Monday, November 26, 2007

Seattle PI

I ran the Seattle Marathon yesterday. I had a great race. I finished 167th overall. I was able to run with a few friends until the hills separated us. I fell short by one minute to qualify for Boston. Because of the rules and my age next year I qualified for 2009 though, when I'll be in the next age bracket. I'd like to get my 3:20 none the less. I was just very pleased that I didn't fall apart at the 18 mile mark. I don't think that I need to say that hitting the wall is no fun. Being able to keep my steam while traveling under I90 was a win in its own right. Greg pulled away from me on Galer and didn't look back. That was about the 20 mile mark. I last saw him whizzing through Interlaken. My splits were nearly even, coming within about a minute of each other. My first half was 1:40 and change and my second half was 1:41 and something. As I just wrote, the hills start a little before the 20 mark. I think that feat is my other win in this race. My third is that I'll be able to go to Boston, circumstances permitting, in '09.

So I took today off and caught a bunch of chum. I kept this one because it didn't look like a dinosaur. It still had sea lice on it. I've got to go home and cut it up now. Y'all have a good week.


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