Sunday, February 25, 2007

green 2-25-07

I had a nice day on the Green today. I released two native steelhead. I caught them on a river other than the Skykomish and it wasn't near a hatchery. It is a nice close to a season.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Originally uploaded by nthaniel.

They are still out there.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Here is a picture of Mom and Dad. I don't really like this day but happy Valentines. I have a feeling Dad might have been looking in on Jonathan during his recent trial.

mom and dad

Monday, February 12, 2007

I stayed home from work today. This morning I didn't know whether I had the flu or a cold because this cold is a little worse than a normal cold. So it's a headcold. My sinuses are killing me. I wasn't concerned about work because my properties look good, especially Monday's.

I didn't catch anything this last weekend. The Green River at Tanaskat State Park was quiet and the river was rising on the Skykomish on Sunday. I know I should be finding a place to live, but I've been playing it by ear and it felt like fishing would be good. I'll have to take care of the other stuff soon though. By being away running Saturday mornings and fishing the rest of the weekend, I don't realize how much better it would be for me to have a more permanent place to live. That became apparent to me today as I stayed home from work unable to do much more. I did go out for groceries and kitty litter later though. Having all my clothes just thrown in the closet out of sight brought it home for me. I need my own (shared) place.

I had a much better weekend than brother Jonathan and family at home. He had a blockage to an artery in his right atrium. He now has two stents in place and a new diet. That episode put the scare through everyone, patient included, as you can imagine. We are all glad he is home now and relatively well. I let the dust settle before I called Sunday. He needs a
little bell now for service. How does that sound? Y'all take care.