I've been here about a week and a half. The cat seems happy to be in his old house. All my stuff is in the garage. I haven't found a new place yet, though I've been looking on Craig's list and a little on Live Expo. I don't have a running route here and I don't want to run after dark. I was used to the Lake Hills section of Bellevue. I like being here again though. I got here about four years ago and I literally lived in a garage. I have too much stuff for that now, and it is winter. I feel like I've sort of come home, living so close to Issaquah, but everything is all up in the air. I need a stable place to live and I want to get into school. I have lived like this for so long that I don't think I'll know what to do if things start to go well.
We have another winter storm coming through tonight. We still have power so the winds didn't do too much damage. The rain will turn to snow tonight. We heard about this storm a few days ago and I dreamt of being at home in Montague and trying to drive through the snow. It didn't work. I had to turn back. That shouldn't happen tomorrow. They want us in at 4:30 in the morning. It'll be overtime pay and I hope to be out in time to get some fishing in. If you are reading this in Seattle on Wednesday morning, then the city should be slowed to a crawl. That November storm left quite an impression. Y'all have a great day.