I think my cold has left. All that sleep must have helped.
I drove all the way to work for my last day, and there was no one there. It had snowed the previous night and those getting overtime were out making sure the Group Healths were clear. So anyone out there in a position to hire someone such as me, I show up every day, even when I shouldn't. It felt good walking away from that place this morning.
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Monday, December 29, 2003
I've been thinking a little, and without bravado, I think that it'll be Earthworks' loss in laying me off. It may just be a favor for me because now I'll look for a better situation. They are loosing someone who is conscientious, consistent, dependable, and who works well and with an eye for detail. But I don't have a spray license so I'm let go. I can't wait around for two months though until the grass starts growing again. And why would I want to go back to that pittance of pay? Be good to your landscapers, they don't get paid much. A few of the guys I work with are more bummed that I am I think. I don't have to get up Monday and go back to the "black hole" of employment as they refer to landscaping work. Hopefully I've escaped. The horror, the horror.
Sunday, December 28, 2003
"Iraq has old-school Marine regretting support for Bush" "That brings him back to Wolfowitz and his neoconservative allies as the root of the problem. 'I don't know where the neocons came from — that wasn't the platform they ran on,' he says. 'Somehow, the neocons captured the president. They captured the vice president."
Friday, December 26, 2003
I have the beginnings of the flu I am told. I hope that it doesn't get any worse. It isn't that bad right now. I'm taking a decongestant to keep my sinuses clear. I can already feel the relative heaviness in my chest, so it has already moved in there. I have three more days of work so I hope I am somewhat better by then. I'm not too concerned about my usefulness when they are going to let me go.
On the recreation side, I've gone to Alki Beach twice with my metal detector. So far I've found some junk metal, two quarters, two dimes, a nickel and a bunch of pennies. I need the wherewithal to complete this quasi-retirement shtick.
On the recreation side, I've gone to Alki Beach twice with my metal detector. So far I've found some junk metal, two quarters, two dimes, a nickel and a bunch of pennies. I need the wherewithal to complete this quasi-retirement shtick.
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Merry Christmas everyone.
I was told yesterday that I'll be laid off January 1st. Now I need another job, obviously. Don said that they'd hire me back in two months, but maybe this is my chance to get away from the landscaping and into a better situation. If I go back into a kitchen I think the gods would smite me.
I was told yesterday that I'll be laid off January 1st. Now I need another job, obviously. Don said that they'd hire me back in two months, but maybe this is my chance to get away from the landscaping and into a better situation. If I go back into a kitchen I think the gods would smite me.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Three days of work this week. No travel in my future. I bought the Best American Travel Writing for 2003 and I'll dip into that. I went with Lee today to see the Last Samurai and as Mom used to say, "it's not so hot". It had a weak love story, too much gore and a questionable storyline. Go to the matinee like we did.
Friday, December 19, 2003
At this milestone birthday I return to the words of Henry Miller: "Once you have given up the ghost, everything follows with dead certainty, even in the midst of chaos." I don't know that age had anything to do with this outlook. Maybe life experience got him there.
Mom used to make me red velvet cake for my birthday. While I was in West Palm, I used to make my own. Here, I have looked for it in the supermarkets but have never seen any. Yesterday I went to Fred Meyers and lo and behold, there it was, a whole red velvet cake - on sale. That and some IPA rounded out my exciting evening. I guess I have already given up the ghost. I went to Fred Meyers because from the apartment complex I could see the backup on 520 and I didn't want to go near that by crossing over 520 and Avondale (*not Avalon). Y'all have a great day. It's Friday.
Mom used to make me red velvet cake for my birthday. While I was in West Palm, I used to make my own. Here, I have looked for it in the supermarkets but have never seen any. Yesterday I went to Fred Meyers and lo and behold, there it was, a whole red velvet cake - on sale. That and some IPA rounded out my exciting evening. I guess I have already given up the ghost. I went to Fred Meyers because from the apartment complex I could see the backup on 520 and I didn't want to go near that by crossing over 520 and Avondale (*not Avalon). Y'all have a great day. It's Friday.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Here is my horoscope from the Seattle Times:
"IF DECEMBER 18TH IS YOUR BIRTHDAY . . .you were different and so wise that adults wondered about you. Your outlook is larger than life. What you have to contribute and say inspires many. With your psychic talents, the world can be your oyster. It's up to you. Every year on your birthday, the galactic center is aligned with your sun, giving you additional powers. In 2004, you tie up loose ends. "
How often can you say that the galactic center is aligned with anything of yours? Tying up loose ends sounds good.
"IF DECEMBER 18TH IS YOUR BIRTHDAY . . .you were different and so wise that adults wondered about you. Your outlook is larger than life. What you have to contribute and say inspires many. With your psychic talents, the world can be your oyster. It's up to you. Every year on your birthday, the galactic center is aligned with your sun, giving you additional powers. In 2004, you tie up loose ends. "
How often can you say that the galactic center is aligned with anything of yours? Tying up loose ends sounds good.
Sunday, December 14, 2003
I empathize with the people in this article. Car insurance and grocery bills are very important to many right now, especially to the un-, and under-employed.
Yay, the sun is out!
Yay, the sun is out!
Now that he is in custody it does not necessarily follow that the neoconservatives are vindicated in their policies, in my opinion. It means that Saddam is gone, that is all. Time and history will tell what this whole mess will mean. The whole story of Saddam's rise, his support by the United States during the Iraq-Iran war, the time during the Kuwait invasion when the U.S. gave no negative indication to invade and then tried to take Iraq out of the game in the mideast, and then finally this last installment will all come into focus at some time. How much is this power grab a give-away to Bush's friends in companies like Halliburton and the others in the energy sector? Could this outcome could have come in any other manner? Did we really have to sacrifice lives for this? Could we have done something any differently as far back as the beginning of the century and WWII that would have avoided a monster such as Hussein? U.S. foreign policy post WWII, along with the U.S.S.R and to a lesser extent Europe shaped the world until the fall of the Soviet Union. Are we going to continue with like policies in a like mind in the future? Who is really behind U.S. foreign policy and what sectors do they represent? Who benefits? A lot of questions and a lot of secrecy, which we do not need. Post 1945 /1948 U.S. Government secrecy should be laid aside.
Saturday, December 13, 2003
We had our Christmas bowling party yesterday and today I am sore. I whacked my right knee pretty well on one of my first attempts to send the bowling ball down the lane. The muscles on both hips are sore also. I got a few strikes and I also missed the pins competely on four consecutive attempts. All in all I think I did well after about five years away from any lanes. What I found really interesting were the elderly people bowling there before we started. They were active - bowling and socializing. Another gift from Mom. They would have been just more people prior to two years ago.
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Sonya wrote that, "[S]ometimes I just wish I could go and turn every bit of barb wire into birthday cake."
Monday, December 08, 2003
MSN sent me a notice saying that my photo storage on my MSN site will end in July. I'll have to go back and link all of them again if their new system enables me to store photos. I'm not looking forward to that. I could upgrade my Blogger account and then get photo hosting there, but I'd still have to re-link.
I went to the International Motorcycle Show Saturday to look at the bikes I can't have. Here is the replacement for the A.C.E.. They call it the Shadow Aero 750. I sat on it and it is low and small feeling to me now. I sat on the 1800 and to my surprise I felt comfortable on the monster. Here is the new ST1300. It is offered in blue this year. And how about a Ural? This one has two weel drive via the sidecar wheel. The Vulcan Nomad looks very good, considering Honda refuses to make a bike like it in the 1500 or 1600 cc sizes. The VTX is not like the Nomad or Road King.
I now have 290 pictures to re-link.
I went to the International Motorcycle Show Saturday to look at the bikes I can't have. Here is the replacement for the A.C.E.. They call it the Shadow Aero 750. I sat on it and it is low and small feeling to me now. I sat on the 1800 and to my surprise I felt comfortable on the monster. Here is the new ST1300. It is offered in blue this year. And how about a Ural? This one has two weel drive via the sidecar wheel. The Vulcan Nomad looks very good, considering Honda refuses to make a bike like it in the 1500 or 1600 cc sizes. The VTX is not like the Nomad or Road King.
I now have 290 pictures to re-link.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
They gave me a jumpsuit, two more t-shirts, another sweatshirt and a new coat and hat. I guess that I won't be layed off soon anyways. The company just hired a new guy too. I really should look for something else. At times it isn't that good of a fit. I wonder what the hell am I doing sometimes as I load barrel after barrel of wet leaves into the truck. I enjoy being outdoors and the physical aspect of the job is good, but the pay isn't. No oracle for me now either.
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
"Hack the Vote": "...you don't have to believe in a central conspiracy to worry that partisans will take advantage of an insecure, unverifiable voting system to manipulate election results. Why expose them to temptation?...the credibility of U.S. democracy may be at stake."
Monday, December 01, 2003
Dave says: "Forget about stupid, they must think we're total complete morons to fall for this bullshit."
Sunday, November 30, 2003
I finished the race in a better time than the Woodinville race. I ran 429th overall and 69th out of the 353 in my division. I'll be in the old guy 40 division next year. My chip time was 1:41:04 and the official time was 1:43:27. It took a while to cross the line and get going in the beginning. For at least two miles I was trying to get clear of the crowd so I could run. A number of us were. I don't know what race is next, but I'd like to pull my time down. My watch time for the other race was 1:43:40, so I improved by 2:36. Can you tell I would have liked to have been faster?
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Well, tomorrow is the race. I think that I'm ready. After wiping myself out in my 15 mile run last week, I ran on the treadmill the next day and then took a couple days off from training. Thursday I ran 8 miles at a very good pace. And then nothing until tomorrow. I hope that I have enough for the race.
The bike is in its trailer in Fall City. I don't have time to ride it in the better weather (which we haven't had) now that I'm working. I've been using the available daylight to train for the aforementioned event. I think that there were warmer days last year at this time.
The bike is in its trailer in Fall City. I don't have time to ride it in the better weather (which we haven't had) now that I'm working. I've been using the available daylight to train for the aforementioned event. I think that there were warmer days last year at this time.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
1,000 Times Too Many Humans?: "Rees added, 'It would be a tragic irony if, in the 21st century, this most technologically sophisticated of human societies finally succumbs to the unconscious urgings of fatally self-interested primitive tribalism.'"
Saturday, November 22, 2003
I did another 15-miler with no rain this time. Since my time last week was so slow, I was hoping to cut at least 10 minutes off of it this time around. I didn't. I was able to take off 5 minutes, so I did it in about 2:05.something. I'll run another long one on Thursday and then the long (half) race on Sunday. Then I can walk in the woods in my free (daylight) time.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
I almost shoveled snow today. I thought that I'd be sent home from work this morning, but the six of us who showed went out in two trucks to check the Group Healths in Everett and Lynnwood. The convergence zone was responsible for the white stuff up there. It was nice to see snow again and very nice to know it wouldn't last. As soon as I made it onto 520 on my ride home, the roadway was dry and the weather was clear.
Thanks Anne for your link to my rather humble site. Congratulations on your new apartment and freedom.
Thanks Anne for your link to my rather humble site. Congratulations on your new apartment and freedom.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
In this article, National Park Service scientist Dan Duriscoe said of watching the stars that the "'[y]oung people are inundated with sound bites,'... 'and the process of looking at the night sky is not a quick, dramatic one. To get to know the sky takes time and patience'....'You're face to face with the universe,' he says. 'You can look up there, and you don't see any way that humanity can make a difference. I don't know if I've come to terms with it, with all my time out there.'"
I know that news of rain in Seattle is not a surprise, but that it would cancel a day of work for me was. I thought that we worked in any weather. The problem was not only the rain, but the fact that getting anywhere was a slow painful process. The commute was horrendous. The eastbound 520 bridge traffic usually backs up onto I-5 so I took I-90 instead to get back on the eastside. It was very slow going until Factoria. I called Lee and met her at the 12th Ave Cafe for breakfast. They do a very good job. After that I finally got my hair cut and then came home for some more sleep.
Monday, November 17, 2003
Make your own church sign.
I could have told you this: Guinness is good for you. So after reading this I went out and got some for myself. I feel better.
Dave Barry has a blog.
I could have told you this: Guinness is good for you. So after reading this I went out and got some for myself. I feel better.
Dave Barry has a blog.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
I've changed my archive links to a more manageable drop down menu, thanks to Phil.
I ran 15 miles yesterday. Whew. I had wanted to try 20 but I ran out of time. Looking back I was glad I did. I got started late for this time of the year. The sun goes down before 5. It was partly sunny and the temp was around 51 degrees. I started the run and the sun started to go away. By the time I reached the half way point at the Redhook Brewery it started to rain. So I'm was out in Woodinville without running pants (because I thought that the temp would hold) and was getting wet. The temp dropped and halfway back my shoes were soaked. Cold, cold, cold. I had socks for my hands so that wasn't so bad, and I had a bandana for my head. My new wicking shirt did a good job in protecting me from the cold until I was soaked. The only thing I could do was to count the distance left and to keep plodding on. I was out there for about 2:12:00. I know I can go for over two hours now, and nothing broke. It comes out as a slow run but there were extenuating circumstances.
I ran 15 miles yesterday. Whew. I had wanted to try 20 but I ran out of time. Looking back I was glad I did. I got started late for this time of the year. The sun goes down before 5. It was partly sunny and the temp was around 51 degrees. I started the run and the sun started to go away. By the time I reached the half way point at the Redhook Brewery it started to rain. So I'm was out in Woodinville without running pants (because I thought that the temp would hold) and was getting wet. The temp dropped and halfway back my shoes were soaked. Cold, cold, cold. I had socks for my hands so that wasn't so bad, and I had a bandana for my head. My new wicking shirt did a good job in protecting me from the cold until I was soaked. The only thing I could do was to count the distance left and to keep plodding on. I was out there for about 2:12:00. I know I can go for over two hours now, and nothing broke. It comes out as a slow run but there were extenuating circumstances.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Monday, November 10, 2003
I worked with Raphael and Lucio today. I walked around and picked up leaves into a rubber/plastic trash barrel. There was a sense of satisfaction in the end result but... . You know what I mean.
Hey Abby, I finally planted those Ivy clipping you brought to me this summer. I planted the ones from the sonics too. Little tasks like this can get put off for ever. I thought about it today and yesterday and imagined the job done. I had to do it then. It had its own will.
Hey Abby, I finally planted those Ivy clipping you brought to me this summer. I planted the ones from the sonics too. Little tasks like this can get put off for ever. I thought about it today and yesterday and imagined the job done. I had to do it then. It had its own will.
Friday, November 07, 2003
For Dodie's sake, and the rest of the clan, I hope that three strikes is it. Sorry to hear about the mishaps. Maybe y'all will get a bye on the next pass. The harmonic concordance is approaching you know. Maybe the planets had something to do with it. I'm very glad to hear that everyone is all right. On a trivial note I need some ideas. When Jerry and Judy were here, Judy insisted that I get a pumpkin. She bought one for me but I didn't carve it for Halloween. What, if anything, should I carve it into now, before it turns to mush?
Thursday, November 06, 2003
I called Jerry and Judy today. They were two time zones away on I-70. At the time of the call they were looking for a place to camp in eastern Kansas, near Kansas City. Tomorrow they will visit with the bird guy, cousin Mike Z. in Missouri. They have loved their trip so far. After landing in LA on Saturday they traveld through Nevada, Utah, Colorado and then Kansas where I caught up to them. Brenda, expect them back at the lake on Monday. I'm a little jealous about what they have been able to see. More traveling would be nice.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Monday, November 03, 2003
It is hard to blow leaves around when they are frozen to the ground. I miss the warm weather. We are working five eight hour days instead of four tens. The sun goes down at 4:49 now because of the time change so working until 5:30 doesn't work.
I don't know sometimes who I'll be working with from day to day. I was scheduled with Raphael and Venancio today but Venancio is leaving for Mexico for a few months and Esteban, who was supposed to work with James, isn't entrusted to drive the truck. He hit a parked car on his second day on the job. James doesn't have his license because of his legal problems so I drove. Raphael has a list of traffic infractions that read like a long rap sheet. Lucio drove Raphael's truck. Lucio had been driving James' truck but James was getting sick of Lucio changing the radio to Mariachi music and whistling and clapping at women en route and on the properties. Even though we were late today (the property is going to have an inspection tomorrow) James said he enjoyed the change of personnel. Oh yeah, Martin didn't show because his kid was ill. He was supposed to work with James and Esteban today. That reminds me when we were kids Chris used to implore Mom to write that he was sick I think rather than ill, or visa versa. He was quite adamant this.
I don't know sometimes who I'll be working with from day to day. I was scheduled with Raphael and Venancio today but Venancio is leaving for Mexico for a few months and Esteban, who was supposed to work with James, isn't entrusted to drive the truck. He hit a parked car on his second day on the job. James doesn't have his license because of his legal problems so I drove. Raphael has a list of traffic infractions that read like a long rap sheet. Lucio drove Raphael's truck. Lucio had been driving James' truck but James was getting sick of Lucio changing the radio to Mariachi music and whistling and clapping at women en route and on the properties. Even though we were late today (the property is going to have an inspection tomorrow) James said he enjoyed the change of personnel. Oh yeah, Martin didn't show because his kid was ill. He was supposed to work with James and Esteban today. That reminds me when we were kids Chris used to implore Mom to write that he was sick I think rather than ill, or visa versa. He was quite adamant this.
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Here is an article about the media focus in Iraq: "On the reconstruction side, the Bush administration's press officers here urge reporters to write about all the schools built, bridges repaired and so on. Those numbers and details are made available. But reporters find that no one will answer questions about how much these projects cost and how the money is spent. ...The Iraqis, typically, are glad Saddam is gone. Now they want security. They expect Americans to provide it. So far, Americans haven't been doing that to the Iraqis' satisfaction. And the Iraqis complain that reporters are not telling that part of the story strongly enough. "
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Congratulations and thank you to the Florida Marlins for beating the Yankees. "For the Florida Marlins, the sweetest sound was silence. The exhilarating cacophony of nothingness, a full stadium reduced to gaping as the interlopers did the familiar scrum dance on the pitcher's mound. ...'It felt good to dance on Yankee Stadium," said Lee. "I'm sure they'll remember that for a while.' " Yee haw.
"The chairman of the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks said the White House was continuing to withhold several highly classified intelligence documents from the panel and he was prepared to subpoena the documents if they were not turned over within weeks."Thomas Kean said that, "'As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted.' "
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Amazon's Search Inside the Book;
Wired News: The Great Library of Amazonia, "Amazon's Alexandrian scheme hinges on the insight that physical books can be turned into electronic databases and then – in the retail process – turned back into physical books. This is one of the boldest maneuvers yet in an intense commercial competition, but for all its cunning, this is a civilized, even civilizing war, one that builds libraries rather than burns them."
Wired News: The Great Library of Amazonia, "Amazon's Alexandrian scheme hinges on the insight that physical books can be turned into electronic databases and then – in the retail process – turned back into physical books. This is one of the boldest maneuvers yet in an intense commercial competition, but for all its cunning, this is a civilized, even civilizing war, one that builds libraries rather than burns them."
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Monday, October 20, 2003
Almost five inches of rain today. When this happened at home a few years ago it made quite a mess. It usually doesn't rain this amount here. Per year there is more rainfall in the northeast than in the Seattle area. There are more rain days here I guess. It sort of mists and rains here and we seldom have hard showers. So I bought some cheap boots from one of the remaining K-Marts anywhere. They'll keep me warm for the winter. It looks as though I will have a job for the winter. Randy is going to order me a jumpsuit for upcoming work, as it gets colder and colder. Through all this rain today I saw plenty of motorcyclists commuting from work. They must have their own jumpsuits. I'm not outfitted for that yet.
I took advantage of this weather to get the apartment extremely clean. I even cleaned out the bulk of unread newspapers and magazines, paid my bills, got all my laundry done and sat in traffic on my way to REI. They didn't have what I needed at my price so I ended up at K-Mart. I didn't get the car cleaned but the weather wasn't good for that anyways. I have a few more projects I'd like to complete and I'm sure there will be many more rainy days for those. Y'all have a great week.
I took advantage of this weather to get the apartment extremely clean. I even cleaned out the bulk of unread newspapers and magazines, paid my bills, got all my laundry done and sat in traffic on my way to REI. They didn't have what I needed at my price so I ended up at K-Mart. I didn't get the car cleaned but the weather wasn't good for that anyways. I have a few more projects I'd like to complete and I'm sure there will be many more rainy days for those. Y'all have a great week.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
I've registered for the 2003 Seattle Half Marathon for November 30th. My running is going well when I get a chance.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
I spoke with Jerry and Judy tonight. They tried to call from a beach in California despite the uneven connection. They sound like they are having a fabulous time, parking for free at WalMart and all. The temperature had been up into the lower 80's during the day and was at 54 when we talked at around 7. It is strange having someone else in my time zone. They are staying at a state park on the beach tonight. Sounds very nice. I didn't make it to Oregon and California on my bike this fall as I had wanted. It'll be a goal for next spring I guess. Call the traveling couple on their cell before they leave for Honolulu on the 22nd. They like calls. I think that everyone should take turns and call them on the hour for the whole day. When y'all on the east coast call at some stupid hour in the morning our time you can feign ignorance by saying you didn't consider the time difference. Or better yet you can call on a Sunday at 6 AM like Brenda did, thinking that Jerry gets up early for church and maybe he is still on east coast time. Just some ideas to enliven their trip, and this makes you a part of it too.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Congratulation Scott and Chrissie on your engagement. He hid the lead up to the proposal from me very well. I call all the time. I won't make it home for November 1st. Y'all have fun at the party. Judy would like a head count for the gathering at her house. Too bad Kabuba won't be able to bring his famous bread. I spoke to him yesterday and he and Judy were in Oregon still. They should be in California now. I haven't made it there yet myself. As far as I know, the wedding date has not been set. For the meantime Scott and Chrissie are busy preparing for the trip, as well are his future in-laws. What does the ring look like?
What a miserable, cold, wet day. The local forecast has a lot more rain on the way. Did I mention that I could use a tune-up; a new job; a better thing to do?
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Sarah B. says about motorcycles, "In our house, there was no Satan, only motorcycles, and I was sure I was going to die a fiery death at any moment like any proper sinner should".
Monday, October 13, 2003
The big bright thing came out at mid-day today but we had already gone to Pike Place Market and had nixed the Mt. Rainier trip. I sent them on their way at 3. They are traveling to southern Oregon this evening and ultimately LA and Hawaii. I went for a run in the afternoon. I had to do something to counteract the Krispy Kreme donuts and Budweiser we had been consuming. We even stopped in Issaquah today and got our complimentary donuts and then left. I wonder how many people do that?
Saturday, October 11, 2003
We all went to Snoqualmie Falls and then up to Snoqualmie Pass today. There was a dusting of snow on the mountain peaks. After a month of driving through dry country they seemed to be pleased by all the green flora. As predicted it has been cold and rainy the past few days. Most of the mid-day was taken with getting the van it's two new tires. We had some wonderful salmon (commercially caught coho); I cooked it on a grill Kabuba gave me. He bought the grill to replace a previously faulty one and now doesn't have room for it in the van. Of course we ended the day at Krispy Kreme's in Issaquah.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Monday, October 06, 2003
Sunday, October 05, 2003
I have some fish pictures. These are from the Issaquah Fish Hatchery. I might go back later and take some pictures of the salmon in the creek. I put together a picture of the pre-race gathering in the parking lot this morning. These folks are serious about their salmon.
I have another running goal now. I almost broke 45 minutes for the 10K race. It might not be easy to better this time on another course because of the flatness of the Salmon Days Rotary Run. My official time was 45:31. My watch time was 45:10. I placed 88th in the male race, 99th overall and 26th in the male 30 to 39 division of 72 people. I averaged a 7:20 minute mile. There were 467 runners in the 10K race. And then I ate a bunch of salmon. The end.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
Tomorrow is the Issaquah Salmon Days 10K road race. I haven't run for a week before today due to work and health. I ran this morning so as not to freak my body out tomorrow with the exertion of running a road race. It is sort of a heads up. Joe is in town again and we went to Salmon Days today. He caught a nice steelhead this morning so we'll be eating that later in the week. This is a nice weekend for me because work isn't all that much fun right now. I was looking at the artisans at Salmon Days and was thinking that a creative outlet as these people have would be very good for me. I'd need to be able to support myself, and there's the rub. Right now I mow grass for money. I would like to do something creative and meaningful while contributing to our general good and while getting paid for it. That would be like hitting a grand slam home run every stinkin' day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Ron Suskind on the Bush White House: "One senior White House official told me that he’d be summarily fired if it were known we were talking. 'But many of us feel it’s our duty—our obligation as Americans—to get the word out that, certainly in domestic policy, there has been almost no meaningful consideration of any real issues. It’s just kids on Big Wheels who talk politics and know nothing. It’s depressing."
CalPundit: The Plame Affair: Damage Control Roundup: "The bottom line remains pretty much the same: A couple of top Bush administration officials blabbed about a clandestine CIA operative to the press in order to try to discredit her husband, and now they're covering it up. Either you think that's OK or you don't. I don't."
Monday, September 29, 2003
Thanks to the Google people at Blogger my archives (to the left) are updated on my page now without me having to manually type them into the template. My ears still don't feel right from this quasi-cold/flu. I haven't experienced the clear end to this malady yet but I felt good enough yesterday to go for a run. I took a nice ride up to Skykomish today. It is sort of like a little ghost town of a railroad stop. It was the first time I took time out to turn off of route 2 to sightsee. Sorry, no pictures of my own. I don't want to work for my present employer. I need ideas. Or better yet, solid leads with the promise of solid money. While I was tooling around on my bike I was thinking that it would be nice to actually stop at some of these places to eat or better yet sleep. Winthrop is cool and Leavenworth is a nice place for an extended visit.
Jonathan Raban says:"Seattle is a small town trying to decide whether it wants to be a big city. It's a sort of embattled small town, harkening back to the days where everything got fixed up at the Rainier Club. I'm fascinated by that world, too — but that's mostly Old Economy Seattle."
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
The truth about lies: An excerpt from a Franken best-seller: "The members of the right-wing media are not interested in conveying the truth. That's not what they're for. They are an indispensable component of the right-wing machine that has taken over our country. ...Let's call them what they are: liars. Lying, lying liars."
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Well, this is a journal so this is part of my weekend. I ran over 12 miles yesterday and paid for it with disrupted sleep. On the sleep subject though I spoke with Lee today and she is feeling better thus sleeping better also. Joe is readily anticipating his time out here. He'll be staying with her at the Lee-chateau in Issaquah.
I signed the lease last weekend so this is where I'll be for the next year. Despite what I have said about the management here, it is still the best deal around. Before the girls came out to visit I had the carpet cleaned by Chemdry. It turned out that Abby is much more resilient than she had been. I really didn't have to be concerned with her environmental reactions. She did have a problem with the exhaust fumes in the I-90 tunnels though. She was even eating Krispy Kreme donuts like she was a kid. Got a hat for Collin too.
I registered for the Salmon Days road race. This year's Salmon Days theme is "spawntaneous" and for the run they invite you to "run with the salmon". Right after I complained about not seeing this race advertised I got an e-mail about upcoming races in the Seattle area. I missed the beer race in Fremont today. I couldn't have done it after yesterdays run. Today I went to the Friends of the Seattle Public Library Book Sale at Magnuson Park. I found:
"Cats Revenge, More Than 101 uses for Dead People" produced by Philip Lief
"Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt
"Running The Spiritual Path" by Roger D. Joslin ..."A Runner's Guide To Breathing, Meditating And Exploring The Prayerful Dimension Of The Sport"
"Where There Is Light" by Paramahansa Yogananda
and a very good copy of Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking", hardcover.
all of this for under 5 American. Not bad. Now to figure out when I'll be reading all of this. I don't want extra time from not working though. My present work may not go well soon because I've started to be a pain in the ass. I don't want to do the paperwork for my new crew lead so there might be some bumps coming up. Oh yeah, I got a new crew lead who doesn't know how to do the administrative part of the job. I need to move on to something different anyways. Again, is there anyone out there in the Seattle area who needs or knows of someone else who needs a good worker? I'm thinking about looking into King County for employment. Does that sound good? (Nothing at the King County website). Y'all have a great week out there, and...
Congratulations Jen and Andy. And Jack Andrew, welcome to the world.
I signed the lease last weekend so this is where I'll be for the next year. Despite what I have said about the management here, it is still the best deal around. Before the girls came out to visit I had the carpet cleaned by Chemdry. It turned out that Abby is much more resilient than she had been. I really didn't have to be concerned with her environmental reactions. She did have a problem with the exhaust fumes in the I-90 tunnels though. She was even eating Krispy Kreme donuts like she was a kid. Got a hat for Collin too.
I registered for the Salmon Days road race. This year's Salmon Days theme is "spawntaneous" and for the run they invite you to "run with the salmon". Right after I complained about not seeing this race advertised I got an e-mail about upcoming races in the Seattle area. I missed the beer race in Fremont today. I couldn't have done it after yesterdays run. Today I went to the Friends of the Seattle Public Library Book Sale at Magnuson Park. I found:
"Cats Revenge, More Than 101 uses for Dead People" produced by Philip Lief
"Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt
"Running The Spiritual Path" by Roger D. Joslin ..."A Runner's Guide To Breathing, Meditating And Exploring The Prayerful Dimension Of The Sport"
"Where There Is Light" by Paramahansa Yogananda
and a very good copy of Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking", hardcover.
all of this for under 5 American. Not bad. Now to figure out when I'll be reading all of this. I don't want extra time from not working though. My present work may not go well soon because I've started to be a pain in the ass. I don't want to do the paperwork for my new crew lead so there might be some bumps coming up. Oh yeah, I got a new crew lead who doesn't know how to do the administrative part of the job. I need to move on to something different anyways. Again, is there anyone out there in the Seattle area who needs or knows of someone else who needs a good worker? I'm thinking about looking into King County for employment. Does that sound good? (Nothing at the King County website). Y'all have a great week out there, and...
Congratulations Jen and Andy. And Jack Andrew, welcome to the world.
Thursday, September 18, 2003
I found a new race. It is in Issaquah for Salmon Days. I don't know why they don't advertise this more. I had to go look for it. It should set me up well for the Seattle Marathon's half marathon. No 26 miles yet. I think that 13 is enough.
I'm driving the truck again. Gary, my crew lead, got himself fired for stomping off the job last Friday. No word yet on exactly what my status is concerning work and pay. The rain has returned to Seattle. It is kind of spotty now. The weekend is supposed to be really nice. I hear that good weather has once again graced New England. It has been hot, muggy and wet at home all summer. Y'all better enjoy it before it gets snot-freezing cold though. Thank god there are espresso stands, Tully's and Starbucks everywhere here. There is nothing like a cold rain to drive you to some hot espresso. Kabuba and Judy are due here October 10th or thereabouts and it is sure to be colder and wetter then. It should be fun. Maybe when Kabuba gets more minutes on his cell phone he'll call. I'll call him on the weekend when mine are nearly limitless.
I'm driving the truck again. Gary, my crew lead, got himself fired for stomping off the job last Friday. No word yet on exactly what my status is concerning work and pay. The rain has returned to Seattle. It is kind of spotty now. The weekend is supposed to be really nice. I hear that good weather has once again graced New England. It has been hot, muggy and wet at home all summer. Y'all better enjoy it before it gets snot-freezing cold though. Thank god there are espresso stands, Tully's and Starbucks everywhere here. There is nothing like a cold rain to drive you to some hot espresso. Kabuba and Judy are due here October 10th or thereabouts and it is sure to be colder and wetter then. It should be fun. Maybe when Kabuba gets more minutes on his cell phone he'll call. I'll call him on the weekend when mine are nearly limitless.
Monday, September 15, 2003
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Friday, September 12, 2003
this imploding heart: 20 20 24 hours ago...: "Keep the rain coming please." I hope the rain is as beneficial to me. I didn't think so yesterday while I was crouching down in some very wet rhododendrons, in the rain, while pulling wayward ivy out of the branches.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
The comments section is working again, my dishes are done (not piling up until the end of the week), my lunch is made for tomorrow - not hastily in the morning or not at all, Sonya keeps writing geat stuff while Red Dirt Girl takes her leave, the Mariners are tied with the Rangers in the 8th (wait, Ichiro is on second) and now I need some sleep. The nausea is gone I think and my back is better. "...and the Mariners leave two stranded."
Saturday, September 06, 2003
Tara died a year ago today. I thought of her as I was walking through the dog park in Marymoor. She enjoyed cooling off in the water there.
I was looking at some old posts of mine and I don't have as many pictures and as much commentary as I used to. I'll try to be a better tour guide. What can I say? I'm a landscaper now with little energy left. When I do have some I like to use it running (when my back and knee feel good). I'd like to have some exciting travel stories and I might in the future; the bike is ready for touring again. I wanted to have some pictures of the race last weekend but ya see, I was in the race and I didn't want to run with my camera. I'll go and see about pictures from the race at the timing website. Y'all hold on.
I was looking at some old posts of mine and I don't have as many pictures and as much commentary as I used to. I'll try to be a better tour guide. What can I say? I'm a landscaper now with little energy left. When I do have some I like to use it running (when my back and knee feel good). I'd like to have some exciting travel stories and I might in the future; the bike is ready for touring again. I wanted to have some pictures of the race last weekend but ya see, I was in the race and I didn't want to run with my camera. I'll go and see about pictures from the race at the timing website. Y'all hold on.
Monday, September 01, 2003
Sunday, August 31, 2003
I can't say that I'd be kidding if I would consider this line of work. It sounds like a dream job to me. Also from the Seattle Times here is a personal piece about the writer's grandmother and the effects of alzheimer's disease.
"Alzheimer's was the catalyst that heightened my relationship with my grandmother to maturity and a sense of grace that only came about once her cognition and ability to communicate faded.
"Unencumbered by the limits of words or the desire to explain, my immobile and incoherent grandmother was free to boundlessly love me. It was as if each of those little visits throughout the weeks and months slowly revealed that this is how she'd felt about me my whole life.
"In this way, Grammie gently showed me what it means to be humble, for it has been the most humbling feeling in the world to discover that someone has been in love with me my whole life."
"Alzheimer's was the catalyst that heightened my relationship with my grandmother to maturity and a sense of grace that only came about once her cognition and ability to communicate faded.
"Unencumbered by the limits of words or the desire to explain, my immobile and incoherent grandmother was free to boundlessly love me. It was as if each of those little visits throughout the weeks and months slowly revealed that this is how she'd felt about me my whole life.
"In this way, Grammie gently showed me what it means to be humble, for it has been the most humbling feeling in the world to discover that someone has been in love with me my whole life."
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Red Dirt Girl writes, "I generally tend to think of nostalgia as a kind of disease that keeps us from enjoying what we have right now."
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Monday, August 25, 2003
Poindexter Resigns but Defends Programs (washingtonpost.com) And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
The ACE has two new sprockets, a new chain, new brake pads and an oil change, so it's ready to go for another year.
I ran about 12 or 13 miles yesterday. Here is the breakdown on the middle 8 miles' times: 7.23.87, 7.43.33, 7.32.65, 7.58.85, 7.40.50, 7.28.25, 7.47.86, 6.53.55. Not bad for an old guy. The last three miles of this stretch were fast because I was sort of racing a woman who didn't like me passing her. I found out later, after thanking her for pushing me, that she is traininq for the Sacramento Marathon. I ran with a marathoner. She pushed me to a sub 7 minute mile. That's very good for me. My right knee is giving me a little trouble but I don't think that it is anything that won't heal on it's own well enough. It isn't a deep down knee pain but more off to one side. A more connective tissue inflammation problem. The 8 miles were timed at 1:00.28 and I averaged 7.33.60 minute miles. It surprised me. See y'all.
I ran about 12 or 13 miles yesterday. Here is the breakdown on the middle 8 miles' times: 7.23.87, 7.43.33, 7.32.65, 7.58.85, 7.40.50, 7.28.25, 7.47.86, 6.53.55. Not bad for an old guy. The last three miles of this stretch were fast because I was sort of racing a woman who didn't like me passing her. I found out later, after thanking her for pushing me, that she is traininq for the Sacramento Marathon. I ran with a marathoner. She pushed me to a sub 7 minute mile. That's very good for me. My right knee is giving me a little trouble but I don't think that it is anything that won't heal on it's own well enough. It isn't a deep down knee pain but more off to one side. A more connective tissue inflammation problem. The 8 miles were timed at 1:00.28 and I averaged 7.33.60 minute miles. It surprised me. See y'all.
Friday, August 22, 2003
I was wondering why I wasn't getting any comments. I had to update my YACCS code. Now if I could only update the counter. Maybe I'll look into it now...
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Monday, August 18, 2003
I am registered for the race in two weeks. It hasn't really been fun moving my body around in the training. I'm once again starting to feel what the body mechanics are like in a runner. I guess "letting myself go" could describe where I am now. It isn't that bad but when I want my body to run well from 7 to 11 miles, for three days in a row, I can feel the gap between how I feel now and how I would like to perform. Pain is my friend. It should be fun.
Saturday, August 16, 2003
I ran over 10 miles today, maybe 11. I'll try to get more miles like this done on Monday, less on Sunday. I want to be at least sufficiently ready to finish the race on Labor Day without too much pain. I ran the 6 middle miles all under 8 minute miles. I'd like to do better in the future but I realize I am no longer 18 years old, as I was when I did a string of triathlons. I'd like to do more of those some time. It has been over 20 years now, whew. It sounds really bad when I write it down, so I probably won't write about this again.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Monday, August 11, 2003
I've been lazy. I need to update here on Becca-Erica and Abby's visit, my proposed running in a half marathon in Woodinville, my apartment situation and whatever political writings I find interesting in this right-wing horror show we find ourselves. (or I find myself) Y'all have a great week.
Friday, August 01, 2003
Well, the car's brakes are fixed. Unbeknownst to me the rotars, drums and calipers were fading away and the mechanics were amazed that the brakes worked at all. And now poof-presto-chango I have new brakes. Never mind about the bill, we get to drive to Mt. St. Helens tomorrow. And we know we'll be able to stop.
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Saturday, July 26, 2003
I (we) arrived here one year ago today. Abby, Becca and Erica will arrive Tuesday night. And Joe is still here for his Washington vacation. He's been catching fish his buddies have been unable to. I think he flies out tomorrow. He and I went to the Green River on Monday and that night I accompanied Lee and her neice and nephew to the theater to see the pirate movie. It was nice to be in the hills/mountains again and to be on the river. Joe has had a most excellent visit.
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Monday, July 07, 2003
I went to the Wooden Boats Festival on lower Lake Union yesterday. I'll link to the pictures later when I can get them to appear on my screen. Here is the link to the Natman pictures.
Friday, July 04, 2003
Here are some pictures of the mowers we use. I know, big deal. Happy 4th all. I have four days off. I'll do some running today and I'll go to see whether Safeway is open and still running their sale on King salmon. On the way home from work yesterday I stopped in to see Lee in Issaquah and stayed for pizza and movies. We watched The Hours and The Ring. Two movies about unstable people and water. Nicole Kidman was perfect and The Ring had a good ghost story. When I was ready to ride home I found out that the low beam of my bike's headlight went out sometime yesterday. I'll have to get a new one tomorrow.
Monday, June 23, 2003
Sunday, June 22, 2003
I found this while reading (re-reading, really) Jane Roberts' and Seth's, The Unknown Reality, volume 1:
"You have put yourselves in a position where your consciousness must now become aware of the probable pasts and probable futures, in order to form yourselves a sane, fulfilling, and creative present.
"...You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archaeologies, or other disciplines. Man's 'unconscious' knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent.
"...When, at this point now, of mankind's development, his emerging unconscious knowledge is denied by his institutions, then it will rise up despite those institutions, and annihilate them.
"...This need not take place, for the conscious mind - basically, now - having learned to focus in physical terms, is meant to expand, to accept unconscious intuitions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns.
"The great emotion of love has been thus far poorly used, yet it represents even the biological impetus of your being. Your religions in a large measure have taught you to hate yourselves and physical existence. They have told you to love God, but rarely taught you to experience the gods in yourselves.
"Now: In one way or another religions have always followed, again, the development of your consciousness, and so they have served its purposes and yours; and they have always reflected, though distorted, those greater inner realities of your being....
"There is nothing wrong with the concept of an egotistically based individual being, colon: I am not suggesting, therefore, that you individuality is something to be lost, thrown aside, or superceded....
"I am saying that the individual self must become consciously aware of far more reality; that it must allow its recognition of identity to expand so that it includes previously unconscious knowledge. To do this you must understand, again, that man must move beyond the concept of one god, one self, one body, one world, as these ideas are currently understood. You are now poised, in your terms, upon a threshold from which the race can go many ways. ...There are potentials within the body's mechanisms, in your terms, not yet used. Developed, they can immeasurably enrich the race, and bring it to levels of spiritual and psychic and physical fulfillment. If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure."
-session 687, pp85-87
"You have put yourselves in a position where your consciousness must now become aware of the probable pasts and probable futures, in order to form yourselves a sane, fulfilling, and creative present.
"...You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archaeologies, or other disciplines. Man's 'unconscious' knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent.
"...When, at this point now, of mankind's development, his emerging unconscious knowledge is denied by his institutions, then it will rise up despite those institutions, and annihilate them.
"...This need not take place, for the conscious mind - basically, now - having learned to focus in physical terms, is meant to expand, to accept unconscious intuitions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns.
"The great emotion of love has been thus far poorly used, yet it represents even the biological impetus of your being. Your religions in a large measure have taught you to hate yourselves and physical existence. They have told you to love God, but rarely taught you to experience the gods in yourselves.
"Now: In one way or another religions have always followed, again, the development of your consciousness, and so they have served its purposes and yours; and they have always reflected, though distorted, those greater inner realities of your being....
"There is nothing wrong with the concept of an egotistically based individual being, colon: I am not suggesting, therefore, that you individuality is something to be lost, thrown aside, or superceded....
"I am saying that the individual self must become consciously aware of far more reality; that it must allow its recognition of identity to expand so that it includes previously unconscious knowledge. To do this you must understand, again, that man must move beyond the concept of one god, one self, one body, one world, as these ideas are currently understood. You are now poised, in your terms, upon a threshold from which the race can go many ways. ...There are potentials within the body's mechanisms, in your terms, not yet used. Developed, they can immeasurably enrich the race, and bring it to levels of spiritual and psychic and physical fulfillment. If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure."
-session 687, pp85-87
Monday, June 16, 2003
Ok, I enjoy calls from home (three hour time difference) but if you are on the east coast then please keep in mind that it will be three hours earlier here. Abby called at seven this morning to tell me that they have tickets. Good price too. I bought two throw rugs to cover the offending carpet today, so I'm that much closer to being able to entertain here.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
Monday, June 09, 2003
Sunday, June 08, 2003
Wow, the weather here has been drier and hotter than back at home. We might see rain in a few days. I got sunburned yesterday when my body just had to go out for a run. It hit me like a ton of bricks because of the heat, and it wasn't too pleasant. I think it went up to 90 degrees yesterday. I don't think that Seattleites know about air-conditioning. It is nice to have southern facing windows but in the weather we have had lately it can really heat up your home.
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
I have an update on the purported raise. I was told that there is no answer yet to how much it will be or whether I will get it at all. I guess I jumped the gun but I'm still skeptical. Can you tell? And as far as the f***ing carpet goes I have decided to live with it until the end of the lease and then leave Archstone Redmond Hill for good. I'd like to send a letter to the district manager and the boss above that position too. On the one hand they say that the carpet cleaners cannot get the smell out yet thay will move me to another apartment, thus leaving the smell there. I don't want to change my address and move from this apartment I like. That is too much of an inconvenience for me. I also consider all of my time here so far to be mostly lost because I have never been able to adequately settle in. Bastards.
Monday, June 02, 2003
Sunday, June 01, 2003
I have been sporadically using the treadmill at the fitness center here where I live. I get most of my exercise from my landscaping job (more on this later). I wasn't sure what shape I would be in for a run outside, along the route I used to take before the job and before some bastard took my running stuff from the laundromat. Since I no longer own a pair of running shorts, I cut some of the bottoms off a pair of gym/swim trunks and used them yesterday. I ran along the Sammamish Slough and after feeling good enough to continue, I went out to the 2 1/2 mile mark on the trail. That is 5 miles there. It takes a couple of miles and more to get to the trail (5 more miles), so I think I ran 10 miles yesterday. It is nice to know I can still do that.
The weather yesterday was stellar. There are high clouds today and the temperature will be in the 60's. After yesterday's exertion I don't need to tax myself like that today. Maybe a bike-ride would be nice.
Work. My boss told me a few weeks ago that I would be getting a raise after an initial 30 day or so trial period. I didn't get it. I am now opening up new possibilities for myself. In other words I will be looking for another job. I won't storm into there and quit, but this outfit has proven itself to be undependable while I have done what was asked. I drove their stinkin' truck and trailer and completed the routes and they showed me bad faith by not holding up their side of the deal. I haven't talked with Burt about this but now I know why he was avoiding me on Friday. So anyone out there, again, in the Issaquah, Redmond and Belleview areas who would like to have a dependable and honest worker, barring some last minute change of heart from Earthworks, I will soon be available. So y'all have a great week. Life is good. Don't waste it on bad employers.
The weather yesterday was stellar. There are high clouds today and the temperature will be in the 60's. After yesterday's exertion I don't need to tax myself like that today. Maybe a bike-ride would be nice.
Work. My boss told me a few weeks ago that I would be getting a raise after an initial 30 day or so trial period. I didn't get it. I am now opening up new possibilities for myself. In other words I will be looking for another job. I won't storm into there and quit, but this outfit has proven itself to be undependable while I have done what was asked. I drove their stinkin' truck and trailer and completed the routes and they showed me bad faith by not holding up their side of the deal. I haven't talked with Burt about this but now I know why he was avoiding me on Friday. So anyone out there, again, in the Issaquah, Redmond and Belleview areas who would like to have a dependable and honest worker, barring some last minute change of heart from Earthworks, I will soon be available. So y'all have a great week. Life is good. Don't waste it on bad employers.
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Yes, the weather has been spectacular lately. Memorial Day was a washout at home and south Florida had record rains. I guess I moved to the right place. I get to work downtown tomorrow, cutting the Seattle Times' grass. Oh joy.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Red Dirt Girl answered a Buffy question of mine and linked to my site. Thanks. I read today that Spike will be on Angel next season and that Cordelia will not. What she doesn't know is that I do know how to make awful tasting tea that is very, very good for you and that I give backrubs that are to die for. I mean it.
Monday, May 26, 2003
Thursday, May 22, 2003
This last Monday I took a walk on Cougar Mountain. Here is a big tree and a scenic part of a path. The whole place is beautiful really. I met a nature minded guy and his charming family. No picture though. He was going on about the history of cougar mountain, how all of the old growth is buried under the mountain holding up the coal mining shafts and how there cannot be a sustained forest there as there had before, because the now gone old growth douglas firs had kept in the mist necessary for the trees. The town of Newcastle is what is nearest the park. The nature guy said that all of the surrounding towns would love to have the land there but it cannot be built on because of the mines and the gas contained therein. The next day I would have to return to the truck and work. I rode my bike to work today.
Sunday, May 11, 2003
I rode the bike to the arboretum today. It is also known as the Washington Park Arboretum.Here are some pictures I took . The dogwood, magnolia, mountain ash and rhododendron trees and plants are in bloom now, among others.
Monday, May 05, 2003
Sad news from Florida. Scott had to put Teka to sleep. She had a blood clot that moved to her hind quarters thus paralizing her. She was 13 years old with some heart and kidney trouble. Let him tell you all when he can. I'd say that you can send him and Chrissie a card though. Here is a picture of Teka and Kasha at another apartment a few years ago. Here and here are some cat prayers. It is hard for those left here.
Friday, May 02, 2003
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Monday, April 28, 2003
I'm going to try to see the fields of flowers at the Tulip Festival in Skagit County today. I printed out a map of the fields this time.
Friday, April 25, 2003
I thought I felt something last night. There was an earthquake on the peninsula. There were two, actually. Does this count for my first earthquake?
Thursday, April 24, 2003
I drove the truck and trailer today. Gary hurt his legs yesterday when he slipped into his mower as he was trying to back it up, so Pepe and I did the Thursday route through south and west Seattle. It was cold and wet out there today.
My sites show up twice (one for each respectively) for the search at the bottom of the page. Someone was looking for pictures of zuchinni. Tara shows up with the zuchinni.
My sites show up twice (one for each respectively) for the search at the bottom of the page. Someone was looking for pictures of zuchinni. Tara shows up with the zuchinni.
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Go to this site if, like me, you are interested in media, freedom of speech and propaganda and the issues which surround these.
Monday, April 21, 2003
OK, the apartment is cleaner but the carpet still smells. The manager scared off the carpet guy so the owner of the company had to come out here to try to correct this himself. It didn't take, so all of you out there who have carpets which have no smell, please keep me in your thoughts. This is the last piece of this puzzle (at this time). I'm barely breaking even but this I suppose is good for now considering that I had nothing coming in just a few weeks ago.
I rode the bike over 520 miles Saturday and Sunday. I went up to Skagit County to see some of the flower festival on Saturday and on Sunday I took the bike through Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 to Ellensberg, then rode through the Yakima River Canyon on route 821 to Yakima and then back on Rt. 12 and 123 through another (cold) pass to Enumclaw and then highways back to Redmond. The snow up in that pass was much higher than the bike at places but the road was clear. No walking lately or even running. I'll start that routine soon I hope.
I rode the bike over 520 miles Saturday and Sunday. I went up to Skagit County to see some of the flower festival on Saturday and on Sunday I took the bike through Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 to Ellensberg, then rode through the Yakima River Canyon on route 821 to Yakima and then back on Rt. 12 and 123 through another (cold) pass to Enumclaw and then highways back to Redmond. The snow up in that pass was much higher than the bike at places but the road was clear. No walking lately or even running. I'll start that routine soon I hope.
Sunday, April 20, 2003
From the Seattle Times today: War a world away reveals the differences next door; "We have come to wonder out loud whether Washington's rural places, in striking contrast to the Seattle area's awkward wartime angst, seem more comfortable donning the war garb because they have been fighting their own battle for survival for decades. And losing.
"It doesn't take a doctorate in economics to see the national shift, with old, resource-based jobs succumbing to a service economy, technology-based industry and, inevitably, an ongoing flight to urban areas."
"It doesn't take a doctorate in economics to see the national shift, with old, resource-based jobs succumbing to a service economy, technology-based industry and, inevitably, an ongoing flight to urban areas."
Monday, April 14, 2003
I received these today:
When a Joke Becomes the Truth...
"President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to wage
war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the
American voters to become president, either." -- David Letterman
"In a speech earlier today President Bush said if Iraq gets rid of Saddam
Hussein, he will help the Iraqi people with food, medicine, supplies,
housing, education - anything that's needed. Isn't that amazing? He finally
comes up with a domestic agenda - and it's for Iraq. Maybe we could bring
that here if it works out." -- Jay Leno
"President Bush announced tonight that he believes in democracy and that
democracy can exist in Iraq. They can have a strong economy, they can have a
good health care plan, and they can have a free and fair voting. Iraq? We
can't even get this in Florida." -- Jay Leno
"Democrats were quick to point out that President Bush's budget creates a
one trillion dollar deficit. The White House quickly responded with 'Hey
quick, look over there, it's Saddam Hussein!'" -- Craig Kilborn
"We have it. The smoking gun. The evidence. The potential weapon of mass
destruction we have been looking for as our pretext of invading Iraq.
There's just one problem -- it's in North Korea." -- Jon Stewart
"War continues in Iraq. They're calling it Operation Iraqi Freedom. They
were going to call it Operation Iraqi Liberation until they realized that
spells 'OIL.'" -- Jay Leno
"CNN said that after the war, there is a plan to divide Iraq into three
parts ... regular, premium and unleaded." -- Jay Leno
"Iraq began destroying those missiles they don't have over the weekend. See,
President Bush may be the smartest military president in history. First, he
gets Iraq to destroy all of their own weapons. Then he declares war." -- Jay
"Many of our soldiers are stationed at Camp Coyote just south of the Iraqi
border. This is how you know we have a strong army, when you can actually
tell your enemy exactly where your camp is and what its name is." -- Jon
"The Pentagon still has not given a name to the Iraqi war. Somehow
'Operation Re-elect Bush' doesn't seem to be popular." -- Jay Leno
"The president boasted at the top of his press conference that we have the
support now of Britain and Spain for our attack on Iraq. You know, when you
want to make it perfectly clear to the world that you're not an
imperialist,the people you want in your corner are Britain and Spain." --
Bill Maher
When a Joke Becomes the Truth...
"President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to wage
war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the
American voters to become president, either." -- David Letterman
"In a speech earlier today President Bush said if Iraq gets rid of Saddam
Hussein, he will help the Iraqi people with food, medicine, supplies,
housing, education - anything that's needed. Isn't that amazing? He finally
comes up with a domestic agenda - and it's for Iraq. Maybe we could bring
that here if it works out." -- Jay Leno
"President Bush announced tonight that he believes in democracy and that
democracy can exist in Iraq. They can have a strong economy, they can have a
good health care plan, and they can have a free and fair voting. Iraq? We
can't even get this in Florida." -- Jay Leno
"Democrats were quick to point out that President Bush's budget creates a
one trillion dollar deficit. The White House quickly responded with 'Hey
quick, look over there, it's Saddam Hussein!'" -- Craig Kilborn
"We have it. The smoking gun. The evidence. The potential weapon of mass
destruction we have been looking for as our pretext of invading Iraq.
There's just one problem -- it's in North Korea." -- Jon Stewart
"War continues in Iraq. They're calling it Operation Iraqi Freedom. They
were going to call it Operation Iraqi Liberation until they realized that
spells 'OIL.'" -- Jay Leno
"CNN said that after the war, there is a plan to divide Iraq into three
parts ... regular, premium and unleaded." -- Jay Leno
"Iraq began destroying those missiles they don't have over the weekend. See,
President Bush may be the smartest military president in history. First, he
gets Iraq to destroy all of their own weapons. Then he declares war." -- Jay
"Many of our soldiers are stationed at Camp Coyote just south of the Iraqi
border. This is how you know we have a strong army, when you can actually
tell your enemy exactly where your camp is and what its name is." -- Jon
"The Pentagon still has not given a name to the Iraqi war. Somehow
'Operation Re-elect Bush' doesn't seem to be popular." -- Jay Leno
"The president boasted at the top of his press conference that we have the
support now of Britain and Spain for our attack on Iraq. You know, when you
want to make it perfectly clear to the world that you're not an
imperialist,the people you want in your corner are Britain and Spain." --
Bill Maher
Sunday, April 13, 2003
It was raining like crazy this morning. The way it usually rains here is more like a heavy mist but this morning it was raining as I saw in Florida. We even had thundershowers and lightning. I picked up my bike yesterday so was able to ride it after the showers today. I put another charge on my card and had them put on Perelli MT 66's. I was very careful with them on today so I can't say how they felt as compared to the Dunlops I had been using. I was able to put over 80 miles on them and the whole package (major engine tune up with valve adjustment plus tires) was very smooth. Well worth the money I think since it will go a long way in keeping me sane. Thanks Uncle Andy.
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
As Molly Ivins considered the ideological coup d'etat, this article traces "how neoconservatives conquered Washington -- and launched a war." And here is a article on Jon Stewart's Daily Show, also from Salon.com, which touches on political humor; "Political humor used to belong to the left, but that all changed in the 1990s, when the priggishness of political correctitude injected new vitality into a segment of the population that had been shut out of comedy's pantheon:"
Monday, April 07, 2003
Sunday, April 06, 2003
I came from another sunny place as this author came from California. I don't think that it is all that bad here. Hell, she is on the inside, writing for The Seattle Times while I am quite literally on the outside cutting the grass. I mowed the Seattle Times grass Friday. They own a lot of real estate north of downtown. I made the grass in their employee park nice and tidy.
Here is an opinion piece outlining some of the current U.S. hawkish foreign policy as it relates to the northwest.
Monday, March 31, 2003
Katie sent me a Flat Stanley, so I took him for a ride today. We went to see the Space Needle, Mt. Si in North Bend and to Snoqualmie Falls, all in western Washington State. Flat Stanley even helped me pump some gas! I wasn't going to go for a ride but thanks to Katie and her friend Flat Stanley, I got a good ride in today. Thanks Kats!
Friday, March 28, 2003
Thursday, March 27, 2003
For all of that gratitude yesterday, I could have had a better day today. I'm kind of underwhelmed. People, please pick up your cigarette butts from the landscaping, or better yet don't throw them down there or quit smoking all together. And I had a highly unpleasant and upsetting experience today. I hit a kitty. God that sucked. It didn't have a collar so I arranged for an animal hospital in Redmond to dispose of the remains. It was black and came jetting out in front of me, I think being chased by another cat. Like I said, not a good day. Hey Tracy, I thought you said things would be looking up?
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Well the long run is over. I go to work tomorrow. Now I get to find out what a 520 commute is really like. I am going to cut grass and trim shrubbery. I have not worked for a long time. I have to say that I've enjoyed myself. I am grateful not to be in Florida any longer. I am grateful to now be in Washington state. I am grateful for the time I was given to accompany my mother and to visit with the family. I am grateful for the whole time and I am grateful to be (somewhat of) a different person than the one who left Florida so long ago. I am grateful to find out what a good little dog Tara could be. Who would have thought? I am also grateful for the assistance I recieved from my dear friend Tracy. I've learned that I don't have to live like a college student any longer. What a concept. I am also grateful for the people I will be meeting here in the future. Thank you.
Echoing Ellen Goodman's lack of affinity with the political left, this piece points out why the "nation's antiwar left remains clueless."
Sunday, March 23, 2003
Saturday, March 22, 2003
I went to downtown Seattle today to take a look at the war protest going on there. The protest didn't have a permit to march, only one that allowed them to gather, so the police did their best to keep them on the sidewalk and out of the street. I guess it turned ugly after I left.Traffic was stopped on 1st Ave. on the first day of the Iraq war and they weren't going to let that happen again.
Friday, March 21, 2003
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Monday, March 17, 2003
It looks as though we (well Bush and his regime anyways) will be at war soon. I was in a car with Michaela somewhere in New Jersey or New York for the beginning of the last one with Poppy Bush. Michaela cried when we heard on the radio about the opening salvos in the air war. She sort of apologized or explained herself by saying that it effected her because it is a big step. I can barely remember the tv reports of the Vietnam war and maybe the body count that was reported every night. That war lasted for 10 years. This is a whole different scenario but the impact in anxiety from the media coverage is the same on this side of the screen, I believe. It is interesting that the Pentagon has made arrangements for "embedded" reporters within US units for this war. I don't think that Michaela had a war on tv for her, other than maybe Grenada and Panama. I wonder what she is thinking and feeling now?
Here is a link to a war weblog. The Seattle Times will be covering the war in a weblog format also. And not that anyone cares, but MSNBC is "gague(ing) the global debate on Iraq" here. Here is a "no war blog" and here is an army family journal with links to more military blogs. The Guardian has a special weblog report on Iraq. It seems that a lot of Americans are reading foreign new on Iraq because, as Paul Krugman wrote, the "(U.S. TV news) seems to be reporting about a different planet than the one covered by foreign media". The folks at Debka say that in their reporting on the mideast, they say that "We Start Where The Media Stop". ...There, I'm sure there are many more links. Read away.
Here is a link to a war weblog. The Seattle Times will be covering the war in a weblog format also. And not that anyone cares, but MSNBC is "gague(ing) the global debate on Iraq" here. Here is a "no war blog" and here is an army family journal with links to more military blogs. The Guardian has a special weblog report on Iraq. It seems that a lot of Americans are reading foreign new on Iraq because, as Paul Krugman wrote, the "(U.S. TV news) seems to be reporting about a different planet than the one covered by foreign media". The folks at Debka say that in their reporting on the mideast, they say that "We Start Where The Media Stop". ...There, I'm sure there are many more links. Read away.
Saturday, March 15, 2003
Friday, March 14, 2003
Thursday, March 13, 2003
My horoscope looks good for today. I hope you all have a great day too. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): "Your kind of day! People seek your company, want to wine and dine you. Conversations sparkle with wit and wisdom; you are no slouch at relating 'remarkable stories'."
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Saturday, March 08, 2003
Gray Matter - Bush's incomprehension of foreign viewpoints. By William Saletan "Again and again, Bush was asked to explain why other nations didn't see things his way. Again and again, he changed the subject to himself and his supporters."
Friday, March 07, 2003
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Somebody swiped my running clothes at the laundromat, I got a parking ticket in the city today and the job expo was a bust. And the ionizer fallout is giving me a headache. It will get better, won't it? Thinking about motorcycles or sex make me feel better. Must be some sort of trigger in the brain...
Monday, March 03, 2003
12 miles yesterday. Woo hoo. I have only a mild pain in my right knee. Nothing too bad I think. I take a few days off in-between, walking and hiking. It helps that the average temp here is in the mid 40's. Florida was too hot. I have to evacuate my apartment for the day because the carpet guy is going to ionize the apartment and hopefully get rid of the dank must in here. There is a employment expo tomorrow at Safeco Field in downtown Seattle. Joe and Tracy go home that day. Wish me luck in the search. Today while I'm out of the apartment, I'll get my laundry done, drink coffee read and maybe I'll walk. Y'all have a great day. Peace peace peace.
Sunday, March 02, 2003
Thursday, February 27, 2003
11 miles and a bike ride today. The carpet guy came by again and dropped off a dehumidifier. He says that the carpet doesn't need to be steamed but they'll ionize the place on Monday for most of the day. Maybe all of this will get rid of the musty smell. Just one of the treats of living in the northwest. And you all at home are looking into the maw of another storm. Better mood today; walking into the future.
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Instead of walking or running in Marymoor Park and along the Sammamish Slough I took a hike up Tiger Mountain. It was a very nice change of pace. Here is a view from Tiger and I didn't know it but you can see Seattle from there too.
Monday, February 24, 2003
Saturday, February 22, 2003
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
I'm trying to keep my spirits up. Running and walking seem to help and get me out of the apartment. I ran 10 miles today. I've found that if I do this every three days then it gives my knees and muscles time to heal. Glucosamine, chondroitin and msm must be helping too. No sun today but there is a constant almost drizzle going on out there. It is all a Seattle gray. Joe was nice enough to bring over a wicker seat for my balcony/patio. It fits great and is not nearly as big as when I tried to imagine it out there. Work would be welcome right now. I'll get more serious about that at the end of the month. Y'all enjoy your week.
Friday, February 14, 2003
Thursday, February 13, 2003
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
For those of you who use cast iron cookware, or those of you who would like to, here are some care tips.
Monday, February 10, 2003
Thursday, February 06, 2003
It is late and I don't feel like reading this whole thing, but here is a line by line critique of Bush's State of the Union Speech.
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
Monday, February 03, 2003
I'd almost want to hear the Dave Barry qualifier "and I'm not making this stuff up" to these developments/accomplishments/news items.
Friday, January 31, 2003
Thursday, January 23, 2003
Scott sent me a picture today of his morning sky. Check it out. I guess you can call it a Hypoluxo sky.
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Here is to beer. I also enjoy, not necessarily at the same mind you, travel essays and such writing. Please read this short essay. I don't usually care for this cat even though I read this comic, but I enjoyed the strip this day. I'll be busy at some time, really. Look at this Marymoor rainbow.
Dave wrote to me and he is alive and well in Montague. He says he goes to this site often but I don't see any comments. Please write to him and tell him about your life, your hopes and your dreams.
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
I found this site at Katy's blog.
How much of the coming gulf war is Bush and his oil buddies securing the mid east or is there a true threat from Saddam and his friends in al qaeda?
How much of the coming gulf war is Bush and his oil buddies securing the mid east or is there a true threat from Saddam and his friends in al qaeda?
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
I don't try to be mean here, but I received this e-mail today saying:
"If you wish to give your uncritical and wholehearted support to all of President Bush's domestic policies and programs, cast your vote by clicking below:
click here"
"If you wish to give your uncritical and wholehearted support to all of President Bush's domestic policies and programs, cast your vote by clicking below:
click here"
They want to blame this lousy economy on Rubin and Clinton. These guys sound like Nazis bent on world domination. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and see whos names are on this. Here is the hit list map. Don't pull this shit in my name. F*****g Nazis.
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Here is a conservative who came to believe that the Bush administration's foreign policy (is) run by people in love with their own ideas.
Sunday, January 12, 2003
There! I just manually linked my archives to my weblog. I tried to upload a text document with the javascript in it but the whole thing wouldn't load to my natman site on MSN. I can't even show any potential helpers what the code was I was using. Well, here it is and it might mess up this page, but...
faultStringjava.lang.Exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/Templates/blognumber_a.html (No such file or directory)faultCode0
src="<$BlogArchiveFileName$>" type=text/javascript
before and after the last line there is supposed to be script and /script; this line goes in the main template and the first one goes in the archive template. If anyone out there knows why this set-up doesn't work, either my side or blogger side, I'd be grateful for the help. Right now I'm just happy to have my archives linked once again. Aum Sat Nam
Peace Peace Peace
faultStringjava.lang.Exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/Templates/blognumber_a.html (No such file or directory)faultCode0
src="<$BlogArchiveFileName$>" type=text/javascript
before and after the last line there is supposed to be script and /script; this line goes in the main template and the first one goes in the archive template. If anyone out there knows why this set-up doesn't work, either my side or blogger side, I'd be grateful for the help. Right now I'm just happy to have my archives linked once again. Aum Sat Nam
Peace Peace Peace
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