rules. I get to sleep now. Tomorrow I'll go to Fall City and get my trailer and bike. Last week I washed and waxed the car and this week it will be the ACE. I'll tell the owner of the trailer/boat/RV place that I'll be taking keeping the trailer elsewhere. I'm thinking about transcripts, advising and school in general. Now I have to go from the thinking to the scheduling and attending. I don't think I am ready to take a math placement test. I got through calculus at Umass and have tried to not use anything approaching that level for a long time. On the upside I don't think that math can change that much over time. I hope.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The cold/flu finally struck and now after about two weeks I feel there is little left. We did the big mow today. It was a lot of walking behind the 36" mower. When we go to ten hour days I'll feel it alot more. It will also make it harder to do what I'll need for the class I'll be taking in a month. BCC accepted me (they accept everyone). Next I need to see what I have taken in the past. A high school class may fulfill a requirement. I can't remember what I took for sure or for how long. Nothing else is new. I'm mowing grass again, I don't have a girl and it is still the same cold and rainy here. I just finished a book though, "Bones of The Earth" by Michael Swanwick. It deals with time travel. It was interesting reading this book while also reading "The 'Unknown' Reality, Volume Two" by Jane Roberts and Seth. In it it says,

"The rockbed reality is the one in which the perceiver is focused. From that standpoint all others would seem peripheral. Taking that for granted, however, any given reality system will be surrounded by its probability clusters. These can almost be thought of as satellites. Time and space need not be connected, however - that is, the attractions that exist between a reality and any given probability cluster may have nothing to do with time and space at all." session 712, Pg 344.

You have to read a lot of what came before and after before it even begins to make sense.

"As closely as I can explain it in your terms, your concepts of space travel have you going around (underlined) space rather than directly through (underlined) it.
(9:40.) Give us time ... You are also viewing your solar system through your own time perspective, which is relative. You 'look backward into time,' you say, when you stare outward into the universe. You could as well look into the future, of course." session 712, Pg 344.


And I almost forgot, here is Molly Ivins' ode to howard.