Saturday, February 23, 2002

Adam Curry on blogging and the evil of television.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

This is how a psychotic paints cats.
Here is a question for those who are concerned about the future of our society: Do you want to have the country you live in to be represented by a bunch of liars thereby representing you as such? Maureen Dowd says, Our cause is just. So why not just tell the truth?" in this syndicated column, and Molly Ivins weighs in on the liars here.
Molly also observes that "we seem to be entering a 'taxes are for suckers' era" in this article about moving companies offshore to avoid taxes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Poindexter is back. I thought those Reagan years were gone. God help us all.
The dog is walked and the dished are half-done. The cold may still have some hold on me. I'm feeling much better than a few days ago, thankfully. This weather is so mild. It should be much colder up here now than it has been. This is the winter that wasn't, but I still can't ride my motorcycle. I need to buy a trailer for it now that I have the car to use. I liked the idea that I was going to drive across the country by bike, but the car will be good.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Monday, February 18, 2002

Here is something on death from above.
Here are some interesting tidbits from Texas '02 about the GOP and Enron. Return the money!
I just got back from the Cape and I still have this stinkin' cold in my head. Oh bother. Ricky Rudd was knocked out of the competition Sunday so Capt. Ed was muttering about that 'til this morning. Maybe I'll even watch the race next week. Jesse drove Evan, Elissa and myself to newbury comics and I got a Bright'n'Shiny Bender. Oh yeah, supposedly Futurama is being cancelled. They are morons if they do that. Go to this page, find out more and sign the petition. Maybe another network will pick it up and will actually show it instead of sports. What do they want out of a 7 o'clock timeslot? Stupid humans.

Friday, February 15, 2002

"Why, at a time when the most basic principal of society—the right to know—is being turned into a criminal act, isn't there an army of outrage fighting to protect the free flow of human creativity?"
Here, Henry Jenkins has some observations about the blogging phenomenon. "As the digital revolution enters a new phase, one based on diminished expectations and dwindling corporate investment, grass-roots intermediaries may have a moment to redefine the public perception of new media and to expand their influence."

Thursday, February 14, 2002

My head still hurts. This cold will not go away. I walked the little dog over this side of Taylor Hill and into town again today. I won't make her do it tomorrow. I'll make some more donuts and then we'll head down to the cape for the weekend. It is Katie's birthday and Capt. Ed is gearing up for Nascar for this season. Woo hoo! Beer and snacks; me so hungee.

I usually wear black for this day. It has never worked out for me. Hateful day. I didn't go anywhere so clothing color was not an issue. Just me, the little dog and the cold wind. Becca was nice enough to leave me a valentine's card and a cookie today. Thanks

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Hate phone solicitors, right? Then do this!

Thursday, February 07, 2002

Ron Chimeli of the Union-news still can't quite believe that the Patriots really won the title but thinks that "We can handle this title".

Thanks for dinner Tracy.
A head-cold is running through the family (two of us so far). It wants to run down my throat too. No Y today I don't think. I'm starting to think about my donut project for Friday and Saturday. My friend Tracy is in town and I guess that we'll head into 'Hamp this evening with her Auntie. What I do now is the laundry and the dishes, walk the dog and run errands. Not bad.
Mark Shields says that Enron's big political investment paid off here, and Maureen Dowd says that there are heroines aplenty in Enron epic in this article.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

US forces are gearing up for something.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

We are on the trail of Mom's eyeglasses. We were led to believe at the funeral home that all of her jewelry, including her glasses, I thought, would be returned to us after the service at the funeral parlor. Unbeknownst to us the glasses were donated to a civic organization. We were hurt that this was not told to us beforehand. I'm glad that I pursued this no matter what the outcome because I believe that Mom would have wanted us to recycle them within the family. She really liked them and we went to great effort to get them just right for her. This may give me a greater feeling of control over a situation which afforded us little. They are also a reminder of a dearly missed soul. Her ashes will be interned together with Dad's on Saturday here in Montague. I'll make her donuts early Saturday morning I think.

Monday, February 04, 2002

Michael Moore has an open letter for George W. Go read it. What a rotten system. How much money was wasted with the Whitewater investgation and will we hear much more about this one? Vote the bums out.
Ron Chimelis says that We are not the same fans as we were yesterday morning.
Yup, it stands. They really won. The sports commentators can't dump on them anymore. Shut up Madden and Bradshaw. No Rams dynasty. I guess that is enough for me. I don't usually watch, but that did not detract from the pleasure of yesterday's win. What a game! Thanks for having us over Dan & Penny.

I spent the weekend with Bob and Cindy and the twins in far north New Hampshire. For two quiet people their (good) kids do...not...stop. It is snowmobile (sled) country up there. The kids were quiet when we wore helmets and the engines were fired up. The snow reminded me of the big snowstorms when we were kids. Oh yeah, they were quiet when they were outside and we were in and when the threat of no nintendo is waved. stereo nine year olds...

Sunday, February 03, 2002

Did the Patriots really win? Hard to believe after all this time. It should stand when I get up tomorrow.

Think hard about having kids because you might have twins