I got a new phone today. It's an update to
my old one. I'm back on the grid.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Hi all. My phone died so if anyone has tried to call me after 10 or so yesterday morning that is why it is going to voicemail. I didn't do anything special for my birthday other than hitting some tackle shops and then buying some beer.
Monday, November 26, 2007
I ran the Seattle Marathon yesterday. I had a great race. I finished 167th overall. I was able to run with a few friends until the hills separated us. I fell short by one minute to qualify for Boston. Because of the rules and my age next year I qualified for 2009 though, when I'll be in the next age bracket. I'd like to get my 3:20 none the less. I was just very pleased that I didn't fall apart at the 18 mile mark. I don't think that I need to say that hitting the wall is no fun. Being able to keep my steam while traveling under I90 was a win in its own right. Greg pulled away from me on Galer and didn't look back. That was about the 20 mile mark. I last saw him whizzing through Interlaken. My splits were nearly even, coming within about a minute of each other. My first half was 1:40 and change and my second half was 1:41 and something. As I just wrote, the hills start a little before the 20 mark. I think that feat is my other win in this race. My third is that I'll be able to go to Boston, circumstances permitting, in '09.
So I took today off and caught a bunch of chum. I kept this one because it didn't look like a dinosaur. It still had sea lice on it. I've got to go home and cut it up now. Y'all have a good week.
Monday, November 12, 2007
The wind kept us out of work today, so of course I went to the river. I've worked on jigging for coho and I kept this one today. They react well to the green plastic tubes I use. This is probably the last of them I'll keep. She had some great eggs but her meat is washed out. She measured at 28 inches. Chum salmon are next. It should be fun.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I heard this on the way home from work today. Well, actually I was on my way to get the emissions tested in my car. It passed. After that I had enough time to swing through Fall City for a little fishing. The Raging River has made a very nice pool as it enters the Snoqualmie, if anyone is interested. I and another guy had no luck there. About the commentary I heard today - go listen to it. Halloween sets the story up - he is a storyteller by trade - but the larger story he tries to get his hands around is life. I highly recommend a listening. Clicky clicky "All Things Considered, October 31, 2007 · Storyteller Kevin Kling tells us of ghosts, but not the scary kind. After a motorcycle accident almost took his life six years ago, Kling recalls, his coma kept him in what he thinks of as two worlds."
I also enjoyed his poem about fishing from last year.
I also enjoyed his poem about fishing from last year.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Cool, it worked. I can again post directly from my phone. It looks like my life is all fish. Well I don't get here that often and I didn't think that y'all would want to read about what I should be doing. I still haven't figured out the Portland Marathon logistics yet. If worse comes to worst then I'll drive down at three in the morning on Sunday the 7th. I did my final long run yesterday of about 9 miles on Cougar Mountain with the Saturday morning Eastside Runners group. My leg is ok I think and I won't be doing much for the rest of the week anyways. I feel optimistic about putting in a good performance next week. I want a 3:20 or better. I'd say wish me luck with the run but what I really need is good fortune in finding a ride down and accomodations for Saturday night. It looks as though I'll be missing this year's Salmon Days in Issaquah. Too bad. I'll also be missing the run. I've wanted to run Portland since I started contemplating doing marathons. Here is the Salmon Days print for this year:

Originally uploaded by nthaniel
This is a test post from my phone. Joe with a fighter on the Green.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Bob and I were supposed to have climbed up to Camp Muir on Mt. Rainier tomorrow but it looks like the weather has nixed that plan. Of course I'll be fishing instead. If the water is rising too much I'll try the Green. I want to return to the Skykomish tomorrow. Somewhere in here or there my room could use a good cleaning too.
Abby ran her first race this morning in Montague. Congratulations! Hopefully you'll be as hooked as I am. Try a 5k next. My leg is still complaining but I was able to put in 15 this morning. Some river hiking tomorrow will do me good. Abby, you should pick up fishing next. You already eat better than I do. You did very well this morning. It is better to run than volunteer, isn't it?
Abby ran her first race this morning in Montague. Congratulations! Hopefully you'll be as hooked as I am. Try a 5k next. My leg is still complaining but I was able to put in 15 this morning. Some river hiking tomorrow will do me good. Abby, you should pick up fishing next. You already eat better than I do. You did very well this morning. It is better to run than volunteer, isn't it?
Monday, August 13, 2007
A photographer taking shots at Snoqualmie Falls was nice enough to forward some pictures to me. No bites but I enjoyed the spectacular surroundings. I spent yesterday on the Green but no fish. Seeing this photo I more fully understand how this hobby is both a journey and a destination. Y'all have a great one. Happy fishing and tight lines!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
I've been wasting so much time on the river as of late that I should at least take some pictures to share here. And in that spirit I found this as my horoscope today:
I'm giving the Skykomish another try tomorrow and then it'll be business, my own business, really. The Green River claimed many of my hours for the last few days. I had absolutely no luck there today. Joe will fly back to Massachusetts on Tuesday I think and then I can let the steelhead swim out of my brain. It'll be like a catch and release - making the fish gods smile. You have to keep the fish gods happy, you really do.
Pieces of your life that you have actively tried to avoid for some time may come up to the surface, causing you a bit of trouble today, dear Sagittarius. That which is not organized or structured is getting more and more chaotic, just to teach you a lesson. Take care of things now. Put things in order and become more aware of the ticking of the clock. There is a need for you to take care of business!Not the picture spirit but the moving-on spirit. This isn't just for today though. This has been an issue since November or December. Wish me success. The alternative is unacceptable.
I'm giving the Skykomish another try tomorrow and then it'll be business, my own business, really. The Green River claimed many of my hours for the last few days. I had absolutely no luck there today. Joe will fly back to Massachusetts on Tuesday I think and then I can let the steelhead swim out of my brain. It'll be like a catch and release - making the fish gods smile. You have to keep the fish gods happy, you really do.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
I finally got some stuff done today. After a fruitless morning on the Green I returned to Kirkland and got some bills paid, cleaned up my room a bit and then went out off to the Monday Footzone run in Redmond. I had to get that all started so that I can get going on the rest, namely looking for another job and getting certified as a nursing assistant. I also want to get out of where I am living. For some reason it has been hard for me to get going on these things. It has been very hard. I know what direction I want to go though. I need the vision thing before I can go down that path. I hope y'all are having an easier go of it than I am.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
It is hard for me to post here because I have to leave the house to access the net. This is my Sunday morning out to read the paper and check my email. Yesterday morning we ran on Cougar Mountain and then I drove up to the Skykomish to stalk the elusive steelhead. I figured I needed to get some other things done today. I've found I can easily slip out of my present neighborhood and into the nice environs of Woodinville down near the vineyards and Redhook Brewery. I guess I've found myself a new Tully's. When I get more news I'll post here. I'd like to wish you all a most excellent week.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Happy Monday. I have had a considerably hard week trying to find my way through making decisions about changing my work and housing. I haven't felt like this in fifteen years. What is that saying about indecision being worse than a wrong decision? Well, a lot of that. Indecision contributed to the wrong decision, well actually a few wrong decisions. It has been torturous. I'm not pleased with my living arrangements and I need to change jobs soon. Apperently, these moves should have been made back toward February. Landscaping is over getting old. So when I read this in my horoscope I found it encouraging:
I also need to start writing in my real journal again. This doesn't count really. It is good for keeping y'all back on the east coast up to date with my latest. I'm still mostly up here on the plateau helping Lee get herself out of her condo. I'll get the last of my belongings out of here myself today and this chapter will come to a close. The cat is not happy about the place being broken down and he keeps a close eye on me as if to watch me leave for the last time. I'm not looking forward to that. He has been a good roommate.

So y'all wish me luck, and for Lee and Nicky too.
I ran with the group on Mercer Island on Saturday and Alicia and I attempted to keep up to the Marathon Maniacs yesterday at Discovery Park in Magnolia. Saturday we went 9 and Sunday almost 12. That was enough. I'll need to put in more miles and drop some weight to keep up with them.
"Sometimes you feel like you're navigating through a thick fog, but the obscurity will finally lift today. The skies ahead are sunny and clear! You can expect an invitation to take a little trip, or an offer to belong to a special group of associates. Don't pass up any opportunities to have fun, dear Sagittarius. You can benefit from a diversion right now!"
I also need to start writing in my real journal again. This doesn't count really. It is good for keeping y'all back on the east coast up to date with my latest. I'm still mostly up here on the plateau helping Lee get herself out of her condo. I'll get the last of my belongings out of here myself today and this chapter will come to a close. The cat is not happy about the place being broken down and he keeps a close eye on me as if to watch me leave for the last time. I'm not looking forward to that. He has been a good roommate.

So y'all wish me luck, and for Lee and Nicky too.
Monday, May 14, 2007
My move is almost complete. I emptied my temporary storage unit today and parked the stuff in my trailer where it lives in Fall City. The car didn't like hauling the thing up the hill to the plateau and out to Fall City. I'll have to get it looked at when I have a chance. I think it is good enough to drive around without anything in tow. Lee is on her way to packing up her place. I hate all the extras I need to live out here, namely the need to rely on a car and the need to move all my stuff around. What I have I'd like to keep, so I don't have much more I can jettison.
We have had wonderful weather lately and it only looks to get better. That is a good thing too because I'll feel more secure relying on the motorcycle. I have to say that this period has been a trial. What was that saying about you are exactly where you are supposed to be, no matter how things may seem to appear? Take care.
We have had wonderful weather lately and it only looks to get better. That is a good thing too because I'll feel more secure relying on the motorcycle. I have to say that this period has been a trial. What was that saying about you are exactly where you are supposed to be, no matter how things may seem to appear? Take care.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Hmmm, so here is my horoscope for today:
The thing is that I tried to change my professional future three times already. The clarity came with strike three.
November 22 - December 20
You should use the day ahead to ponder your professional future, dear Sagittarius. Many forces seem to be working together to clarify your ideas on the subject. Rather than rebelling at the slightest provocation, as you have been doing lately, it would be much more reasonable for you to think first of your basic material needs and those of your family.
The thing is that I tried to change my professional future three times already. The clarity came with strike three.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's funny how music can speak to you so many years later. I was pulling weeds out of sidewalk cracks today on a property in Wallingford and I found myself singing an old Petty tune. It was "Here Comes My Girl" and in it he laments how even though so many things are going wrong, there is still his girl and he describes how she looks as she is walking toward him. That song used to really ring true for me even though I've rarely had that woman in my life. So I'm picking friggin weeds and out of nowhere really here is this song. Right now I'm sitting next to my jig stuff and I'm finishing off a beer and listening to the Big Jangle CD from his box set. It transported me to over 25 years ago. Wow, I'm an old guy. The funny thing is that I'm an old guy in great shape. I can't pass an interview to save my life but if I had to I could finish a marathon tomorrow. I'd be a mess after 20 miles but I think I could finish. Where is this going? Uh, frustration and music. Just as smells are strong triggers frustrations can be music triggers. I was big on Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers back then. He sang, "It just seems so useless to have to work so hard and nothing ever really seems to come from it." So here I am thwarted again in picking a career so late in the game, I still need to find a place to live and to add insult to injury I don't even have the consolation of her look in the eye. I'm hoping that success is the best revenge. I guess I'm still optimistic.
And of course there is some part of me observing my reflective vest wearing, weed pulling crap and saying that this bookmark will be a chapter in a greater story, much yet to be told. This is still sort of hard to take when I'm in the here and now having to wear the vest and pull the weeds and pick up the garbage. And some days I find needles and there are always beer, wine and liquor bottles. Oh, good news! The QFC near The Seattle Center will be closing - meaning no more landscape visits. That place has bottles and needles and always garbage.
Especially in his first four albums, Tom Petty was really effective in communicating his woes. Those four and Wildflowers are the only ones I would go back and listen to now. I've been meaning to make a few compilation Petty disks but I haven't done so. I also want to put together a number of other mixed disks from different parts of my life. I guess I can put this into the category of incomplete projects because I have a general idea what would go on which disk. I need time and motivation. My priority now is housing. Life down here can be so difficult.
Monday, April 30, 2007
There, I got rid of that intellicast map which had been instigating pop up ads.

A few of us climbed Mt. Si yesterday. This is a picture taken with my camera phone and then enhanced with the computer. I have some shots taken with my real digital camera and they should be far better than this one. I have been here a few years and this was my first time up there. Next time I'm going to what they call the haystack at the top. For some reason no one was interested this climb. My climbing and descending muscles are sore. Before the summer is out I'll also have to run up it. It should be a pisser of a workout.
I bought a new fishing license today. I think I'll go to Pine Lake and give it a try. That lake opened Saturday. The trout are nothing compared to the steelhead but it is enjoyable none the less. You can be a lefty sportsman.
I'm still waiting on word from school. Maybe it got lost in the mail. I don't know. School will influence where I'll be living. I only have 25 days to move. I should be able to do some storage and couch hopping until the 1st of June. I don't want to stress any good will I have with friends here.
A few of us climbed Mt. Si yesterday. This is a picture taken with my camera phone and then enhanced with the computer. I have some shots taken with my real digital camera and they should be far better than this one. I have been here a few years and this was my first time up there. Next time I'm going to what they call the haystack at the top. For some reason no one was interested this climb. My climbing and descending muscles are sore. Before the summer is out I'll also have to run up it. It should be a pisser of a workout.
I bought a new fishing license today. I think I'll go to Pine Lake and give it a try. That lake opened Saturday. The trout are nothing compared to the steelhead but it is enjoyable none the less. You can be a lefty sportsman.
I'm still waiting on word from school. Maybe it got lost in the mail. I don't know. School will influence where I'll be living. I only have 25 days to move. I should be able to do some storage and couch hopping until the 1st of June. I don't want to stress any good will I have with friends here.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Here is my horoscope for today. I'm still waiting on word about school. This sounded close enough:
Have you been waiting to hear about a grant that you applied for, perhaps to create a piece of art, write a book, or make a documentary film, dear Sagittarius? If so, you may have a lot to celebrate today, as news could come your way that you've been awarded the full amount you asked for! Don't be surprised, however, if there's a delay in receiving the actual funds. The project is still going to happen - but a little later than you had hoped. Relax, be patient, and wait! That's all you can do right now.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I'm still waiting. I was hoping for the school letter today but it didn't arrive - maybe Monday. I called the bike shop and they ordered the wrong chain, and the chain they need wasn't there on Friday. They are not open on Monday so I'm waiting for Tuesday now. The weather report says that the end of the week will be nice; it'll be motorcycle weather. Woo hoo. Something I shouldn't be waiting for is finding a room somewhere. Someone put in a bid for Lee's place so my stay there may be coming to an end soon. I was hoping to know about school today so that my necessary plans will be evident. If school comes through then I'd like to be in Bellevue.
We ran in Redmond this morning. I only did an hour because I've been abusing the relative improvements in my leg lately. There is still room for more healing and that won't happen with me running three hours at a time. Tomorrow is the relay and I'll be helping at exchange four. I ran that leg last year. It starts off steep and then continues at railroad grade (happens to be flat) until the exchange that Randy is captain of. I'd then like to take my bicycle out in the afternoon if the weather permits. I keep saying that I'd like to try a triathalon this year but I need to get onto my bike for that and get into a pool.
We ran in Redmond this morning. I only did an hour because I've been abusing the relative improvements in my leg lately. There is still room for more healing and that won't happen with me running three hours at a time. Tomorrow is the relay and I'll be helping at exchange four. I ran that leg last year. It starts off steep and then continues at railroad grade (happens to be flat) until the exchange that Randy is captain of. I'd then like to take my bicycle out in the afternoon if the weather permits. I keep saying that I'd like to try a triathalon this year but I need to get onto my bike for that and get into a pool.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I think my leg is coming along. I ran for an hour with the the group Saturday morning from the Burgermaster at U Village and Randy and I attempted 20 miles along Alki Sunday. We did 17 and we thought that was close enough. Our legs were falling apart. I'm very pleased because today I'm having some normal discomfort but not the nagging pain of an injury. I'm not fully out of the woods yet but I think I can see my way out. I'm not running today or tomorrow and then I'll see whether I can do a track workout or a normal run on Wednesday.
Right now I'm at Tully's taking advantage of their free wi fi. My taxes are submitted and I got some bills out of the way. I know that I shouldn't do these things at an unsecured wi fi spot but I don't have many other options. Those transactions are encrypted. I'll work this next week and then look for any notice from the school.
The other task I did was to drop the bike off at the motorcycle shop so they can outfit it with new tires, a chain and sprockets. Woo hoo, I'll be on the bike again. Next to find a place to live. Abby can't relate to living like this. Maybe once I'm out of it I won't either, except that I've lived it.
When I have more time I'll write about cooking for the Mt. Si Relay and Ultra Runs organizational meeting. I had fun, the food came out prefectly and the people were happy. There, I guess I just wrote about it. It looks like they are closing soon. Y'all have a great week.
Right now I'm at Tully's taking advantage of their free wi fi. My taxes are submitted and I got some bills out of the way. I know that I shouldn't do these things at an unsecured wi fi spot but I don't have many other options. Those transactions are encrypted. I'll work this next week and then look for any notice from the school.
The other task I did was to drop the bike off at the motorcycle shop so they can outfit it with new tires, a chain and sprockets. Woo hoo, I'll be on the bike again. Next to find a place to live. Abby can't relate to living like this. Maybe once I'm out of it I won't either, except that I've lived it.
When I have more time I'll write about cooking for the Mt. Si Relay and Ultra Runs organizational meeting. I had fun, the food came out prefectly and the people were happy. There, I guess I just wrote about it. It looks like they are closing soon. Y'all have a great week.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Well it has taken me a few days to write about the interview. I didn't think I did well. I tried to explain to friends and family that I felt as though I couldn't find my voice. "What do you mean?" was the answer. I didn't feel as though I was "on." I had been concentrating on this for a few weeks, only adding to my nervousness. I'm afraid I came across as stiff and inarticulate. That is what I felt as I left the campus.
I found it hard to get to sleep that night and it wasn't long before I was up the next morning. But what I found then was that I felt much better. I guess I had worked something out while asleep and thankfully I was left with the opposite of an anxiety hangover. Not the best writing, I know, but I think you get the idea. I felt much better. I think I'm too close to it all to try and divine why. Everyone around me seems to be optimistic for me - everyone. It is very nice of them and all but I still have to wait until the latter part of this month for an answer.
I took Nicky in for some shots today and I got the travel papers he needs so I can ship him air freight down to Lee in LA. I'll really need to find a place then because he is my only good reason to still be squatting in her condo. The crazy neighbor should be showing up soon too. I'd like to avoid him.
I'll be cooking again this Friday and Saturday for the Mt. Si Relay course organizers. That is my volunteer work for our race. My leg is still on the mend. It is a very slow recovery. I don't mind this sort of cooking as long as it isn't my profession. I hope y'all have a great week. Back to work tomorrow. I really like these three day weekends. Yay for all this daylight!
I found it hard to get to sleep that night and it wasn't long before I was up the next morning. But what I found then was that I felt much better. I guess I had worked something out while asleep and thankfully I was left with the opposite of an anxiety hangover. Not the best writing, I know, but I think you get the idea. I felt much better. I think I'm too close to it all to try and divine why. Everyone around me seems to be optimistic for me - everyone. It is very nice of them and all but I still have to wait until the latter part of this month for an answer.
I took Nicky in for some shots today and I got the travel papers he needs so I can ship him air freight down to Lee in LA. I'll really need to find a place then because he is my only good reason to still be squatting in her condo. The crazy neighbor should be showing up soon too. I'd like to avoid him.
I'll be cooking again this Friday and Saturday for the Mt. Si Relay course organizers. That is my volunteer work for our race. My leg is still on the mend. It is a very slow recovery. I don't mind this sort of cooking as long as it isn't my profession. I hope y'all have a great week. Back to work tomorrow. I really like these three day weekends. Yay for all this daylight!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Tomorrow is try three for school admission. The interview is in the afternoon. I've been studying up on my math and I think I can answer all the questions well. I should be able to by this point. After that I can concentrate on getting my own space and getting the motorcycle back on the road. At 50 miles per gallon it'll be a necessity. It needs to happen this year. I've gotta get going.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
We're running on Cougar this morning. After that I'll study more for the interview on Wednesday. I've gotten through to Algebra I and I think that is how far they will test us. I've compiled the answers I've received to my interview query last year and I'll be looking at that too. The weather looks good today. Later.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
From This Modern World:
"George Bush isn’t some conservative poseur, he’s the proverbial student that’s become the master. On just about every level, George Bush has improved upon Reagan. Bush has presided over political patronage that reaches every level of the government (and even into the realm of war profiteering). The Administration has had deficits that not only dwarf the gargantuan debt of their spiritual leader, but serve as a tribute to their spendthrift leader (”Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter….this is our due.”) And as the ultimate act of one-upsmanship, not only has the President pissed away every penny that comes into the treasury and buried the country under a mountain of red ink, but Bush was able to do so while continuing to cut taxes for the super rich. Beat that, Bonzo!"
Monday, March 19, 2007
And here I go again. I've received the invitation to this years interview for the radiation therapy program. It is in a little over two weeks. I have to brush up on my math and also go over what I can remember of the questions.
I have also started back in my running and I feel so much better. I've run for at least an hour the last three days, and I'll run again tonight with the group. We all met yesterday afternoon at a restaurant in Issaquah for Ram's birthday. He broke through to the masters division on his 40th. The old guy gag gifts were fun.
Of course I'm still thinking about the fish. Joe called me early this morning and we discussed different poles and reels. He heard about a company that makes glowing products for fishing. They are called Radical Glow. I'm going to incorporate them into my jigs. I went back to sleep and then dreamt of fishing as one component. I slept late. There is no work today because we started working ten hour days once again and we all have Monday off. Woo hoo.
Lee wants Nicky to visit her so my job is to get his shots up to date and then ship him to L.A. Ram said not to forget to punch holes in the box. He said before that he had ordered a bride like that but they forgot to punch the holes and she didn't make it. I'll really need to find a place then. Nicky is part of my job up here on the plateau. Then I wont have a fat tiger cat trying to replace the computer on my lap. After the interview I'll be able to better concentrate on that task. Yeah, it still feels as though I'm moving in first gear. I'm hopeful that the behind the scenes lining up of things are going on unabated. Those decisions have been made. Everyone picture me in school please.
I have also started back in my running and I feel so much better. I've run for at least an hour the last three days, and I'll run again tonight with the group. We all met yesterday afternoon at a restaurant in Issaquah for Ram's birthday. He broke through to the masters division on his 40th. The old guy gag gifts were fun.
Of course I'm still thinking about the fish. Joe called me early this morning and we discussed different poles and reels. He heard about a company that makes glowing products for fishing. They are called Radical Glow. I'm going to incorporate them into my jigs. I went back to sleep and then dreamt of fishing as one component. I slept late. There is no work today because we started working ten hour days once again and we all have Monday off. Woo hoo.
Lee wants Nicky to visit her so my job is to get his shots up to date and then ship him to L.A. Ram said not to forget to punch holes in the box. He said before that he had ordered a bride like that but they forgot to punch the holes and she didn't make it. I'll really need to find a place then. Nicky is part of my job up here on the plateau. Then I wont have a fat tiger cat trying to replace the computer on my lap. After the interview I'll be able to better concentrate on that task. Yeah, it still feels as though I'm moving in first gear. I'm hopeful that the behind the scenes lining up of things are going on unabated. Those decisions have been made. Everyone picture me in school please.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Yesterday was the last day of fishing in many rivers here in western Washington. I asked my boss for a half day and he assented. To my surprise it started snowing mid morning. There is up to a foot of snow in parts of Snohomish County. The river had a beautiful layer of white. This is where we park.

I didn't have any luck until later in the day. I fished my normal spots and nothing, so I went down to the now empty area which most of the guys usually work. I changed depth and the jig and the float went under, fish on. This thing was a cow, huge. What a nice end to the season. It was a 32 inch female. I'm told it is kinda rare to get a hatchery fish this late in the season.

I'm home from work today because Mukilteo was hit hard by this storm. And there is no fishing. It is time to look into my next steps. I dropped off this year's application to the BCC radiation therapy program a few days ago. And I'm still without my own place. Gotta work on that.
I didn't have any luck until later in the day. I fished my normal spots and nothing, so I went down to the now empty area which most of the guys usually work. I changed depth and the jig and the float went under, fish on. This thing was a cow, huge. What a nice end to the season. It was a 32 inch female. I'm told it is kinda rare to get a hatchery fish this late in the season.
I'm home from work today because Mukilteo was hit hard by this storm. And there is no fishing. It is time to look into my next steps. I dropped off this year's application to the BCC radiation therapy program a few days ago. And I'm still without my own place. Gotta work on that.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
I stayed home from work today. This morning I didn't know whether I had the flu or a cold because this cold is a little worse than a normal cold. So it's a headcold. My sinuses are killing me. I wasn't concerned about work because my properties look good, especially Monday's.
I didn't catch anything this last weekend. The Green River at Tanaskat State Park was quiet and the river was rising on the Skykomish on Sunday. I know I should be finding a place to live, but I've been playing it by ear and it felt like fishing would be good. I'll have to take care of the other stuff soon though. By being away running Saturday mornings and fishing the rest of the weekend, I don't realize how much better it would be for me to have a more permanent place to live. That became apparent to me today as I stayed home from work unable to do much more. I did go out for groceries and kitty litter later though. Having all my clothes just thrown in the closet out of sight brought it home for me. I need my own (shared) place.
I had a much better weekend than brother Jonathan and family at home. He had a blockage to an artery in his right atrium. He now has two stents in place and a new diet. That episode put the scare through everyone, patient included, as you can imagine. We are all glad he is home now and relatively well. I let the dust settle before I called Sunday. He needs a
little bell now for service. How does that sound? Y'all take care.
I didn't catch anything this last weekend. The Green River at Tanaskat State Park was quiet and the river was rising on the Skykomish on Sunday. I know I should be finding a place to live, but I've been playing it by ear and it felt like fishing would be good. I'll have to take care of the other stuff soon though. By being away running Saturday mornings and fishing the rest of the weekend, I don't realize how much better it would be for me to have a more permanent place to live. That became apparent to me today as I stayed home from work unable to do much more. I did go out for groceries and kitty litter later though. Having all my clothes just thrown in the closet out of sight brought it home for me. I need my own (shared) place.
I had a much better weekend than brother Jonathan and family at home. He had a blockage to an artery in his right atrium. He now has two stents in place and a new diet. That episode put the scare through everyone, patient included, as you can imagine. We are all glad he is home now and relatively well. I let the dust settle before I called Sunday. He needs a
little bell now for service. How does that sound? Y'all take care.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Here's an interesting observation from Alison. She says,"time and lack of contact turn exes into too-familiar strangers; people about whom you know everything and nothing simultaneously. the nothing is outlined in careful small talk, the everything is never, ever mentioned."
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I ran a track workout this evening for the first time since last spring. I was pleased that I finished the whole thing. I guess I hadn't lost as much as I'd feared. Don't get me wrong though, it is never easy. I really faded on the last two laps. There's nothing like some speedwork to tighten things up. I'll run with the group on Mercer Island this Saturday. I haven't decided on the fishing just yet. I keep see the float going down. I guess I gotta go back out. <* ))))) ><
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
I finally got my winter steelhead. There wasn't any work today due to the extreme cold and residual snow, so rather than going back "home" I headed straight out to the river. These pictures were taken with my camera phone. I think they came out pretty good. They were caught on summer colors of orange and purple. The river level is decreasing so the clarity is improving. I got one yesterday too, so that makes three out of five in two days. I'm tentatively planning on running with the group tomorrow and after that I should start paying attention to more pressing matters. The same mindset which said that I can fish and not move on Christmas Day was behind me fishing on a snow day. And what a beautiful day it was, but cold cold cold.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I've been here about a week and a half. The cat seems happy to be in his old house. All my stuff is in the garage. I haven't found a new place yet, though I've been looking on Craig's list and a little on Live Expo. I don't have a running route here and I don't want to run after dark. I was used to the Lake Hills section of Bellevue. I like being here again though. I got here about four years ago and I literally lived in a garage. I have too much stuff for that now, and it is winter. I feel like I've sort of come home, living so close to Issaquah, but everything is all up in the air. I need a stable place to live and I want to get into school. I have lived like this for so long that I don't think I'll know what to do if things start to go well.
We have another winter storm coming through tonight. We still have power so the winds didn't do too much damage. The rain will turn to snow tonight. We heard about this storm a few days ago and I dreamt of being at home in Montague and trying to drive through the snow. It didn't work. I had to turn back. That shouldn't happen tomorrow. They want us in at 4:30 in the morning. It'll be overtime pay and I hope to be out in time to get some fishing in. If you are reading this in Seattle on Wednesday morning, then the city should be slowed to a crawl. That November storm left quite an impression. Y'all have a great day.
We have another winter storm coming through tonight. We still have power so the winds didn't do too much damage. The rain will turn to snow tonight. We heard about this storm a few days ago and I dreamt of being at home in Montague and trying to drive through the snow. It didn't work. I had to turn back. That shouldn't happen tomorrow. They want us in at 4:30 in the morning. It'll be overtime pay and I hope to be out in time to get some fishing in. If you are reading this in Seattle on Wednesday morning, then the city should be slowed to a crawl. That November storm left quite an impression. Y'all have a great day.
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