Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
OK, I'd like to add permanent links to my archives in my left column but have run out of steam tonight. I should really learn all of this rss, html, xml, etc... but I think that is for later. Right now Buffy is on....
My back is better now and I have run twice in the last three days. Woo hoo. Joe and Tracy come back tomorrow, sort of mid day. The eastern snowstorm has thrown a wrench in their travel plans. The kitties will be glad to have them back. Y'all have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and above all Peace Peace Peace.
Please read about Dave Winer and his Dad. I was blessed with my Mother's company for the last six months of her life so I know what blessings he is receiving now.
Sunday, December 22, 2002
Saturday, December 21, 2002
Friday, December 20, 2002
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Monday, December 16, 2002
Sunday, December 15, 2002
The sun came out!! I'm going to go to a motorcycle show in Seattle this afternoon. I might buy some apparel so I'll take the car.
President Thurmond?
Lott's past
President Thurmond?
Lott's past
Saturday, December 14, 2002
Friday, December 13, 2002
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
I have some hiking pictures to post from a while ago, once I get them pasted together. I managed to get a blood-filled blister from trying to keep up with Tracy yesterday as we walked the Marymoore, Sammamish Valley Slough. We have rain in the forcast for the next few days. The fishermen are happy. The steelhead and salmon run when the rain comes. We went to the Fall City Grill last night for Joe's fishing club Christmas party. Joe cleaned up by winning the tackle topped Christmas tree. I should have taken pictures. boo hoo.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
Read why Molly Ivins says, "In Texas, the home of the blunt, we call legislators who sell out the people in order to kiss the butts of their campaign contributors 'whores.'" and why Attorney General Ashcroft frightens William Raspberry.
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Tracy and I found some nice trails in the King County Cougar Mountain Park today. The weather has been bright, sunny and cool. This makes it good for hiking/walking. The days are short though so we have to be mindful of the clock.
Monday, November 25, 2002
John Poindexter is back. As I wrote a few months ago, I thought that he was gone with the Reagan Administration. He was the one who thought it a good idea to trade arms for hostages. He is to head the Total Information Awareness Agency. Read what William Safire, Molly Ivins, Kathleen Parker and the New York Times all think about this dubious endevour.
And along the theme of floundering Democrats, this guy actually has a vision of what a Democrat really should be. Cockburn gave them hell, as he should have. Matt Zemek has some ideas beyond that.
Sunday, November 24, 2002
So before you all go to your family dinners for Thanksgiving, please read Sarah B. and her holiday recount, and while you are at it, I think this family story will make you laugh.
"[A] distinctively American internationalism" and "the silver lining from the 2000 election" are discussed here by Alexander Cockburn.
Still no job and my prospects seem dimmer after I read how this woman is still looking herself.
Read what James Kilpatrick has to say about Orwell and what he thought about book writing.
Leonard Pitts is wondering just what are the priorities of the US military.
Who says there isn't global warming?
Still no job and my prospects seem dimmer after I read how this woman is still looking herself.
Read what James Kilpatrick has to say about Orwell and what he thought about book writing.
Leonard Pitts is wondering just what are the priorities of the US military.
Who says there isn't global warming?
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Here is a review of the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers show Saturday night. I hope that this link still works.
Update on the resume; It is done and now I have to take the next step and look for a job. This wonderful run is coming to a close.
Update on the resume; It is done and now I have to take the next step and look for a job. This wonderful run is coming to a close.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Scott's cat, Tika had some surgery so she must be kept from the wound. I wonder whether cats dream about these things and whether they hate them like the carriers which bring them to the vets?
Saturday, November 09, 2002
Tom Petty is back and feeling better and we are going to see him tonight at the Tacoma Dome. Woo hoo, look at us!
Friday, November 08, 2002
Sunday, November 03, 2002
I'm walking and running now. I know that y'all find that fascinating but it really helps me. I'll run again tomorrow. Today I walked. That simple I guess. I go to Marymoore since it is close to my new place. I spooked a dog today and he ran toward me and hit me my leg with his shoulder. Pretty strange. I wonder whether Tara would have done anything for me? Probably not.
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Friday, November 01, 2002
This is why people write, and this is why this person writes. She does a great job. This person is going to try to not edit as much. I'm glad she puts in the effort. Another of my favorite reads. ...let me edit that. ("...to try to not edit as much"?)
My counter won't work because of an incompatibity with the "&" character in the code. I want to change the look of the site anyways. I liked the rocks that come with this template because it goes along with the theme of the Sawmill River where Mattampash used to exist for the Pocumtuck Indians of the Connecticut River Valley. I'll need more time that I'm using now to run errands and work on the resume and to find a job, but later I'll have a new look. I want some sort of Douglas Fir background with hills and low clouds or fog to go with my new home here in the great northwest. And I'll get a counter that works. I'd like to keep Mattampash even though as a place it isn't here. There is a Sammamish nearby but I'll leave them to themselves. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Hi all. I've been working on my resume now that I'm settled into my new digs. There are many versions circulating between faxes and e-mails. Thanks all for the help. The new Washington State plates are on the car. I now have a Washington State driver's license and I'm insured. And now to pay for it all. There are definitely some advantages to living along the margins of our economy and society. It is of much lower impact energy-wise to live meagerly without a place of one's own and with little possessions. Now I'm living with more comfort and ease but I will spend all my energy (I'm afraid) to keep this up. Such the price to enter the world. I'm now another job seeker in the greater Seattle area. Anybody out there with help? I used to be a cook but I no longer want to do that. Y'all have a great day!
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
This isn't quite the way I would go about criticizing the left, mostly because I don't feel we have all the facts, but here, John Leo points out the alienation and misstep with which the left continues to stride.
Sunday, October 27, 2002
Tracy and I took a drive out to Leavenworth, Washington the other day. It is an alpine village; odd yet nice. I took this pic in Index, WA. The apartment is essentially finished, ie, moved into. I now live in the land of Boeing layoffs and Microsoft.
Saturday, October 19, 2002
I went to the Northwest Bookfest and was able to hear a little bit of Daniel Ellsberg's presentation. He compared our ill fated entry into our Viet Nam war (Tonkin Gulf) with our upcoming war with Iraq. The military's pistol trigger is cocked and the present administration is looking anywhere for a provocation. Don't let the war pigs fool you. I also got a subscription to the Seattle Times, and received as a bonus an Ichiro bobblehead from Upper Deck collectibles..
Friday, October 18, 2002
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Can you believe the gall of this joker? No sooner than he takes the Presidency, the economy tanks, the budget surplus turns into a deficit and he awards the wealthiest percent of the population with a tax break. Now he wants to blame the Democrats for the "faltering economy". What a piece of work.
Still no rain out here out here and the east coast gets a nor'easter.
Still no rain out here out here and the east coast gets a nor'easter.
Monday, October 14, 2002
I just stumbled on this at this guy's site. Good writing. Tracy and I went to Ikea today and I bought some furniture for my new apartment. I got a dresser like this one but with more drawers. The "chest of drawers" is found on page 237 of the virtual catalog under "bed and bath" and then "chest of drawers". It really looks nice and it took a while to assemble. I also bought a night stand, lamp and light. New stuff!; who would have thought? Thanks Tracy.
Sunday, October 13, 2002
It was chilly leading up to Steven's Pass today. Abby, here is the picture looking over the South Fork of the Skykomish River in Skykomish, Washington. I can't upload the little movie I took up there.
Saturday, October 12, 2002
Friday, October 11, 2002
I bought a weather station from Target today. It is a GE Wireless Digital Weather Station. This thing is pretty cool. I don't have to go outside first and get cold. I'll stay here though rather than Florida.
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Monday, October 07, 2002
Tracy, Joe and I went to Salmon Days in Issaquah this past weekend. Joe was loving it because he is part fish. I can compare it to Sunfest in West Palm but without the sun and stiff entry fee. Sunfest was free once too. There were a lot of local art and crafts there but the theme was salmon and steelhead. Some of the returning salmon were 5 years old and in the 30+lb range.
Lee comes back Tuesday and I lose this fantastic house/cat sitting duty. Here is Captain and Sylvester. This is the only cat I have seen who looks like the cartoon Sylvester.
Lee comes back Tuesday and I lose this fantastic house/cat sitting duty. Here is Captain and Sylvester. This is the only cat I have seen who looks like the cartoon Sylvester.
Here are some of the pictures I tried to post last week or so. A couple of Dave Matthews, A town called Concrete and a return visit to Bob and his rifle.
Sunday, October 06, 2002
Thursday, October 03, 2002
These people say that "Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President". Here is the Irish Sunday Herald story.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
My msn groups is having a hardware problem: Some users may be unable to access files and photos due to a hardware issue on the Groups site. We apologize for this inconvenience, and are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible. That is why you can't get to my many and varied picture posts.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
"besides being told by a woman that you're a Nice Guy (which is the kiss of death), how can you tell if you have the dreaded curse?"
Monday, September 30, 2002
CommUnity of Minds : Working Together
Why? Because We Can
Do you think you have a book in you?
Are we headed toward a Pax Americana and do you understand the implications?
Watch these viking kittens. It is one way to learn the lyrics to this song. Zep
Why? Because We Can
Do you think you have a book in you?
Are we headed toward a Pax Americana and do you understand the implications?
Watch these viking kittens. It is one way to learn the lyrics to this song. Zep
Sunday, September 29, 2002
I went downtown to Pike Place and saw Dave Matthews this afternoon. I was hoping to catch Jill Cohn but was too late. Dave sang at the rally to benefit old growth forests. He related that there was a time when the term jazz was a derogatory one and that now he is glad to be known as a tree hugger. You go Dave. And to those who rely on this terminology as a weapon, your time will pass because we cannot afford, and the earth cannot afford to listen to you much longer. There is a middle way; all parties have to talk.
I tried to upload some pictures of Dave and my trip to Concrete, Washington but the msn site won't work right.
I tried to upload some pictures of Dave and my trip to Concrete, Washington but the msn site won't work right.
Saturday, September 28, 2002
I looked at an apartment in Redmond today. It looks promising. I'll need a bed. Is it bad to be looking out over the pool? I will have to get used to the price though. I had it cheap in West Palm Beach. What a miserable place Florida can be. I don't know where it came from either. Maybe it comes from the tense race relations, from the caribbean or from New York but South Florida is bad enough to grind the humanity right out of you.
Friday, September 27, 2002
I drove up to Snoqualmie Pass and talked to Pat at the Great Western up there on the top of the mountain about a possible job. If it had been five years ago I would have been happy to help them out and join the team. There were too many obstacles seen and unseen to work as a cook there. I believe my future lies more in the valley (or at least the plateau).
Jasper the cat has a bladder infection so he is now on antibiotics and an opiate based pain medication. I'll add a picture of Jasperlater.
I'm headed into the city to follow up on a housing lead. I went to Pike Place market to pick up something Seattle-like an a clerk said she would inquire to someone she knows about apartments in Issaquah.
Jasper the cat has a bladder infection so he is now on antibiotics and an opiate based pain medication. I'll add a picture of Jasperlater.
I'm headed into the city to follow up on a housing lead. I went to Pike Place market to pick up something Seattle-like an a clerk said she would inquire to someone she knows about apartments in Issaquah.
Monday, September 23, 2002
Sunday, September 22, 2002
Friday, September 20, 2002
I just came back from Bob n' Cindy's house. They are looking forward to a trip to Antigua in November. They'll be getting away from the Wendies. Bob showed me his rifles. Go guns. Can't bring them on the plane. After Kathy's wedding we'll be getting on the plane for our return trip back to Seattle. I need a place to live and a new livelyhood. Go me.
Thursday, September 19, 2002
Tracy, Joe and I went to Maine yesterday to see the Kennebunkport and Kittery areas . Here are a few pictures of the rocks and our dining and harbor views.
The bridge in Montague is essentially finished. I'm told that what is needed is only the final coat of roadway. You can see the workers clearing the road for the pavers.
Here is a picture of Ling and Ty's food dish. They need to have pictures of family members in their dish. Oh yeah, they are siamese cats; very talkative and happy here at home.
The bridge in Montague is essentially finished. I'm told that what is needed is only the final coat of roadway. You can see the workers clearing the road for the pavers.
Here is a picture of Ling and Ty's food dish. They need to have pictures of family members in their dish. Oh yeah, they are siamese cats; very talkative and happy here at home.
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
I got here in time to get to the wedding, thanks to Raymond and Theresa for the drive from the airport and Abby and Collin for the drive to New Hampshire. I rented a car from Mork and I'll be driving to Gardner to meet Tracy and Joe for a ride up to Maine. Ayuh.
The bridge isn't finished; I haven't seen a worker there since I arrived. I'll have some pics of the "progress" soon enough. I'm sure there are more things to say which I cannot remember. Gotta sleep. G'night.
The bridge isn't finished; I haven't seen a worker there since I arrived. I'll have some pics of the "progress" soon enough. I'm sure there are more things to say which I cannot remember. Gotta sleep. G'night.
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
Last year today I was with Mom at the nursing home where she was recuperating from her broken shoulder. Jennifer was on her way to the Bradley Airport so she and the baby could get home to Jacksonville. They ended up taking a train days later. I'm flying on Friday night. I haven't been in the air since before the eleventh. Gotta see little Mikey get married. you all have a good day.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Monday, September 09, 2002
I have already called home and e-mailed family and friends on the fate of Tara. Unbeknownst to us she had a severe case of diabetes. This explains the weight-loss and later shakiness. She developed pancreatitis which destroyed her ability to digest food. I had to make the only humane decision to have her put to sleep. No pain there.
I was talking with Scott today and I told him that I would take a picture of the first Starbucks. It is on Pike Street at Pike Street Market. I also bought a bobble toy for my hostess/patron here in Issaquah.
I was talking with Scott today and I told him that I would take a picture of the first Starbucks. It is on Pike Street at Pike Street Market. I also bought a bobble toy for my hostess/patron here in Issaquah.
Thursday, September 05, 2002
Tracy, the dog and I went to La Conner yesterday to do some sightseeing and to get away for the day. We even managed to look at a studio apartment at Bridal Trails near Belleview. We didn't care for much of that possibility. I'm still looking.... On our way back we meant to go to Whidbey Island and then take the ferry back, but instead we found ourselves on Camano Island, so we went to the state park there. The dog got to cool off in the water. Tracy took this nice picture looking northeast toward the mainland.
As I write this as the dog is at the vet's. The veterinarian is checking her blood for anything which can tell him why she has lost so much weight and what is the relative condition of her organs. She has weak valves in her heart and this makes her lethargic. Anybody out there in contact with the elderly will recognize this as chronic heart failure. She may see a cardiologist.
I was reading the Seattle Times today and I would like to throw out this article to you all who see this area as a dismal rain-soaked sunless mess. I may change my tune at sometime in the winter but I have to admit that I too have had enough of the sun and heat. It is relative because I spent eight years in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Remember the park where I bring the dog for her walks and wades? Here is a great article about the model airplane area there in Marymoor.
Tracy and I also went, a few days ago, to a Mariners game and here are some of the pics: cameraman, dancing groundsmen, Ichiro!, some friendly knuckleheads behind us and the national anthem. Tracy likes the scoreboard. The Mariners lost 4 to 2 to Kansas City.
As I write this as the dog is at the vet's. The veterinarian is checking her blood for anything which can tell him why she has lost so much weight and what is the relative condition of her organs. She has weak valves in her heart and this makes her lethargic. Anybody out there in contact with the elderly will recognize this as chronic heart failure. She may see a cardiologist.
I was reading the Seattle Times today and I would like to throw out this article to you all who see this area as a dismal rain-soaked sunless mess. I may change my tune at sometime in the winter but I have to admit that I too have had enough of the sun and heat. It is relative because I spent eight years in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Remember the park where I bring the dog for her walks and wades? Here is a great article about the model airplane area there in Marymoor.
Tracy and I also went, a few days ago, to a Mariners game and here are some of the pics: cameraman, dancing groundsmen, Ichiro!, some friendly knuckleheads behind us and the national anthem. Tracy likes the scoreboard. The Mariners lost 4 to 2 to Kansas City.
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Of the murders in certain towns in Colombia, [o]ne of the few who takes the carnage in stride is funeral director Maria Cruz.
"Business is great, thank God," she told a reporter without a hint of irony, sitting amid empty coffins trimmed with purple velvet. "Sometimes there are bodies everywhere."
"Business is great, thank God," she told a reporter without a hint of irony, sitting amid empty coffins trimmed with purple velvet. "Sometimes there are bodies everywhere."
The Washington Post reports, "Using slogans and chants from South Africa's liberation movement against the white minority's apartheid government, the demonstrators said that the conference, known as the Earth Summit, was a farce, focusing more on the corporate agenda of rich nations than on the development needs of poorer nations."
...and a funny for the earth subject.
...and a funny for the earth subject.
David Broder writes, "So much has been written about this becoming 'a nation of stockholders' that the Dow Jones average has turned into the most popular index of Americans' well-being. It is important, but, as this study reminds us, jobs and wages and income are a lot more vital to most people than the state of their stock portfolios."
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Sunday, August 25, 2002
Here are some ideas for yoga on the road.
David Horsey of the Seattle Post Intelligencer shares his thoughts on the Sturgis motorcycle rally.
...and speaking of yoga, Tracy brought me to a different stayle of yoga than I had been accustomed to. It is called Bikram Yoga. And if you thought that yoga such as Kripalu was hard .... The room is heated to over 100 steamy degrees and we are led through a regimen of yoga moves that truly taxes our stamina and willpower. Water replenishes our system after we have withstood the purifying aspect of this practice. And afterward I felt good but like I had really done a workout.
On a lighter note, look at the size of this zuchinni I picked from the garden yesterday.
David Horsey of the Seattle Post Intelligencer shares his thoughts on the Sturgis motorcycle rally.
...and speaking of yoga, Tracy brought me to a different stayle of yoga than I had been accustomed to. It is called Bikram Yoga. And if you thought that yoga such as Kripalu was hard .... The room is heated to over 100 steamy degrees and we are led through a regimen of yoga moves that truly taxes our stamina and willpower. Water replenishes our system after we have withstood the purifying aspect of this practice. And afterward I felt good but like I had really done a workout.
On a lighter note, look at the size of this zuchinni I picked from the garden yesterday.
Saturday, August 24, 2002
Well I've made my decision and I'm not going home for Mike and Wendy's wedding in September. Sorry. I need to concentrate on the Northwest I think. I took a ride out to Fall City to take pictures of the Fall City Firearms and Rose shop for Bob. Guns make him all warm and fuzzy inside. Go guns.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
More pictures for Mark:
Here is Tara wading out of the water after lying down and walking around. It has been hot out here lately.
Here is Tara wading out of the water after lying down and walking around. It has been hot out here lately.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
On the Let It Happen on Purpose Theory :"Whether they had specific knowledge beforehand, or merely decided to let some attack happen somewhere, the final results were the same. The Taliban were routed and replaced by an interim government headed by a man named Harmid Karzai. Karzai was recently elected President of Afghanistan in his own right, legitimizing the Afghanistan government. Soon after this, Karzai announced the impending construction of a pipeline that would exploit Turkmenistan's natural gas reserves He named Unocal as the lead company for the project. Before becoming President, Karzai was an advisor to Unocal.
"For LIHOP Theorists, the evidence is clear. The Bush administration got the pipeline it wanted. Along the way, they used the horrors of 9/11 to place themselves above reproach. In the patriotic fervor that resulted from the attacks, both the press and the Democratic opposition were bracketed by the administration-espoused idea that any questions or criticism were tantamount to treason."
"For LIHOP Theorists, the evidence is clear. The Bush administration got the pipeline it wanted. Along the way, they used the horrors of 9/11 to place themselves above reproach. In the patriotic fervor that resulted from the attacks, both the press and the Democratic opposition were bracketed by the administration-espoused idea that any questions or criticism were tantamount to treason."
Monday, August 12, 2002
Here are some more pictures of Rainier which might give you an idea of its size. I took this one from the town of Enumclaw. Here is a switchback parking lot, and here is the mountain with some trees and a beautiful sky.
Sunday, August 11, 2002
I rode over 230 miles on the bike today. Here is a pasted picture of Mt. Rainier and the surrounding skyline.
Saturday, August 10, 2002
My (I'm not sure about the dog) excitement now includes bringing the dog to the Marymoore dog park. She found a friend to play with today (I was surprised) and she actually got into the water to cool off. There is an espresso vendor there on the weekends in a converted delivery van. I'm spending my retirement money on her for her grooming and food. She had steelhead (sea)trout last night that Joe helped catch. We went walking around in downtown Issaquah today with no solid leads for an apartment. Tara was balking at walking any further. If Tara could have, she would have spoken like Dad. I didn't have to drag her after she figured out we were walking back.
Thursday, August 08, 2002
I have found a public access show here in King County, Washington which defies explanation. Behold the jerkbeast.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
No I don't have a job and I'm still sleeping in the garage. The only people who don't seem bothered by this are Joe, Tracy and myself. Joe and I looked at an unlikely garage apartment today. Unlikely because I'll be unlikely to take it. Very nice neighborhood though. The house actually has grounds, and a neighborhood association. Grrrrrrrr.
I took Bucky to a dog park within Marymoor Park two days ago and today. She got to walk around without a leash and she actually wasn't nasty to the other dogs. Here is Bucky and her charges. Also at Marymoor is a public garden. Here is Tracy and her rooster friend.
On an aside, I am told that people drive from afar to go to this donut shop. I, of all people, was asked directions to it today.
I took Bucky to a dog park within Marymoor Park two days ago and today. She got to walk around without a leash and she actually wasn't nasty to the other dogs. Here is Bucky and her charges. Also at Marymoor is a public garden. Here is Tracy and her rooster friend.
On an aside, I am told that people drive from afar to go to this donut shop. I, of all people, was asked directions to it today.
Monday, August 05, 2002
Sunday, August 04, 2002
I took a late evening ride out to Snoqualmie Falls and took in some scenery. I pasted together some pictures of the falls and one of the sunset.
Friday, August 02, 2002
The dog and I took a ride out through Tacoma etc.. out to Bainbridge Island to find Pete. We surprised his wife at home and surprised Pete at work. He thought that he had himself hidden far away from Chestnut Hill. I was able to take in some scenery on the way back from the ferry. I didn't have time to drive back around because Joe and I were to go to a Mariners game against the Indians. When we got there they were losing. They then rallied back to beat the Indians 10 to 6. What a great game! There is a Krispy Kreme donut shop at the bottom of the hill. It afforded a very good end to an evening.
Here are some nice pictures of the stadium and some action on the field.
Here are some nice pictures of the stadium and some action on the field.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
I brought the bike out of it's trailer yesterday and sped toward Redmond and Seattle. I like the cooler weather up here. Tracy is back in Whately for Kathy's shower. I'll take the bike out again and this time go out toward Carnation and Big Bend I think it is. Nope, North Bend. Joe and Tracy think I'll be better off up in the woods away from the press of cars and people here. I don't know whether I'll be able to find work as easily. I found where Pete, a friend from highschool is. I had to go to mapquest to find his street on Bainbridge Island. It is a two and a half hour drive without the ferry. Y'all have a great day.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
I called Abby from downtown Issaquah today with my new number, and I told her that I'd take a picture of the sprawled dog. Here it is. I now have a nationwide number and I'll be sending it out today.
Monday, July 29, 2002
If y'all come out here to visit, these two sights might be a must on your travel plans: Olympic Park and great view from Hurricane Ridge.
Here are some more bucky pictures. We went to a campground on the Olympic Peninsula for the weekend. There we hiked a little of Hurricane Ridge and Joe caught a steelhead trout in the morning. I took Tara for a long walk this morning. When I get a chance I'll let her have a lot of rest.
Saturday, July 27, 2002
I have arrived. Here is more mileage:
529 miles from Billings to Missoula because I took a few hours through or near Yellowstone.
463 miles from Missoula to Issaquah. It didn't take nearly as long as I was told, so I continued on instead of staying in Spokane for the night.
I posted some more pictures. We went to the Columbia River gorge. I think that Bucky, the intrepid canine, enjoyed this stop. The previous day we (I, I don't think that the dog was paying attention although sometimes she would get up to look out the window) saw some beautiful scenery in Yellowstone. I could see Mt Rainier but the pictures I took don't do it justice. Here is the Olympic range from a distance and the inevitable rain once we enter the mountain pass. Pretty cool all the way around. Today Joe and I will drive to the Olympic peninsula for some camping with Tracy and a friend. Bucky knows the camping routine. Here are a few more pictures from Yellowstone.
529 miles from Billings to Missoula because I took a few hours through or near Yellowstone.
463 miles from Missoula to Issaquah. It didn't take nearly as long as I was told, so I continued on instead of staying in Spokane for the night.
I posted some more pictures. We went to the Columbia River gorge. I think that Bucky, the intrepid canine, enjoyed this stop. The previous day we (I, I don't think that the dog was paying attention although sometimes she would get up to look out the window) saw some beautiful scenery in Yellowstone. I could see Mt Rainier but the pictures I took don't do it justice. Here is the Olympic range from a distance and the inevitable rain once we enter the mountain pass. Pretty cool all the way around. Today Joe and I will drive to the Olympic peninsula for some camping with Tracy and a friend. Bucky knows the camping routine. Here are a few more pictures from Yellowstone.
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Here is our mileage for the last few days:
July 22, 466 miles to Belvidere KOA in Midland, South Dakota
23, 256 miles to Spearfish KOA in Spearfish, South Dakota
24, 356 miles to Billings KOA in Billings, Montana (first KOA)
Today, the 25th, I would like to see some of Yellowstone. It would be great to be able to use the bike. I'd need someone to sit the dog. She gets yappy when I leave her in the car to see or buy something. When the engine is off so is the air conditioning. I think she has resigned herself to a nomadic life. Tara the traveler.
Here is roadside Montana shot out the car window, and here is the Yellowstone River as it passes the Billings KOA.
July 22, 466 miles to Belvidere KOA in Midland, South Dakota
23, 256 miles to Spearfish KOA in Spearfish, South Dakota
24, 356 miles to Billings KOA in Billings, Montana (first KOA)
Today, the 25th, I would like to see some of Yellowstone. It would be great to be able to use the bike. I'd need someone to sit the dog. She gets yappy when I leave her in the car to see or buy something. When the engine is off so is the air conditioning. I think she has resigned herself to a nomadic life. Tara the traveler.
Here is roadside Montana shot out the car window, and here is the Yellowstone River as it passes the Billings KOA.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Bucky and I didn't get far yesterday. We went through the Badlands of South Dakota, then went to look at petrified wood and then took a trip to see Mount Rushmore. It was steep going to get there. I90 has been rolling hills(usually overpasses) and the car doesn't mind them. I had one trailer wheel looked at yesterday because it was spraying grease. The generous folks at Haggar's Tru Value and Haggar's Texaco Lube found that the wheel was fine. It was packed with too much grease and a little bit loose. They tightened it up for nothing. 12150 Siouxland Rd, Blackhawk, SD 57718. They are located just west of Sturgis.
We ended up in Billings, Montana for the night. I don't have my mileage with me but we did pretty well. Go to the picture links and browse through them all. I'll add more later.
We ended up in Billings, Montana for the night. I don't have my mileage with me but we did pretty well. Go to the picture links and browse through them all. I'll add more later.
Monday, July 22, 2002
Hi all. We are in Stewartville, Minnesota. Here is Tara taking her walk. Two cans of food a day so the trip hasn't hurt her appetite, if you were wondering. The rain drove us inside yesterday. I haven't seen internet access at campsites yet.
Here is the mileage:
day one 448 miles. We camped at Lake Erie State Park in New York.
day two 456 miles. We camped at Sand Creek Campground in Chesterton, Indiana.
day three 402 miles. Bucky is laying down on the floor of the AmericInn in Stewartville, Minnesota.
Now we are off to South Dakota.
Here is the mileage:
day one 448 miles. We camped at Lake Erie State Park in New York.
day two 456 miles. We camped at Sand Creek Campground in Chesterton, Indiana.
day three 402 miles. Bucky is laying down on the floor of the AmericInn in Stewartville, Minnesota.
Now we are off to South Dakota.
Sunday, July 21, 2002
This is the third night. We are in Minnesota. Bucky is, was lying down. she's tired. In the last picture of this series you can see the storm that sent me to this motel in/near Rochester, Minnesota. It was earlier in the day when the thermometer read 100 degrees. I wonder whether the car thermo works right. In the storm I was glad to see it read 70. The car is working well and the trailer is great. Go to the first picture and click for the next so that you will eventually see the farm. ok?
Thursday, July 18, 2002
Tomorrow is really the day. I guess that it is today now that it is Friday. 12:17AM All of the stuff is secured and the bike won't move. Ratchet straps are the way to go. The rain should stop by morning and that will leave the first day of the trip to be nice and cool. I hope that the northern plains will be cooler by the time Bucky and I make our way through there. To all of you who have contributed in any way to my stay here in mattampash country from the bottom of my heart I thank you. I have enjoyed my time here and you to-boot.
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Sunday, July 14, 2002
Friday, July 12, 2002
I pulled a screw from one of the car's tires today. It looks like the ones Jonathan and I were using to affix a shelf system in the trailer. I'm going to the tire place today to get two new tires put on the car. Everyone feels better that I'll have new tires for the trip yet it will come out of my pocket. I'm glad I can help. I think that Bucky can stay here with Abby. As I write this Abby is cleaning the drawer runners in the kitcken, and since her computer isn't up and running she can't read that I'm writing about her. Later...
Thursday, July 11, 2002
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
I am writing from New Gloucester, Maine. I rode yesterday from Newport, Vermont. After Ron and I go to the Y this morning, I'll ride to Dodie's house in Mashpee. Y'all gotta see the Northwest Kingdom and Lake Champlain. The Kingdom reminded me of the Amish country of Pennsylvania, except for the dearth of buggies. The air is dryer now so today should be a bit more pleasant than yesterdays heat. These Mainers aren't used to it.
Oh yeah, I went to the resort yesterday and it is as rustic and beautiful as ever. A blight is hitting the spruces so there were fewer trees on the point. It all brought back some memories.
Oh yeah, I went to the resort yesterday and it is as rustic and beautiful as ever. A blight is hitting the spruces so there were fewer trees on the point. It all brought back some memories.
Saturday, July 06, 2002
Hi kids. Been busy at the homestead lately. All my stuff is in the trailer and my car. That part of the house is mostly painted and mostly cleaned. I don't know for sure whether I'll be able to do the trip I had wanted to do to the north country before I leave. The family will be here next weekend to peruse the stuff and to see the almost new baby Olivia. Crunch time for me. As y'all probably know I'm not the best at getting going and it shows in my present preparedness in leaving. Oh well. I have more pictures too for the family site. I'm typing this from the house on the hill now and later I'll uplload the pics from my own computer. I hope that y'all had a great fourth. Bye.
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Saturday, June 29, 2002
Since it is such a beautiful Saturday I think I will take the canoe out onto the Connecticut. I now have a trailer. Here and here are two more pictures. We still have to get the rest of Mom and Dad's stuff out of the house. I'll finish taking and editing the pictures of the contents, so if you are family, and you are reading this now, you'll get some pictures in the mail soon. (I hope). Abby and Collin will be moving their stuff in the 5th and 6th. Maybe then I can take my final trip because I'll be without my regular bed. Decisions, decisions. Have a nice weekend. Who wants some more stuff?
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Monday, June 24, 2002
The phone is fixed. Thanks to the Verizon repairman-of-little-words. It is nice to be able to use the phone again and check my e-mail from my place. I'm planning one last trip before I leave. Uncle Ed doesn't think that I'll go. Some folks didn't think I'd leave UMass or the hotel either. Oh well, bye bye. I'll take a three day or four day bike trip through Northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine and then down to the Cape before I go home to pack. I'm really leaving Ed.
My phone is still out. The car's AC will be looked at again on Wednesday. Tomorrow a hitch will be put on the car and then I'll go down the road to pick up the very expensive trailer. I went for the covered aluminum variety.
Monday, June 17, 2002
Sunday, June 16, 2002
Richard Cohen says of Ashcroft: "In his tenacity, his conviction that he is in sole possession of the truth and his compulsive need to hog the spotlight, he reminds me of J. Edgar himself.
"Clean Air Act rule changes proposed by the Bush administration Thursday would gut efforts to clean up pollution from power plants and other industries while rewarding some of the president's largest campaign contributors, angry environmentalists and health advocates charged. ...Eric Schaeffer, the former EPA enforcement chief who resigned on Feb. 28 to protest the Clear Skies Initiative, said he was told Thursday that clients of a friend who works in an energy law firm were 'dancing in the street' over the Thursday's announcement."
Jim Hoagland compares Bush to LBJ in this article.
And Ellen Goodman finds "an anxious respite in a season of war".
"Clean Air Act rule changes proposed by the Bush administration Thursday would gut efforts to clean up pollution from power plants and other industries while rewarding some of the president's largest campaign contributors, angry environmentalists and health advocates charged. ...Eric Schaeffer, the former EPA enforcement chief who resigned on Feb. 28 to protest the Clear Skies Initiative, said he was told Thursday that clients of a friend who works in an energy law firm were 'dancing in the street' over the Thursday's announcement."
Jim Hoagland compares Bush to LBJ in this article.
And Ellen Goodman finds "an anxious respite in a season of war".
Thursday, June 13, 2002
So, should I go to Ellington, Connecticut to Limberger Trailers, get a trailer there or get a v-nosed Renegade in Belchertown, Massachusetts? I'm going back to Orchard Hill Farm Equipment & Tractor Sales tomorrow to see that 5+ by 9. Decisions, decisions.
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Adam and I rode to Lake George for the Americade bike rally. I still haven't found a trailer for my move yet. The light ones are very expensive. U Haul might be an option. I'm still not sure. The whole thing is driving me crazy.
Friday, June 07, 2002
Molly Ivins says, "To fail to take action in the face of a recognized threat is not only incredibly stupid, but also legally actionable. Misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance can all be alleged, reckless, irresponsible conduct, failure of duty ... a litany of charges."
Thursday, June 06, 2002
I don't usually agree with this guy, but Steve Chapman has some very relevant and timely views on the dearth of information for the public.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
The dog wanted to go for a walk today so I made her go into town. John wants me to take pictures of old, small New England houses. Mom and Dad, and the first five children used to live here on Main Street until they bought the homestead in skunk hollow. We went to see Dave today and I took some pictures of him with his new paint ball gun and with his cast. He found out today or yesterday that he'll have to be in the cast for a few more weeks because his bones aren't healing well enough. Write to Dave.
Monday, June 03, 2002
Sunday, June 02, 2002
I enjoyed this article this morning about the effect that Mitzi, the author's Mazda, has on his 'car talk'.
Saturday, June 01, 2002
Susan Reimer, of the Baltomore Sun, comments on the state of our "one-big-happy-political-family thing in this recent article.
Thursday, May 30, 2002
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
The metal detector is back together again. I think that the prior owners of this property just buried their discarded stuff.
Monday, May 27, 2002
Collin and I rode our bikes through the rain for a little while today. I called Ed from Mt. Sugarloaf, as I always do. "Can you hear me now?". They all seem to be clipping right along. The view from up there was nice but hazy. Here is a better view of Sunderland. Here is the river and some scenery. It fits that there is garden at the house again. I've been given a watering task.
Sunday, May 26, 2002
Saturday, May 25, 2002
The Red Sox are doing well again. "The Red Sox are Charlie Brown, eying the football that Lucy has so invitingly set on the ground. The Red Sox are Wile E. Coyote with a foolproof plan. The Red Sox are the Los Angeles police and prosecutors trying to bring O.J. to justice."
Friday, May 24, 2002
I just bought a digital camera and I've figured out how to use the software provided to make panoramic pictures. Here is a picture of the new bridge being constructed.
... and here is a picture of the pasture.
... and here is a picture of the pasture.
Thursday, May 23, 2002
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Saturday, May 18, 2002
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
I took the dog for a long walk today so we went to see Dave. He gets his cast off Thursday, I think, and gets it replaced with an air/nylon/"so I can stand up in the shower" cast put on. Tara makes herself at home anywhere.
I haven't compiled my trip stuff yet. Here is a Blue Ridge Parkway link and here is one from the National Park Service.
I haven't compiled my trip stuff yet. Here is a Blue Ridge Parkway link and here is one from the National Park Service.
Sunday, May 12, 2002
Thomas Friedman of The New York Times says that, "At its best, the Internet can educate more people faster than any media tool we've ever had. At its worst, it can make people dumber faster than any media tool we've ever had. ".
Saturday, May 11, 2002
Adam Curry has something to say about the media and the Big Lie. "The four hours you as an average citizen spend in front of the television is what keeps the general popualtion shackled to the teat of the beast. You are not relaxing when you watch, you are being fed."
Friday, May 10, 2002
Hi all. I'm back in Massachusetts again. I'll add the specifics later, like mileage and links. I rode for a long time/distance today. I started at the base of the Shenandoah National Forest, went through Amish country and then went up the NY thruway and the Taconic Parkway to Rte 32 to 20 to I90 to I91 to home. The alst day of these trips are always a pisser. Wind gusts were knocking me all over the road. Scary. If any of you have a chance, you have to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Skyline Drive fron North Carolina through Virginia.
Monday, May 06, 2002
Sunday, May 05, 2002
Judy, Ernie, Scott, Chrissie and I went to Sunfest today. We then had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory in City Place. Everyone was pleased with their meal and we beat the crowd that came later. Here is their own site.
Friday, May 03, 2002
Judy and Ernie arrived tonight and we all met Chrissie's parents for dinner at Waterways Cafe off PGA. The weather was very pleasant, as was the food. It is very easy to be comfortable when the weather that is left is in the 50's and wet. Here is the weather up there.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
Yesterday I failed to mention that I finally found Rosalind, Dave and Dawn nestled next to Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Dawn said that she didn't recognize me at first. I'm not sure how to take that. Have I gained that much weight or have I aged that much? (or both) John and I went shopping for some office stuff this afternoon after breakfast at The French Connection in Juno Beach. Look for JLF Construction sometime in the future. (the L is for Lancaster) Now that John is forming his own company he needs a real office chair from which to rule his domain.
I got some more sun today. This time it was on purpose. I didn't want to go home with a farmer's tan. (motorcycle tan) I hope that y'all are well up there. The weather here is getting too warm, and I hope that the weather up there is good to me on my return.
I got some more sun today. This time it was on purpose. I didn't want to go home with a farmer's tan. (motorcycle tan) I hope that y'all are well up there. The weather here is getting too warm, and I hope that the weather up there is good to me on my return.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
Hi all. I rode to Everglades City today. There are not many old Florida towns left. This one is neat. Here is a map and info from the US park service. 318 miles round-trip. I'm staying at John's house in North Palm Beach because I'm tired of hiding my bike from the Canadians. They have some freak rule against motorcycles in their complex.
Hey Massachusetts, why does the dog have ticks?
Hey Massachusetts, why does the dog have ticks?
Sunday, April 28, 2002
Yesterday I rode to Flamingo, Florida. It is a park station in the Everglades National Park. I then went back to Florida City and turned toward the Keys.. I went as far as Islamorada, saw that I was over water with the green and blue water around me turned back for Hypoluxo. A very nice ride. Today Chrissy, Scott and myself went to Pompano for the Seafood Festival. I tried to think of friends and family in colder climates who I could call to tell about the sun and sand. I got through to Tracy in Seattle. She, as I, would like to know when I'm getting out there. Time will tell
Thursday, April 25, 2002
I took a ride out Southern Boulevard (rt80/441) yesterday and rode around Lake Okeechobee. I put spf 15 sunblock on but I still got burned. Later on Dena and I went to dinner at
Spoto's Oyster Bar In West Palm. The food there is fantastic. They didn't skip a beat with their quality and consistency.
Today I went to look up Jackie at News and Gourmet and she hooked me up with coffee, a newspaper and a muffin. I sat in one of those comfy chairs near the croquet court and enjoyed the nice Florida weather while reading the paper. I have yet to look up Rose and Lilia. Maybe tomorrow. Saturday may be the Keys or at least some destination in the bottom of Florida. Are all of you writing to Dave? I really do believe that he enjoys this encouragement being the busy, can-do-guy he is. Send him mail.
Today I went to look up Jackie at News and Gourmet and she hooked me up with coffee, a newspaper and a muffin. I sat in one of those comfy chairs near the croquet court and enjoyed the nice Florida weather while reading the paper. I have yet to look up Rose and Lilia. Maybe tomorrow. Saturday may be the Keys or at least some destination in the bottom of Florida. Are all of you writing to Dave? I really do believe that he enjoys this encouragement being the busy, can-do-guy he is. Send him mail.
Monday, April 22, 2002
Saturday, April 20, 2002
I made it. It was pretty much sun-up to sun-down for three days on the bike.
day 1:
502 miles to Ocean City, Maryland, where I met up with Jeannie, Louie, Little Jeannie and Justina. We then went to a Parks & Rec's convention.
day 2:
533 miles to the midlands of South Carolina.
day 3:
567 miles to North Palm Beach. I didn't want to go even a few more miles to West Palm or Hypoluxo. John's Mom fed me and I stayed there the night. Right now I'm at Scott & Chrissie's in Hypoluxo. The sun is very hot as I remember; I already got too much of it on my arms from the short trip between North Palm and here.
day 1:
502 miles to Ocean City, Maryland, where I met up with Jeannie, Louie, Little Jeannie and Justina. We then went to a Parks & Rec's convention.
day 2:
533 miles to the midlands of South Carolina.
day 3:
567 miles to North Palm Beach. I didn't want to go even a few more miles to West Palm or Hypoluxo. John's Mom fed me and I stayed there the night. Right now I'm at Scott & Chrissie's in Hypoluxo. The sun is very hot as I remember; I already got too much of it on my arms from the short trip between North Palm and here.
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Sunday, April 14, 2002
The tax are done!! It wasn't so hard. I just had to follow the directions and follow them through to the end. The weather should clear up mid-Monday so I can start the trip Tuesday morning, early. Now to pack.
I found Mysterious Dave alive and well in his foyer enjoying a refreshing beverage and contemplating cigars. We got nostalgic for our tobacco picking days in the Pioneer Valley (Whately) when we were much younger. From what I gathered, my brother and I made quite an impression. I guess that I'll leave it at that.
I found Mysterious Dave alive and well in his foyer enjoying a refreshing beverage and contemplating cigars. We got nostalgic for our tobacco picking days in the Pioneer Valley (Whately) when we were much younger. From what I gathered, my brother and I made quite an impression. I guess that I'll leave it at that.
Saturday, April 13, 2002
I don't know if y'all will like this , but I found it very amusing: Non-sequitur, and check out his home site. If these folks are in trouble now, then how far behind them are we?
I have decided to wait until the rain stops for my trip. I keep getting the question, "I thought you left already?". Not quite. The taxes are still not done and it is raining. The new rain suit pants are nice though. But for the slippery roads and the sand it wouldn't be a problem. First Gear made them. No polyvinylchloride (pvc) to suffocate me. I hope that y'all have a great Sunday.
Oh yeah, I got a new windshield. It is a Memphis Shades Fats 19". It has the look of a cop bike shield. It is certainly big enough to do the job. ...a few more pieces of the puzzle to put into place...
I have decided to wait until the rain stops for my trip. I keep getting the question, "I thought you left already?". Not quite. The taxes are still not done and it is raining. The new rain suit pants are nice though. But for the slippery roads and the sand it wouldn't be a problem. First Gear made them. No polyvinylchloride (pvc) to suffocate me. I hope that y'all have a great Sunday.
Oh yeah, I got a new windshield. It is a Memphis Shades Fats 19". It has the look of a cop bike shield. It is certainly big enough to do the job. ...a few more pieces of the puzzle to put into place...
Friday, April 12, 2002
I am delayed again so i hope to leave Saturday morning. The is a gap between my newly positioned lowers and my windshield. A column of air comes blasting through so I have to either fill that gap or take off the lowers alltogether. The taxes aren't done yet either. Thanks for following my...ahem,...progress.
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
Hello hungry readers! I'm in the middle of planning my ride to Florida. I can't figure how to put on the forward mounts, so i'll bring them with me in hopes that I'll get some help. The bike is great with the new handlebars, sprocket, springs and shocks though. A new ride, all thanks to the strickly ace 750 forum and the cruise customizing web page who gave me all the ideas of how to spend more money. I hope to leave for the trip Friday (not so) bright and early. pre-sun up or very close. I should tell my sister outside of Annapolis that I'll be on my way. I need to go to 'hamp for some more shopping. I want some waterproof socks and some long underwear/silk for warmth. Maybe a camping store. I went to Westfield the other day and got some gerbing heated gloves and socks, plus rain gear. I want to feel my toes and fingers after some time in chilly weather. Tomorrow I'll have to be productive. Judy will watch the dog while I'm gone because I believe she is home the most. I got a big bag of food for the ex-monster today. See y'all later...
Monday, April 08, 2002
Wednesday, April 03, 2002
I went to see Peava the other day and by now he should have a shorter cast. I've been helping my brother deliver kitchen stuff the last two days so the dog and I have not made it into town. I finally caught up to Matt. He is a regional manager for a wireless company. He is all grown up and adult with his own kid. Twenty years is a long time.
The bike isn't ready yet. The heated grips don't fit the bars so I'll have to wait until the replacement grip for the left side.. The shop couldn't get the grip off that side. The forward mounts should be here soon. I had to send an e-mail to Monica turning down her offer of a trip to Seattle. I don't know that I'll make it to Florida on the bike but I don't feel that I need to visit the northwest before the big move. Maybe the relocation angels are aiding me, or will.
If you didn't know it already, click on the bunny below.
The bike isn't ready yet. The heated grips don't fit the bars so I'll have to wait until the replacement grip for the left side.. The shop couldn't get the grip off that side. The forward mounts should be here soon. I had to send an e-mail to Monica turning down her offer of a trip to Seattle. I don't know that I'll make it to Florida on the bike but I don't feel that I need to visit the northwest before the big move. Maybe the relocation angels are aiding me, or will.
If you didn't know it already, click on the bunny below.
Sunday, March 31, 2002
Friday, March 29, 2002
What a beautiful day. I can hear the sounds of the new bridge construction going on from here at the house. I asked someone at the site today about their timetable considering all the good weather they have had this past winter. He told me that they might be ahead now but that will not necessarily mean a quick completion of the project. This is due, he explained, to the need they have to do some work in the river itself. They do not have a permit to work in the river until sometime in June, so even if the work may be ahead of schedule now, he cautioned that the completion date may be far off. It looks as though they are readying for more (cement) pouring. I won't probably be here when it is finished.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Monday, March 25, 2002
How in the hell did they do THIS? Go to this site and check it out. See what Dan Gillmor says about the emerging digital age, and what Michael Fraase says about these dancing elephants. ***Webcasting legally*** If imposed on copying then "we may end up copying the USSR".
You can't buy a PC in Cuba.
In Afghanistan, "What seemed like a good idea in the context of the Cold War is being criticized by humanitarian workers as a crude tool that steeped a generation in violence", as explained in this article.
You can't buy a PC in Cuba.
In Afghanistan, "What seemed like a good idea in the context of the Cold War is being criticized by humanitarian workers as a crude tool that steeped a generation in violence", as explained in this article.
Not that I understand the situation in the mid-east, but the desperation and sense of hoplessness that pervades the occupied territories have to be addressed. Will that situation ever improve? And on the note of improving situations, globalization, poverty and debt relief are addressed during a UN summit in northern Mexico. Plenty are still sceptical.
Sunday, March 24, 2002
The Russians have a new submarine. It comes out while part of the Kursk still sits on the ocean floor. The Gepard is supposed to go deeper than its American counterparts.
Richard Reeves is alarmed, as are others, in the Bush administration's tight control of information and outright lying. Theodore Olson "officially announced last week that when the government chooses to lie, the public's business is none of the public's business", and David Broder reminds us of the president's narrow mandate.
I don't think that I can impress enough the benefits of what this next article explores. Everyone should do it.
I have a Peava (Dave) update. I found him comfortably in his chair watching television again with his son waiting on him. He is looking forward to getting a smaller cast so that he can go downstairs, get his e-mail, and load his shells. The little dog and I will stop in while we are on the other side of the bridge construction. She gets a biscuit, Dave gets a visit and I get some exercise. Post your e-mails. Y'all have a great week.
Richard Reeves is alarmed, as are others, in the Bush administration's tight control of information and outright lying. Theodore Olson "officially announced last week that when the government chooses to lie, the public's business is none of the public's business", and David Broder reminds us of the president's narrow mandate.
I don't think that I can impress enough the benefits of what this next article explores. Everyone should do it.
I have a Peava (Dave) update. I found him comfortably in his chair watching television again with his son waiting on him. He is looking forward to getting a smaller cast so that he can go downstairs, get his e-mail, and load his shells. The little dog and I will stop in while we are on the other side of the bridge construction. She gets a biscuit, Dave gets a visit and I get some exercise. Post your e-mails. Y'all have a great week.
Saturday, March 23, 2002
I took the little dog for a walk and we stopped at Dave's house to visit (the little dog stayed outside) because he recently broke his leg. He said that it hurt the worst when they were getting him x-rayed. He broke the two bones in his lower leg. Now he has a bigass cast half way up his thigh. Getting to the bathroom is a chore. Poor Dave can't reload his gun shells because they are in the basement. The accident happened at UMass, where he is responsible for keeping the grounds safe for students, employees and everyone as a supervisor in janitorial or grounds. If you would like to cheer Dave up then send him an e-mail. I'll let him know that these are coming. Stay tuned for Dave updates!
Thursday, March 21, 2002
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
It is the first day of spring and it snows all day. I took the dog for a long walk again and as we were walking by the bridge construction site today I asked one of the workers when they would start pouring that side of the abutment. He told me that they had just poured an 8 foot plug. That means that they have found the bottom on that side of the river (they had to go down a lot further than expected) and they now have a base to build on. Maybe we'll have a bridge again. I think that the dog knows when we can cross on that site and when we can't. Not that bad dog anymore.
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
The Montague Conservation Commission is holding Guilford Transportaion Co. responsible for wetlands violations off Greenfield Road. Hopefully this thing can be cleared up soon so that we can once again use that road to get home. I'm tired of using Hatchery Road, as I am sure that the folks on Hatchery road are sick of us. This may expedite the matter so that the bridge can be replaced.
The battle for a renovated Turners Falls High School may be a little easier after this news. It looks like the town will get "maximum reimbursement" for the $31.6 million school renovation and expansion. This will leave $3.1 million to be picked up by the towns of Montague and Gill.
Saturday, March 16, 2002
No road race for me today. I went out with friends last night. I'm hoping for at least 50 degrees today. Good for the bike and running. I will take the bike out anyways because the weather will be cold for the rest of the week. I'll look up Adam too. He should be back from his bike week trip in Florida. I don't know whether I have any readers outside the family, but I wish you all a great weekend. : )
Thursday, March 14, 2002
I took the bike out today and went to say hi to Bob, Cindy and the Wendies. The sun and warmth were getting to me. I spent eight years in Florida and after one winter back in New England I get excited over a 60 degree day. Oh boy. I even went running today too. I sprained my ankle last August and today was my first really long run. Depending on how the ankle feels Saturday I'd like to run the Holyoke St. Patrick's Day Road Race. I just checked and the online pre-registration is closed. I've run it before and then I didn't even register. I just jumped in with Gene and we ran that way. If I go I'll wear his shirt for some free advertisement.
After I got back from the run, I called an insurance company, zoomed over there, got the insurance and then went to Greenfield to register it in this state. I was trying to avoid Massachusetts but I have been here too long for that. It was quite easy. You just have to have the right answers and give them money when they ask for it. Just keep the money coming. I found out that my lowest temperature for riding is 40 degrees, (or more). Really over 50. Woo hoo.
After I got back from the run, I called an insurance company, zoomed over there, got the insurance and then went to Greenfield to register it in this state. I was trying to avoid Massachusetts but I have been here too long for that. It was quite easy. You just have to have the right answers and give them money when they ask for it. Just keep the money coming. I found out that my lowest temperature for riding is 40 degrees, (or more). Really over 50. Woo hoo.
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Michael Moore is having trouble keeping up with his book signings. At a signing for his book in San Diego, stupid White Men, he found himself close to arrest.
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
I just sent the orders for the forward mounts and the lowers for my bike today. I already ordered a 39 tooth sprocket from sprocket specialists and it will be here Thursday. At the Honda shop I had them order new shocks for better control and a better ride. I'll deal with getting new handlebars when I can ride it again. It's better to collect all this stuff now when it is cold out.
Monday, March 11, 2002
Let me just list a bunch of things that are rolling around in my head/being: I need to get a Mass license, I need to register Mom's car and my bike in Mass, I need to get a trailer I think for my trip out west, I need to order some extras for my bike, I need to coordinate with tracy as far as my pre-trip trip out there, I need to get back to Annie about watching the dogs and helping out with the sugar supper, I need to pick Erica up today, Wednesday and Friday and I have to figure out just when I'll take a final tour of Florida on my Bike (before I move). ...and during all of this the dog is bitching at me because she wants me to take her out for a walk. I gave her a bath today. She smells good! Tara calls.
Friday, March 08, 2002
Well, the meeting took place and the result is that motion four passed and also motion five passed. What a nail biter. There were a number of attempts from the dissenters to table the vote for later, to question the legality of the vote, to question the environmental impact of a firehouse there, and the impact of more taxes. The tax bill will still be quite less than that for Turners', any alternate property that is available was not feasible and thanks to Mrs. Chief Greene, it was found to be a legal vote. Sam Lovejoy proved to be a fountain of pertinent information and Clarkson Edwards put forth a compelling argument for going ahead with the project.
The naysayers were voted down. How can you vote against a new firehouse? To delay would mean to incur many more costs. The time is now and that was what had to be understood. The vote divided between the lefty and the established residents (to my understanding). This was not a perfect situation; there were time constraints and an anti-development bend on such an endevour was out of place. I think that it came down to the fact that here you had two distinct groups of people and they weren't going to agree. End of story. That has been my gripe with the left because they have failed to enter the community. You won't lose your precious selves if you make new friends. These are good people. The left will never make any headway unless they truly enter the community and understand their neighbors. It is such a simple principle. I guess my time out of the happy valley has been to my benefit. This may seem cruel but the present left are chumps who cannot see. Take this in a constructive manner please.
The naysayers were voted down. How can you vote against a new firehouse? To delay would mean to incur many more costs. The time is now and that was what had to be understood. The vote divided between the lefty and the established residents (to my understanding). This was not a perfect situation; there were time constraints and an anti-development bend on such an endevour was out of place. I think that it came down to the fact that here you had two distinct groups of people and they weren't going to agree. End of story. That has been my gripe with the left because they have failed to enter the community. You won't lose your precious selves if you make new friends. These are good people. The left will never make any headway unless they truly enter the community and understand their neighbors. It is such a simple principle. I guess my time out of the happy valley has been to my benefit. This may seem cruel but the present left are chumps who cannot see. Take this in a constructive manner please.
Tonight the residents of the Montague Center Fire District will vote on whether to approve the construction of a new firehouse to be built on Old Sunderland Road. This should prove to be interesting. As the article in the Greenfield Recorder said yesterday, the fire district has outgrown the present firehouse (it used to hold carriages). There are no training facilities or showers and the vehicles the station presently has barely fit into their bays. There are critics who are concerned about a raise in taxes and environmental impacts. Fire Chief John Greene said in The Recorder that there will be four items on the agenda, "the first two have to do with the proposed fire station, and the second two ask for money that the district used as a match for a federal grant be replaced in two different accounts." The tax rates would be double what they are now if Montague Center merged with the Turners Falls Fire District, and the result would probably be worse service. The Montague Center Fire District firefighters are a well-trained volunteer force who are nominally paid for their dedication and hard work. I believe that they deserve, as do the inhabitants of the fire district, a new firehouse. The meeting will be at the firehouse on Station Street at 7:00 PM.
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