"It is unconscionable to perpetuate fraudulent or biased electoral practices in any nation. It is especially objectionable among us Americans, who have prided
ourselves on setting a global example for pure democracy. With reforms unlikely at this late stage of the election, perhaps the only recourse will be to focus maximum public scrutiny on the suspicious process in Florida."
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Way to go Jimmy: Still Seeking a Fair Florida Vote (washingtonpost.com)
Monday, September 27, 2004
New things start at the same time for me lately. I started this landscaping lead job the same day I started school in the spring. Today I started my 8 hour days, on a single route, the same day as I start class again. I was late getting there because: 1.) 148th in Bellevue is a different animal at 5pm than it is at 7:20pm, 2.) There was an accident on said street right before the college, and 3.) I guess I didn't leave early enough. I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed because literally I am not,(only one lecture so far, and an introductory one at that) but the whole thing can seem to be so much. I won't even touch upon the age difference other than to say it isn't like the rest of my day when I'm raking out beds, spraying for weeds and picking up leaves. I have a little more control over my work day now and since the owner isn't going to pay a parking ticket I incurred with his truck while I was doing my job for him, I'm going to make sure that I have plenty of energy for school. (I had parked there all the time, honest)
Sunday, September 26, 2004
I was able to get ahold of John and Scott today. I found John in Sarasota and Scott and Chrissie were in their condo in the Hypoluxo area. Scott's "category 5" roof tarps held up to the punishment of hurricane Jeanne. John's fence was damaged but he was told that his house is secure. That is good because he lives where the bottom part of the eye-wall came through. The Palm Beach Post's website must have been knocked out because I can't link to their site. Try this link later on.
Today I thought it would be a good idea to run up Tiger Mountain. I can't say that I ran the whole way, not by any means. It took me 42 minutes to get to the top. Many times roughly past half way I had to completely stop to catch my breath. Later on my legs joined my heart and lungs in their very loud complaint. What a workout. Coming down was kind of fun, and fast.
I have to go to work tomorrow. While the rest of them are working 4 - 10 hour days I'll be working some combination of 5 days so that I can go to class. School starts tomorrow. It should be interesting.
Does anyone know of any cheap apartments in Bellevue?
Today I thought it would be a good idea to run up Tiger Mountain. I can't say that I ran the whole way, not by any means. It took me 42 minutes to get to the top. Many times roughly past half way I had to completely stop to catch my breath. Later on my legs joined my heart and lungs in their very loud complaint. What a workout. Coming down was kind of fun, and fast.
I have to go to work tomorrow. While the rest of them are working 4 - 10 hour days I'll be working some combination of 5 days so that I can go to class. School starts tomorrow. It should be interesting.
Does anyone know of any cheap apartments in Bellevue?
In The Seattle Times Today: "Arrival of nice cars seen as a bad omen by Maine islanders." This is an article about Peaks Island, Maine. It seems that the yuppies have found the island. As the article points out, they are the only ones who can consistently afford the ferry fee.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I ran the Fremont Oktoberfest almost 5k race this morning in I think a best time for myself. Of course then came beer. They give you a little cup so you can try the different brews in the beer garden, but I don't think that the entry admission makes it worth it. Just my opinion.
Tomorrow is my last Monday off because we will be going to a 5 day, 8 hour work week instead of the 4 - 10's we work now. School starts the next week and I'll have to start the 5 - 8's for that. What I haven't done is find a new apartment yet. I need to get that nailed down before the 10th of October, then I'll be able to concentrate on the class. That is most important.
Tomorrow is my last Monday off because we will be going to a 5 day, 8 hour work week instead of the 4 - 10's we work now. School starts the next week and I'll have to start the 5 - 8's for that. What I haven't done is find a new apartment yet. I need to get that nailed down before the 10th of October, then I'll be able to concentrate on the class. That is most important.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Good bye Johnny. I saw the Ramones at UMass with Tim a number of years ago. I can remember the sound of the drum sticks hitting together for the "one! two! three! four!"
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Sunday, September 12, 2004
I ran 15 miles this morning/afternoon and it kicked my ass. I felt much better after the race a week ago than I did after my run today. Some of the people I run with think that I'll be able to run a marathon in a few months. To me there is a big difference between 13 and 26 miles. For me it happens at about mile 10. For mile 9 today I ran a 7:33 and must have used up most of what I had left. I got back ok and felt pretty good until the endorphins wore off an hour or so later. It is fun to see what the body can do.
Here is Dave on Seattle and why this city kicks his ass. He doesn't think too much of the present administration and here is why.
Garrison Keillor isn't happy with the Bush camp either. The Rebublican Party has changed since it was the "party of Lincoln and Liberty" he explains. This isn't just another election but what is the issue is that "[t]he Union is what needs defending this year".
Here is Dave on Seattle and why this city kicks his ass. He doesn't think too much of the present administration and here is why.
Garrison Keillor isn't happy with the Bush camp either. The Rebublican Party has changed since it was the "party of Lincoln and Liberty" he explains. This isn't just another election but what is the issue is that "[t]he Union is what needs defending this year".
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Monday, September 06, 2004
The Issaquah Salmon Days Rotary Run is next.
John called me from Virginia for some weather information. He fled Florida for Philadelphia to attend a wedding and to get away from Frances. Presently what is left of the storm is soaking northern Florida, much of Georgia and some of South Carolina. Being a contractor this will keep him busy for a while.
John called me from Virginia for some weather information. He fled Florida for Philadelphia to attend a wedding and to get away from Frances. Presently what is left of the storm is soaking northern Florida, much of Georgia and some of South Carolina. Being a contractor this will keep him busy for a while.
It's official. I ran a 1:37:22 this morning for the half marathon. I ran a 1:44 last year. This year I ran 47th and in an older category. I don't know where this puts me overall (199). I'm happy I ran a good race. The pace turned out to be a 7:26. I ran some of them as fast as 7:04 to 7:09 and 7:13, so maybe there is still room for improvement. Running with the Eastside Runners has helped push me along. The Seattle Half Marathon is next I guess.
The Super Jock and Jill race is this morning. Wish me well. I had an entry typed up in here until I lost it yesterday. I had written about my failed attempt to get a good picture of the Space Needle for Evan. Bumbershoot is this weekend so traffic and parking were difficult. The weather isn't what I had hoped for this morning. Clouds until the end of the race would be optimal. What we are going to have is sunshine but the temps will stay in the 70's. Y'all have a great day off.
Friday, September 03, 2004
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