I arrived here in the Seattle area exactly three years ago today. In an apparent coincidence I took the bike out for a very long ride to re-visit the Gorge. My route back took me through the Yakima Canyon and then into The Rainier National Park.
I took this picture of Tara at the Gorge. It is one of my favorite pictures from that trip. When I made my way across the Columbia River, I knew I would want to visit that area again once I had some experiences from beyond the Cascades. I can't say I have anything profound to say. But, I have to ask, three years later and what am I doing? I don't feel I can cut and run. I won't go back to Florida. I (hopefully) won't cook again. And it is premature for me to return to New England. I'll get back on the bike tomorrow and I'll go to work. I have to think about this more. Check out this other picture of Tara.