Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The cold/flu finally struck and now after about two weeks I feel there is little left. We did the big mow today. It was a lot of walking behind the 36" mower. When we go to ten hour days I'll feel it alot more. It will also make it harder to do what I'll need for the class I'll be taking in a month. BCC accepted me (they accept everyone). Next I need to see what I have taken in the past. A high school class may fulfill a requirement. I can't remember what I took for sure or for how long. Nothing else is new. I'm mowing grass again, I don't have a girl and it is still the same cold and rainy here. I just finished a book though, "Bones of The Earth" by Michael Swanwick. It deals with time travel. It was interesting reading this book while also reading "The 'Unknown' Reality, Volume Two" by Jane Roberts and Seth. In it it says,

"The rockbed reality is the one in which the perceiver is focused. From that standpoint all others would seem peripheral. Taking that for granted, however, any given reality system will be surrounded by its probability clusters. These can almost be thought of as satellites. Time and space need not be connected, however - that is, the attractions that exist between a reality and any given probability cluster may have nothing to do with time and space at all." session 712, Pg 344.

You have to read a lot of what came before and after before it even begins to make sense.

"As closely as I can explain it in your terms, your concepts of space travel have you going around (underlined) space rather than directly through (underlined) it.
(9:40.) Give us time ... You are also viewing your solar system through your own time perspective, which is relative. You 'look backward into time,' you say, when you stare outward into the universe. You could as well look into the future, of course." session 712, Pg 344.


And I almost forgot, here is Molly Ivins' ode to howard.

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