Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I heard this on the way home from work today. Well, actually I was on my way to get the emissions tested in my car. It passed. After that I had enough time to swing through Fall City for a little fishing. The Raging River has made a very nice pool as it enters the Snoqualmie, if anyone is interested. I and another guy had no luck there. About the commentary I heard today - go listen to it. Halloween sets the story up - he is a storyteller by trade - but the larger story he tries to get his hands around is life. I highly recommend a listening. Clicky clicky "All Things Considered, October 31, 2007 · Storyteller Kevin Kling tells us of ghosts, but not the scary kind. After a motorcycle accident almost took his life six years ago, Kling recalls, his coma kept him in what he thinks of as two worlds."

I also enjoyed his poem about fishing from last year.