Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
I feel like an insurgent in my biology class. There is no way that by chance occurrences through the millennia that the cell miosis and mitosis came about and repeats itself on its own shedule to the exact degree that it does and we became one of the end products. Don't call me a creationist either. We give our greater selves far too little credit.
"He [Darwin] spent his last years proving it, and yet it has no real validity. It has a validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form. Form does not evolve consciousness. It is according to when you come into the picture, and what what you choose to observe ... Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe....
"Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of Biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities....
"...In actuality, life bursts apart in all directions as consciousness does. There is no steady stream of progress."
- Jane Roberts and Seth, "The 'Unknown' Reality", Volume Two, Appendix 12, pp.662-663
"He [Darwin] spent his last years proving it, and yet it has no real validity. It has a validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form. Form does not evolve consciousness. It is according to when you come into the picture, and what what you choose to observe ... Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe....
"Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of Biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities....
"...In actuality, life bursts apart in all directions as consciousness does. There is no steady stream of progress."
- Jane Roberts and Seth, "The 'Unknown' Reality", Volume Two, Appendix 12, pp.662-663
From Slate, "[T]he Department of Energy is spending an astonishing $6.5 billion on nuclear weapons this year, and President Bush is requesting $6.8 billion more for next year and a total of $30 billion over the following four years."
Monday, April 26, 2004
It is going to be 20 degrees above average today. I have more studying for the quiz on Tuesday and next week Tuesday we have the second of our four tests. A portion of the family is on their way to the Scott and Chrissie marriage cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale today. I hope that they all have a great time. If I weren't taking this class and for the first time in my life actually working for something then I'd be there too. Some sunset cocktails among family and friends sounds very therapeutic. Na zdrowie!
Alan Blevins of writes, "It seemed that every time I saw, heard, or read something about Kerry, his doucheness factor increased. It wasn't until I did just a little research on my own that it became clear that all of these occurrences could be explained as lies, deception, media excess, or simply poor campaigning strategy. It is beyond vital that we all overlook these minor blemishes and unpleasantries, and unite in electing John Kerry to be the next president of the United States of America."
Sunday, April 25, 2004
From today's paper:
Here is a more datailed look at the women behind last week's Seattle Times' Sunday front page photo.
There will be a series about dementia in this week's upcoming papers.
The Bush team is holding firm on staying the course. For assorted reasond they have to. And this course is leading them into a possible great mess. "While public perceptions sustain support for the war despite mounting casualties, experts warn the support could collapse if the public stops agreeing with Bush on these points."
The tea pot is calling the kettle black. "The campaign to portray Kerry as culturally out of touch because of his privileged youth and current wealth is replete with ironies. Bush, a son of one of America's most successful political dynasties, and Vice President Dick Cheney are both multimillionaires. Republicans, on policy grounds, have no objection to vacation houses or inherited wealth; Bush has led an effort to eliminate the estate tax, paid mostly by the wealthy."
Also in The Seattle Times today, "NASA tells staff not to talk about chilling film" It says, "It's just another attempt to play down anything that might lead to the conclusion that something must be done' about global warming, one federal climate scientist said."
Here is a more datailed look at the women behind last week's Seattle Times' Sunday front page photo.
There will be a series about dementia in this week's upcoming papers.
The Bush team is holding firm on staying the course. For assorted reasond they have to. And this course is leading them into a possible great mess. "While public perceptions sustain support for the war despite mounting casualties, experts warn the support could collapse if the public stops agreeing with Bush on these points."
The tea pot is calling the kettle black. "The campaign to portray Kerry as culturally out of touch because of his privileged youth and current wealth is replete with ironies. Bush, a son of one of America's most successful political dynasties, and Vice President Dick Cheney are both multimillionaires. Republicans, on policy grounds, have no objection to vacation houses or inherited wealth; Bush has led an effort to eliminate the estate tax, paid mostly by the wealthy."
Also in The Seattle Times today, "NASA tells staff not to talk about chilling film" It says, "It's just another attempt to play down anything that might lead to the conclusion that something must be done' about global warming, one federal climate scientist said."
Friday, April 23, 2004
They happen in threes, right? Our applicator guy (fertilizer, herbicide...) had a heart attack last week. I was told he'd be back to work in a few weeks. Jeff had two 21" Honda mowers and a blower stolen from his trailer yesterday while working up in Everett. And today while driving back on I5 I saw Lucio and looking around and scratching his head while a woman who had rear-ended him traded their information. We are supposed to be moving to the new shop in Mukilteo the first week in May. That process should be interesting.
Here is a local article in the Seattle Times about the woman who took the pictures of the flag shrouded coffins.
Monday, April 19, 2004
I found this on the banner ad at the top of this page. It is another source for news and analysis about the presidential campaigns. I only just looked at it. I don't know whether it has a slant.
Happy birthday Chris. He is 39 today. We all get older. And I got to talk with Katie on the phone. She sounded excited that I might be home for the last weekend in June. At least I think I'll be home. If any of the older kids are reading this, THE YOUNGEST CHILD IN THE FAMILY IS ALMOST FORTY! How does that make you feel? Ha ha ha. I'd like to be home for the Deerfield Massacre commemoration. We are related to one of the redeemed captives born in Canada. So we are related to the canadian contingent, who'll be present. It is sort of a 300 year family reunion.
In other news I got the second best grade on my biology test in my class, a 92. I thought it was easy, but the way the teacher talked I began to wonder. My quiz grades bring my average down but I can do something about that. So my old time intensive study methods paid off. Whew. I'm almost looking forward to cramming glycolysis, the krebs cycle, electron transfer phosphorylation and the pyruvates, ADP and ATP and all the rest into my head. So I can do it. That is a small relief.
In other news I got the second best grade on my biology test in my class, a 92. I thought it was easy, but the way the teacher talked I began to wonder. My quiz grades bring my average down but I can do something about that. So my old time intensive study methods paid off. Whew. I'm almost looking forward to cramming glycolysis, the krebs cycle, electron transfer phosphorylation and the pyruvates, ADP and ATP and all the rest into my head. So I can do it. That is a small relief.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
"It's hardly a surprise when a politican gives evasive answers at a press conference. It's just that Bush is so terrible at it--he has maybe eighteen pre-programmed sound bites ready to go, and if none of them are applicable to the question, he just starts sputtering like a computer on the original Star Trek, after Captain Kirk has just irrefutably pointed out the illogic of its basic programming."
The paper says that "Rove rues 'Mission Accomplished' banner". It's more lies from the propaganda spinmeister.
"When training dogs, you're like a cheerleader; with cats, it's like doing yoga," she said. "You learn a lesson in patience."
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Monday, April 12, 2004
Thursday, April 08, 2004
I think that I bombed on my first quiz. I'm a social sciences person and this chemistry and cellular science is killing me. I have to really study this weekend for the first test on Tuesday. I like my new routes at work but wish I had more time for studies. I think that I used to work 11 hours in the Physical Sciences Library and maybe an 8 hour shift for Servicemaster up in Griswoldville. During the school-breaks I would work with Lew delivering beer. I guess that is a long time ago now. Y'all have a great weekend. I'll be studying. No tulips this year.
Monday, April 05, 2004
Here is my horoscope for today:
November 21 - December 20
Your hard work is finally paying off, dear Sagittarius. A phone call may come to you bringing good news. You should be filled with a new sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and high hopes. Any work will be more of a pleasure than a drag, because you have something to look forward to. Changes are definitely in the wind for you, so be prepared for just about anything!"
It sounds good to me. What else is going on? I either have to buy powerpoint or go to the computer lab for the class notes. The next class I have to take is not offered at night in the summer quarter, so I either have to get another job or I have to take it in the fall quarter. In the political arena there are almost too many articles to link here.
Krauthammer thinks that Clarke's apology is disingenuous. No one else will do it. Typical of a right wing apologist.
Karen Hughes is back.
"Bush insiders slam lack of discussion"
The Bush team is playing hardball politics.
Clarke says: "the reason I am strident in my criticism of the president of the United States is because by invading Iraq ... the president of the United States has greatly undermined the war on terrorism."
They were told about airplanes.
Karl Rove has his own problems. How is this different from the Republican thuggery during the 2000 recount in Dade County?
There. Plenty of links.
November 21 - December 20
Your hard work is finally paying off, dear Sagittarius. A phone call may come to you bringing good news. You should be filled with a new sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and high hopes. Any work will be more of a pleasure than a drag, because you have something to look forward to. Changes are definitely in the wind for you, so be prepared for just about anything!"
It sounds good to me. What else is going on? I either have to buy powerpoint or go to the computer lab for the class notes. The next class I have to take is not offered at night in the summer quarter, so I either have to get another job or I have to take it in the fall quarter. In the political arena there are almost too many articles to link here.
Krauthammer thinks that Clarke's apology is disingenuous. No one else will do it. Typical of a right wing apologist.
Karen Hughes is back.
"Bush insiders slam lack of discussion"
The Bush team is playing hardball politics.
Clarke says: "the reason I am strident in my criticism of the president of the United States is because by invading Iraq ... the president of the United States has greatly undermined the war on terrorism."
They were told about airplanes.
Karl Rove has his own problems. How is this different from the Republican thuggery during the 2000 recount in Dade County?
There. Plenty of links.
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