Too many.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Hunter over at Daily Kos says,
Read the rest.
"The only error, Nixonites and their broad base of supporters determined, was getting caught. And so the difference between then and now is that this administration is even more secretive, using the War on Terror to claim preemptive legitimacy and secrecy over every action, no matter how absurd the supposed justification seems. They intend to circumvent the mistakes of the past. They don't intend to give any institution -- the Congress, the FISA court, the press -- the slightest hint of sunlight through which the new but familiar, ever-expanding 'programs' can be illuminated."
Read the rest.
Monday, May 15, 2006
I took the bike out for a ride yesterday and headed out towards Mt Rainier. I found out that 410, as it heads into the park, is closed, so I went up to the Crystal Mountain Ski Resort. This is what you see as you turn around to head back down the road. There is still some snow up there.
Today I returned to the Squak Nursery to get some plants for my deck. It proved to be a little expensive but I think will be rewarding once they take off and grow. The bugs should be happy too because I got some of their favorites, petunias and impatiens. I also picked up some plants for my empty bonzai planter. The miniature juniper is the right size now. I don't admit to knowing what to do with it if it survives. We have had beautiful weather here in the Seattle area. New England has been pretty wet. Even my brother up in New Hampshire is affected. Western Massachusetts seems to have been spared the worst of it.
I tried out my leg today and I think I can inch my way back into running, fingers crossed. I don't know what I'll be able to do next weekend though. I may pace some friends for their run.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I just clicked over to The Seattle Times and found this picture on their webcam. Pretty cool. Here is the link if you want to see what it looks like in your time-frame. You can go to this page and click on the picture. The javascript will pop it up for you.
I have to write this way down here so that it won't crowd the picture below.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Maybe this is where the motorcycle thing started. I remember wanting one for graduation. My mother laughed. I didn't really think about motorcycles after that until about 2000. Before that I identified more with bicycles even more than cars. If I could get by without a car right now I'd do it. This is a picture of me in front of my brother and his BSA. I'm told that my other brother and I used to run around saying, "BSA, BSA, BSA!" when Jonathan would show up with his motorcycle. If this picture was indeed taken in '66 or so then this was before he left for the service. Do I look 3 years old there? I don't remember much of the bike other than that. It was sacrificed to pay my parents' bills while he was in VietNam. One other thing I remember is my father thinking he could give me a ride on it or another, and of both of us falling. Any family members out there who remember better can correct me on this. I think I'm on my way to the city on my motorcyle right now in search of a book. Ciao.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Even though I knew there was a threat of rain, I took the bike out for a ride today. I looked on the radar and I thought it was clear a bit north because the rain seemed to be more to the south of I90. It turned out that there was a convergence zone up into Lake Stevens and Granite Falls. I got wet. This is a picture of the main drag through Granite Falls. I still haven't seen the falls there. I'm told they are very close to town. The wind was somethin' wicked today. It was no fun on the faster, less sheltered roadways.
Monday, May 01, 2006
These aren't the best pictures. I think they show the limitations of my relatively old camera. I went to the arboretum today after I cleaned up the motorcycle. The bike is shiny now and the arboretum is close to being in full bloom. The fruit trees are mostly past, the rhodies are colorful and the azaleas are getting ready. I also cleaned up the pots and plants on my deck this afternoon. I had to do something with myself since my leg won't let me run. This bites. I hope y'all had a great weekend. Mine ends tonight.
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