Monday, October 20, 2003

Almost five inches of rain today. When this happened at home a few years ago it made quite a mess. It usually doesn't rain this amount here. Per year there is more rainfall in the northeast than in the Seattle area. There are more rain days here I guess. It sort of mists and rains here and we seldom have hard showers. So I bought some cheap boots from one of the remaining K-Marts anywhere. They'll keep me warm for the winter. It looks as though I will have a job for the winter. Randy is going to order me a jumpsuit for upcoming work, as it gets colder and colder. Through all this rain today I saw plenty of motorcyclists commuting from work. They must have their own jumpsuits. I'm not outfitted for that yet.

I took advantage of this weather to get the apartment extremely clean. I even cleaned out the bulk of unread newspapers and magazines, paid my bills, got all my laundry done and sat in traffic on my way to REI. They didn't have what I needed at my price so I ended up at K-Mart. I didn't get the car cleaned but the weather wasn't good for that anyways. I have a few more projects I'd like to complete and I'm sure there will be many more rainy days for those. Y'all have a great week.

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