Saturday, May 29, 2004

Ha ha ha, go read this Sylvia comic strip.
I was on my way here to write that I should go for a bike ride while it isn't raining and on the way I signed up for a Gmail account.

Friday, May 28, 2004

I'm registered for the fall Anatomy & Physiology class and I booked a flight home for the last week in June. -A pretty productive computer session. Last week I purchased an external CD burner. I can make mixed-cd's again! Now I need to clean the apartment, thus increasing my chances that an introduced girl would find the place acceptable.

In other news, it looks like Edju will be able to keep his index finger. (fingers crossed) He almost destroyed them (index and thumb) on a table saw at work this last Monday. Maybe the prayers worked. It is good to get news such as this out quickly because all of our intents together, I believe, can help. This is also where a large family comes in handy. Good luck and godspeed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Monkeys! "We taped off a side kitchen, drove the van up to the door, let the monkeys into the kitchen and went in to sit down ourselves. A monkey fell asleep on my shoulder, and my family kept knocking on the door, but I was so tired, I just let them knock."

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Who the hell is looking for murders in Montague Center? I just got a link feedback for this query. We just took our 3rd of 4 exams in the biology class. At work I'm still working hard at trying to get my properties up to speed. I thought the dead leaves were a problem when I started but now everything is growing. Did you know that there are slow and fast growing shrubs? You do now. It is really hard to keep up when you visit the propery once a week and for a limited time. I'm busting my ass trying to keep up. ON top of that There are a bunch of QFC's that were added to my list. Thanks for the song Janet, on c89.5.

"Why would someone capable of being smart choose to be stupid?"

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Thomas Friedman finally sees what the president and his pack are up to.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

I got the bike back and the valves were off a bit. It sounds a lot better. I guess I had to get it done. Gas out here is over $2.24 a gallon and Lee told me that in L.A. she has seen it over $3.00. I'll be riding the bike as much as I can. Hey, I passed the spray test I took in Olympia last Tuesday. One test was on weeds and ornamentals and the other one was on laws and safety. So now I can spray all sorts of chemicals on the properties. I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing, but I get a raise. I need it with the price of gas and my motorcycle tune-up bill. After my biology course is over I can take a long trip and go camping with the bike. Maybe I'll go out to the peninsula.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Check out this horoscope. I'm not sure about the angst but...
November 21 - December 20
If you have been kicking around the idea of writing a novel or taking up oil painting, then today is the day to begin. There is no time, and no reason, for excuses. You have just as much talent as anyone else, why not use it for a change? You might find it helpful to join a writing group or sign up for a one-day painting workshop, if only to help you get started and stay motivated. Join a support group for struggling artists. They'll all understand your angst.
I don't know why it is now center justified but in bold type.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I just found this amusing and informative blog.
I might start putting more stock into astrology if today's horoscope pans out:

November 21 - December 20
You can expect to reap the benefits from your recent training or studies, dear Sagittarius. You have taken a huge leap in ability, especially where your technological skills are concerned. As a result, you can expect to receive either a promotion or an increase in pay. It is the very least your bosses can do to reward you for all your hard efforts of late. If you continue at this pace you will soon be running the company!

Hey, they added the capability for me to add a quote that looks like a quote (almost). Thanks Blogger. Why doesn't it justify to the left also?
I took my spray license and ornamental weed tests this morning in Olympia. Now I can study for the chapter quiz tonight in chromosomes, genetics and observable patterns of inheritance. Next week we have another exam and this Thursday we have a lab quiz. It seems as if they are one after the other. I won't have the television to distract me because I think it died, and there isn't anyone here I am aware of who will give me another free one. This one was Mom and Dad's. I can't get it to register any channels. It only registers "A/V" where the channel is supposed to be and I can't get it to do otherwise. On a brighter note I think I passed the tests this morning. I can't be completely sure until the results come back. I need the raise. Take care.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Go to Google and type in "weapons of mass destruction" and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky."

Sunday, May 09, 2004

David Broder writes of the Rummy take on the prison mess that,

"[t]his is a true McNamara moment for Rumsfeld, an echo of the technocratic body-count mind-set that blinded Robert McNamara to the realities of Vietnam when he was running the Pentagon."

Here is an analysis and comparison of our polarized and divided nation.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

"The electorate is very clearly polarized," Damn straight we're polarized. And we are going to throw the power grabbing, lying thiefs out of there too. Is that polarized enough for you?
I was too late in looking into seeing Southern Culture on the Skids while they were here in Seattle. They are playing tonight at the Tractor Tavern and it is sold out. I should have seen them at the Paramount, but I was way too tired yesterday. I guess I'll have to wait another year. Crap. I need to study for the spray license anyways. That test is on Tuesday in Olympia.

I added another mile onto my run and was able to do the eight miles in OK time. I can't run during the week because of class so these weekend runs are important if I want to stay in any sort of running shape. My shoes, on the other hand, are shot. I figured that I could put off buying new ones by not running as far and not running as often, and so far it has worked. Krispy Kremes are ruining my running dividend. Mmmm...donuts.

Friday, May 07, 2004

It looks like going home is going to cost me over 350 dollars US. I got an 88 on the last test. I really didn't know how I did until he handed the test back. How are you all doing out there?

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Can the whole class say, "eat shit in november cause your all out"? I can't wait until November.