Wednesday, July 31, 2002

As those canadians gave me and my motorcycle a hard time in Hypoluxo, this summerhill luxury living community does not like my trailer. I keep the bike in the garage with me. oh well.
I brought the bike out of it's trailer yesterday and sped toward Redmond and Seattle. I like the cooler weather up here. Tracy is back in Whately for Kathy's shower. I'll take the bike out again and this time go out toward Carnation and Big Bend I think it is. Nope, North Bend. Joe and Tracy think I'll be better off up in the woods away from the press of cars and people here. I don't know whether I'll be able to find work as easily. I found where Pete, a friend from highschool is. I had to go to mapquest to find his street on Bainbridge Island. It is a two and a half hour drive without the ferry. Y'all have a great day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

I called Abby from downtown Issaquah today with my new number, and I told her that I'd take a picture of the sprawled dog. Here it is. I now have a nationwide number and I'll be sending it out today.

Monday, July 29, 2002

If y'all come out here to visit, these two sights might be a must on your travel plans: Olympic Park and great view from Hurricane Ridge.
Here are some more bucky pictures. We went to a campground on the Olympic Peninsula for the weekend. There we hiked a little of Hurricane Ridge and Joe caught a steelhead trout in the morning. I took Tara for a long walk this morning. When I get a chance I'll let her have a lot of rest.

Saturday, July 27, 2002

I have arrived. Here is more mileage:

529 miles from Billings to Missoula because I took a few hours through or near Yellowstone.
463 miles from Missoula to Issaquah. It didn't take nearly as long as I was told, so I continued on instead of staying in Spokane for the night.

I posted some more pictures. We went to the Columbia River gorge. I think that Bucky, the intrepid canine, enjoyed this stop. The previous day we (I, I don't think that the dog was paying attention although sometimes she would get up to look out the window) saw some beautiful scenery in Yellowstone. I could see Mt Rainier but the pictures I took don't do it justice. Here is the Olympic range from a distance and the inevitable rain once we enter the mountain pass. Pretty cool all the way around. Today Joe and I will drive to the Olympic peninsula for some camping with Tracy and a friend. Bucky knows the camping routine. Here are a few more pictures from Yellowstone.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Here is our mileage for the last few days:

July 22, 466 miles to Belvidere KOA in Midland, South Dakota
23, 256 miles to Spearfish KOA in Spearfish, South Dakota
24, 356 miles to Billings KOA in Billings, Montana (first KOA)

Today, the 25th, I would like to see some of Yellowstone. It would be great to be able to use the bike. I'd need someone to sit the dog. She gets yappy when I leave her in the car to see or buy something. When the engine is off so is the air conditioning. I think she has resigned herself to a nomadic life. Tara the traveler.

Here is roadside Montana shot out the car window, and here is the Yellowstone River as it passes the Billings KOA.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Bucky and I didn't get far yesterday. We went through the Badlands of South Dakota, then went to look at petrified wood and then took a trip to see Mount Rushmore. It was steep going to get there. I90 has been rolling hills(usually overpasses) and the car doesn't mind them. I had one trailer wheel looked at yesterday because it was spraying grease. The generous folks at Haggar's Tru Value and Haggar's Texaco Lube found that the wheel was fine. It was packed with too much grease and a little bit loose. They tightened it up for nothing. 12150 Siouxland Rd, Blackhawk, SD 57718. They are located just west of Sturgis.

We ended up in Billings, Montana for the night. I don't have my mileage with me but we did pretty well. Go to the picture links and browse through them all. I'll add more later.

Monday, July 22, 2002

Hi all. We are in Stewartville, Minnesota. Here is Tara taking her walk. Two cans of food a day so the trip hasn't hurt her appetite, if you were wondering. The rain drove us inside yesterday. I haven't seen internet access at campsites yet.

Here is the mileage:
day one 448 miles. We camped at Lake Erie State Park in New York.
day two 456 miles. We camped at Sand Creek Campground in Chesterton, Indiana.
day three 402 miles. Bucky is laying down on the floor of the AmericInn in Stewartville, Minnesota.

Now we are off to South Dakota.

Sunday, July 21, 2002

This is the third night. We are in Minnesota. Bucky is, was lying down. she's tired. In the last picture of this series you can see the storm that sent me to this motel in/near Rochester, Minnesota. It was earlier in the day when the thermometer read 100 degrees. I wonder whether the car thermo works right. In the storm I was glad to see it read 70. The car is working well and the trailer is great. Go to the first picture and click for the next so that you will eventually see the farm. ok?

Thursday, July 18, 2002

Tomorrow is really the day. I guess that it is today now that it is Friday. 12:17AM All of the stuff is secured and the bike won't move. Ratchet straps are the way to go. The rain should stop by morning and that will leave the first day of the trip to be nice and cool. I hope that the northern plains will be cooler by the time Bucky and I make our way through there. To all of you who have contributed in any way to my stay here in mattampash country from the bottom of my heart I thank you. I have enjoyed my time here and you to-boot.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Blog to Cope With Alzheimer's Fog
Stop the presses. I'm not ready yet. The trailer isn't packed so I'll leave Thursday morning. Yeah, yeah I know, "big surprise". I was able to see Dan and family but not Dave or Adam. From what I hear, Dave has his cast off and is quite pleased.
One more day in the valley. I still have to clean and pack the trailer and run some errands. My leave day is Wednesday now. You'd think that one of the things I'd have would be maps. Gotta go shopping. Later..

Sunday, July 14, 2002

We dispersed the contents of the estate and now it is time to get out of Dodge. Bucky and I are going to New Hampshire tomorrow to pick up a camping stove and a sleeping mat. I don't think that I want the tippy kayak though. I'm almost out.

Friday, July 12, 2002

I pulled a screw from one of the car's tires today. It looks like the ones Jonathan and I were using to affix a shelf system in the trailer. I'm going to the tire place today to get two new tires put on the car. Everyone feels better that I'll have new tires for the trip yet it will come out of my pocket. I'm glad I can help. I think that Bucky can stay here with Abby. As I write this Abby is cleaning the drawer runners in the kitcken, and since her computer isn't up and running she can't read that I'm writing about her. Later...

Thursday, July 11, 2002

I'm on the Cape now. I'll get back to Montague today, pick up Bucky from Judy's, go to Ames for some more containers and then go home to really pack. I'll see y'all soon.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

I am writing from New Gloucester, Maine. I rode yesterday from Newport, Vermont. After Ron and I go to the Y this morning, I'll ride to Dodie's house in Mashpee. Y'all gotta see the Northwest Kingdom and Lake Champlain. The Kingdom reminded me of the Amish country of Pennsylvania, except for the dearth of buggies. The air is dryer now so today should be a bit more pleasant than yesterdays heat. These Mainers aren't used to it.
Oh yeah, I went to the resort yesterday and it is as rustic and beautiful as ever. A blight is hitting the spruces so there were fewer trees on the point. It all brought back some memories.

Saturday, July 06, 2002

Hi kids. Been busy at the homestead lately. All my stuff is in the trailer and my car. That part of the house is mostly painted and mostly cleaned. I don't know for sure whether I'll be able to do the trip I had wanted to do to the north country before I leave. The family will be here next weekend to peruse the stuff and to see the almost new baby Olivia. Crunch time for me. As y'all probably know I'm not the best at getting going and it shows in my present preparedness in leaving. Oh well. I have more pictures too for the family site. I'm typing this from the house on the hill now and later I'll uplload the pics from my own computer. I hope that y'all had a great fourth. Bye.

Wednesday, July 03, 2002